EMF Paint - What It Is, How It Works, and What To Buy [2021] (2024)

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There are so many products that have come out to help protect us from the dangers of EMF radiation, and one of the products that I think is a bit underutilized, is EMF protection paint.

This is a product that is extremely versatile and can protect you from EMF radiation exposures in a way that many other products can’t.

In this article I’m going to cover in depth why a product like this is needed, what it is, how it works, what to buy, and so much more.

Let’s start by talking about why we even need protections like this?

Why Do We Need EMF Shielding Products Like EMF Paint?

Companies all over the world are jumping on the ‘Internet of Things’ bandwagon. Us humans are attracted to new, shiny things. We think it’s really cool that we can connect to the appliances in our home while at our office across town. Companies both large and small have caught on.

They know that if their product has the capability to connect wirelessly to your phone, that you’re more likely to buy it. Most of your neighbor’s homes are filled with gadgets that emit radio frequencies.

This has created an exponentially bigger demand for wireless technology. More ‘macro’ cell towers are being erected everyday.

Soon, your city will likely have the addition of several thousand new 5G ‘small’ cells. Add the several thousand satellites that companies like SpaceX and Amazon are planning to put into low orbit, and it will soon be virtually impossible to avoid radio frequency exposure anywhere on earth.

So what is a smart, health-conscious person like you supposed to do?

First of all, make an impact with your behaviors. The more of us that stop using our cell phones, the less demand there will be.

We can’t really complain about all the radiation around us if we’re relying on cell phones for daily communication.

Remember, it was only a few short years ago that none of us had a cell phone, and we got by just fine! I would even argue that there is a direct correlation between quality of life, and the amount of time spent staring at your phone. Just think of how much time you’d gain on a given day if you put your phone down…

Another option is to hardwire your phone to the Internet. If your Internet connection is not already hardwired, see my article here for step-by-step instructions. Once you have that done, all you need is an Ethernet adapter for your phone so that you can plug it in your router.

Do you have a phone adapter on your website or link to one on Amazon? Now you can surf the Internet as much as you’d like without radiofrequency exposure.

*Note. You can’t make or receive phone calls this way, but a hardwired landline will take care of that. You can also get a free Google Voice number and make calls through your hardwired phone for free!

Reducing your reliance on your cell phone is one of the best ways to affect change as well as protecting your family.

Of course, not everyone is willing to do this. Even if you change your habits, it doesn’t mean that everyone else will. And due to our ever-increasing exposure to pulsed microwave radiation, its time that we consider more aggressive options like shielding our homes.

This is particularly more important as more and more satellites are launched into our atmosphere.

So what is shielding? Basically, shielding your home from EMF’s consists of using specific types of materials that block radio frequencies.

Think about the last time you got an x-ray at the dentist’s office. Remember that big heavy apron they put over your neck and chest? Those aprons are so heavy because they are lined with lead. Lead is one metal that is good at blocking radiation.

All the dentist wants to see are your teeth, so why expose your thyroid, chest, and torso to that ionizing radiation?

The lead-in that apron deflects the radiation away from your body. This is the same method we use for shielding your home from wireless communications.

Shielding materials that block radiation from cell towers, cell phones, Wi-Fi and the like, works in the same way.

There are carbon-based paints, metal siding, metal window screens, fabrics woven with different metals like copper, silver or aluminum, window cling, wall-paper, and new products being developed on a regular basis. In this article, the primary focus will be on the shielding paints.

How does EMF blocking paint work?

Most of the paints on the market today use carbon or metals to block the radio frequencies. When the radiation hits the reflective material, it bounces away from the surface.

This is a very important thing to understand. If you decide to paint your home or even one room in your home, then you do NOT want to use any wireless devices inside those areas. This is especially true if you’re painting all the walls, the ceiling, and the floor, which is recommended.

Think about it, if you’re inside of a faraday cage, which is essentially what you’re creating by painting an entire room, then the radio frequencies inside this room will bounce off the walls right back at you.

This will greatly increase your exposure. So if you do decide to paint your house, you need to commit to a 100% wireless home. (Which I strongly suggest anyway.)

Or, if you just decide to paint a single room, then you should not have any wireless technologies inside the room while it’s occupied.

While most people are employing these paints for the purpose of shielding from radio frequency, they will also shield from electric fields produced by the wires in your walls. For this application, however, the paint must be grounded. We’ll cover how to properly ground your paint below.

Are Some EMF Shielding Paints Better Than Others?

Popular brands of RF blocking paint include Y-shield, CuPro-Cote, EMF-Turtal, Aegis Guard, and Geovital T-98. Each of these brands uses different materials, and as such, may require different methods of application.

No matter which brand you choose, it’s very important to follow the manufacturer’s directions carefully. You can’t assume that one brand works just like another you’ve used before. Let’s take a deeper look into the brands listed above.

Yshield EMF Paint

EMF Paint - What It Is, How It Works, and What To Buy [2021] (1)

Check Yshield Prices on Amazon.
Read my full Yshield Review

Y-shield comes in two basic formulas. Yshield HSF54 and HSF64.

HSF45 is a water-based graphite and carbon conductive paint. It comes in one color: black. Keep this in mind as you want to apply at least 2-3 coats and then you’ll need to apply several topcoats if you want any other color than black.

I personally really like Yshield paint because it’s simple to use, has great customer reviews, works as intended, and provides very high levels of radiation protection and RF shielding.

Depending on the size of your home or area you want to paint, this can get expensive quickly as a 5-litre pail costs over $200.00. The more coats you apply, the better attenuation you achieve.

The manufacturer claims to achieve up to a 59 dB reduction in radio frequency with three coats of paint. If you need a primer on what db means, see this article, however essentially it’s a measurement of a material or product’s shielding effectiveness. Roughly, a 59 db loss means the paint is blocking 99.9999% of the radio frequencies.

One coat of paint will produce a 39b loss (99.99%) and two coats will achieve a 49db loss (99.999%).

For highly sensitive people, and because not everyone is an experienced painter, three coats are recommended to achieve the best results.

As you can see from the image below, each new layer of Yshield paint dramatically increases the attenuation of the product and does provide more protection.

EMF Paint - What It Is, How It Works, and What To Buy [2021] (2)

Their HSF64 is a silicate-based paint without any preservatives. It is marketed as ‘breathable, solvent-free, plasticizer-free, and low-emission’. This means the HSF64 is a good option for anyone with chemical sensitivities.

With one coat of the HSF64, the manufacturer claims to achieve a 36db loss (99.9%), two coats will achieve a 43db loss (99.99%). And three coats will achieve up to a 53 db reduction (99.999%).

Both paints are ‘5G Ready’ meaning they will block millimeter waves up to 40GHz.

EMF protection paint like this will also protect against magnetic fields, and even low-frequency electric fields.

In the last few years, Y Shield has come out with three new lines of paint for more specific applications. This reflects the growing need for shielding material across the world (they are a German-based company and sell their products worldwide). The three new products include:

  • MAX54: Special paint with the focus onmaximum shielding, if every single dB counts.Up to 83 dB. Limitations at hardness abrasion resistance and smell.
  • PRO54: Special paint with the focus onhardness and abrasionresistance due to carbon fibers.Up to 52 dB. TÜV-SÜD certified. Limitations at shielding and smell.
  • NSF34: Low frequency shielding paint againstelectrical fields.Up to 80 dB= 99.99 %. TÜV-SÜD certified. To shield electrical devices, fuse boxes, power lines, etc.

As the standard paints listed above block over 99% of radio frequencies, the Max54 and Pro54 are really made for those extremely sensitive people.

The NSF34 will do a good job of shielding the electric fields from the standard wiring in your walls, but the standard paints will do this also. If you live outside of Europe however, you may have a difficult time purchasing these specialty paints, as they are not readily available.

CuPro-Cote EMR Shielding Paint

CuPro-Cote is a unique EMF blocking paint as it’s made with copper. The consistency of this paint makes it convenient to spray, brush, or roll for easy application.

The copper paint is low VOC, non-toxic, and spills clean up easily (unlike the black carbon-based paints). One gallon covers 400-670sq ft and costs $614 before shipping.

Because the paint is copper in color, you won’t need as many topcoats. The manufacturer claims to achieve an attenuation of ‘more than 75 dB from 30 MHz to 1.5 GHz’. I could not find any information as to frequencies above 1.5 GHz, so we don’t know the effectiveness of this paint on ‘5G’ millimeter waves.

The manufacturer also does not specify how many coats are needed to achieve this attenuation, so always be sure the measure with a good EMF meter (like my favorite the Trifield TF2) to ensure you’ve reached the desired results.

EMF-Turtal EMF Protection Paint

EMF Paint - What It Is, How It Works, and What To Buy [2021] (3)

EMF-Turtal is a powder-based paint made with ‘pure acrylate, graphite and graphene technology’ that you mix with water.

Because it comes in powder form, you can save money on shipping, and store it for longer than a pre-mixed paint.

It is also marketed as a ‘low-odor, low-emission shielding paint, which does not contain any chemical solvents’ which makes it good for chemically sensitive people as well.

The EMF-Turtal comes in 2 forms: Xshield paint for indoor applications and Outdoor Xshield for outdoor applications. One coat of a gallon of paint will cover 400sq ft. Two coats minimum is required, and three coats are recommended.

EMF-Turtal claims to effectively block ‘5G’ millimeter waves of 40GHz by up to 64db with two coats.

Aegis Guard EMF Protection Wall Paint

EMF Paint - What It Is, How It Works, and What To Buy [2021] (4)

Aegis Guard is a company that makes a line of products to block radio frequencies Their ‘Life Series Radiation Shields consist of 3 product families incorporating a proprietarydeflectionand oscillating technology containing microscopic shielding compounds’.

Their products include a laundry additive, paint, and spray. See their website to learn more about these different products.

The Aegis Guard paint is a ‘proprietary’ blend, so we don’t know what the ingredients are! It claims to have no metals in the product and therefore, grounding is not needed.

According to the website, ‘AegisGuard™ LP safely deflects and scatters (breaks apart) up to all 5G, and proposed 6G, device,and carrieroperating frequencies from 5 Hz. to 30 GHz., 120 GHz., 360 GHz, or 1.1 THz. up to 99.998% at power levels from 1 milliwatt (0.001 Watt) to 25 Watts measured at the point of contact.

Custom models supporting higher power levels and frequencies up to 4.8 THz. are made to order.’ That sentence is pretty techy, may or may not want to remove. There are four different versions of the paint, each with their own frequency attenuation:

  • 5 Hz. – 30 GHz. Frequency Range Paint costs $154.95 for 4 ounces.
  • 5 Hz. – 120 GHz. Frequency Range costs $364.95 for 4 ounces.
  • 5 Hz. – 360 GHz. Frequency Range costs $959.95 for 4 ounces.
  • 5 Hz. – 1.1 THz. Frequency Range costs $2585.95 for 4 ounces.

Unlike the other paints listed here, Aegis Guard is supposed to be mixed with a gallon of regular interior latex paint or primer. So one bottle will make up to 1 gallon, 4oz. of paint. Two coats are recommended followed by a topcoat.

Geovital T-98 EMF Paint

EMF Paint - What It Is, How It Works, and What To Buy [2021] (5)

The ingredient list for the Geovital T-98 is water, graphite, pure acrylic emulsion, black carbon and additives (specific additives not listed).

The paint is marketed as: ‘a purely acrylic base. It is breathable, solvent-free, and has extremely low emissions.’ Hmm, that sounds familiar.

Based on the packaging, ingredients, and marketing language used by Geovital T-98, I suspect it is nearly the same if not identical to the Y-shield HF 54.

However, the Geovital T-98 claims to have a new formula that ‘absorbs’ up to 15% of the radio frequency so that less is deflected away from the paint. I could not find information on how they achieve this, or what method of testing they use to verify.

T-98 claims to achieve an attenuation of up to 50 dB (99.999%) with frequencies up to 10Ghz. Two coats are recommended. The price of the paint is not listed on the website, nor is the amount of coverage their standards sizes would achieve.

I attempted to contact the company several times but did not get a reply at the time of writing. To work with Geovital products, you are directed to find a local representative in your area.\

If you’re considering Geovital EMF Paint, check out this video from the company to look more about it:

Do EMF Protection Paints Actually Work?

Though the claims these manufactures make are impressive, I like to see the results first hand. I have a Building Biology friend that recently tested three of the above paints to see how well they performed.

She and her colleagues conducted an experiment by painting three identically sized and constructed boxes. One box was painted with Y-shield, one with Aegus Guard, and the last with EMF-Turtal.

Each box had three coats of paint followed by a topcoat. (They tried to get Geovital T-98 but had trouble making contact with the company to purchase.)

To conduct the test, they placed a high-end EMF meter inside the first box that was hard-wired to a computer to show the meter readings.

They identified a signal in the area of 750 Mhz. They took readings inside all three boxes with the same meter within a few minutes of each other. Here were the results:

  • Box one: painted with EMF-Turtal – small, occasional spikes seen with a an overall reduction of 90-80 db
  • Box two: painted with Aegus Guard – lots of activity was seen in the 750mHz range with an overall reduction of 60 db
  • Box three: Y-shield – somewhat reduced activity with fewer spikes and an overall reduction of 73 dB

I found these to be impressive results. Of course, this test should be seen for what it is – a one-time test by a few people without a laboratory setting to control for all variables.

However, I am encouraged that the results were consistent with, if not better than what each of the companies advertised.

How To Ground EMF Paint

*Note – in some areas, you may need to contact your city to inquire what your responsibilities are regarding grounding. Some municipalities may require this grounding be done by a licensed electrician. Make sure you know what the proper protocols are before you begin.

Conductive paint should be grounded. This is primarily so that you give the electrical fields from the wiring in your walls a path away from your living space.

Before you begin painting, make sure you have all the necessary equipment: a grounding plate, conductive tape, and a grounding cable. You will need to do some math to make sure you have enough supplies for the area you’re painting.

Once you’re ready to begin, follow the steps below.

*Note, these steps are general outline to give you an idea of what grounding your paint entails. Different variables (the paint chosen, size of the room, house configuration, wiring configuration and EMF readings etc) may dictate different ways to ground effectively. Always consult the manufacturer guidelines of the paint you have purchased, as well as the grounding kit. It is advised to consult with a Building Biologist or EMF consultant for best results.

1. Turn off all breakers to the rooms you want to paint.

2. Decide on an accessible location to install the grounding plate. Prepare by drilling holes where the plate will be attached.

3. Before installing the plate, paint the room with two coats of the paint you’ve chosen. Let dry.

4. Now attach your grounding tape to the wall starting at the location of the grounding plate. Note that you want to use one piece of continuous tape (no tears or new pieces). Run one piece of tape along the wall, up and around doors or closets, and back to the starting point.

5. Now paint one final coat of paint over the entire area and the tape.

6. Screw in the grounding plate.

7. Apply your topcoats. Remember to tape the grounding plate to avoid paint drips.

8. Connect the grounding wire to the grounding plate.

9. Test with an EMF meter to ensure you’ve achieved the desired results.

Consideration Before Investing in EMF Shielding Paint.

Though high-quality shielding paint can be highly effective for reducing your radio frequency exposure, there are several very important considerations you should think about before making the investment.

1. Shielding paint is permanent

Some shielding materials like fabrics, wallpaper, metal screens etc, can be removed. Once you’ve painted your walls, the only way to ‘undo’ it, is to remove the drywall, or whatever substrate you’ve applied it to.

In some cases, this is impossible or cost-prohibitive. In some cases, extremely sensitive people may actually feel worse in a faraday cage, and if this happens, this area has become uninhabitable.

You should also consider the future of the house or room. If your family moves out of the home, and a new family moves in, will they be aware of the shielding paint?

Consider the average family that may move into this space, using Wi-Fi and numerous wireless devices inside. Their exposure will be dramatically increased due to the deflection of the paint.

2. Chemical sensitivities

Though many of the paints listed above claim to be low VOC, some extremely sensitive people may still react. It may take several days or weeks to air out a newly paint room before a chemically sensitive person can be in the space without an adverse reaction.

3. Shielding one wall vs. all walls, ceilings and floors

Some people may choose to partially paint a room. For example, if you have a cell tower directly to the North of a specific room, and no radio frequency sources coming from the East, West or South, you may be able to shield only the North wall.

This is also really common as a way to protect your home from a smart meter. Many people will use EMF protection paint on the inside wall that is shared with the smart meter to protect against the high-frequency radiation.

This can be effective as well as save you money. However, you must consider the floor and ceiling. If you’re on a ground level, you don’t need to worry about the floor.

You do however want to consider the ceiling. How tall is the tower? Is it coming from above? A good meter will help you identify this.

You may be able to get away with shielding one wall, or a partial section of the room, but you will always need to pay attention to any new sources in the area.

If a new source pops up in another direction, then you’ve created a situation where you’ve amplified your exposure due to the frequency bounding off the painted wall back into your living space. In general, we recommend painting all the walls plus the ceiling and floor if you on an upper floor.

4. Penetrations inside the room

You must also shield any penetrations that are in this room to create a complete enclosure. This includes windows and doors. For windows, you need to either install an aluminum window screen to cover the entire opening or window cling. I recommend the window screen so that you can still open up your windows for fresh air.

Don’t forget the door! You should also paint the door, but be mindful about what happens when the door is open. Are their frequencies entering the room? You will need to keep the door closed in order to achieve a full enclosure.

You can see that while painting can be highly effective, there are many things to consider. If you live in a densely populated area with numerous exposures, including 5G, it may be worth the investment. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all of this information, I suggest reaching out to an expert for help. They do this kind of thing routinely and can make the whole process a lot easier for you!

Finally, I’ll leave you with a great video about a gentleman who painted the entire exterior of his house with Yshield EMF protection paint to protect his home from electrosmog and gains some peace of mind:

EMF Paint - What It Is, How It Works, and What To Buy [2021] (2024)


What is in eMF paint? ›

Shielding paint contains flakes of sheet metal, such as nickel, copper, silver, steel, or brass—materials that radio frequencies cannot pass through. This works under the same principle as putting on a metal apron when you're getting an X-ray to protect yourself from radiation.

Why do department stores use eMF paint? ›

Answer: RFID paint can be used by large retailers in their stores in order to block interference with their RFID and scanners for product tags and IDs.

Can you paint over eMF paint? ›

While ECOS EMF paint only comes in grey, you can paint over it with a regular wall paint of your choice after it has fully dried.

What is EMP paint? ›

This architectural electromagnetic shielding paint is a 1-part, water-based conductive paint, pigmented with highly conductive silver coated copper flake. It is easy to use, with no let-down and no heat cure necessary. It can be applied by spray, brush, or roller.

What material can block EMF? ›

Typical materials used for electromagnetic shielding include thin layer of metal, sheet metal, metal screen, and metal foam. Common sheet metals for shielding include copper, brass, nickel, silver, steel, and tin.

How do I block EMF in my house? ›

Certain materials, such as carbon or nickel, help block EMF signals, so you can use materials made from these to keep EMF out. You can drape EMF canopies around beds, EMF shields around appliances, and curtains on windows. For particularly large outside radiation sources, look into paints that block EMF signals.

What does EMF do to you? ›

Some members of the public have attributed a diffuse collection of symptoms to low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields at home. Reported symptoms include headaches, anxiety, suicide and depression, nausea, fatigue and loss of libido.

What puts out the most EMF? ›

Functioning electrical appliances and power lines produce EMF. Even the earth produces small amounts of EMF. Therefore, everyone is exposed to this form of energy. The highest EMF exposure can occur using appliances such as electric blankets, microwave ovens, and hair dryers.

How do I block EMF radiation on my phone? ›

A great tactic is to place your phone on airplane mode to reduce the levels of radiation. Turn off WiFi at night - if possible. Use hands free while talking on your smartphone and text whenever possible.

What can you use magnetic paint on? ›

Magnetic paint can create a fridge-like surface where magnets can stick. You can use magnetic paint on any surface, but it's most effective on walls. Using the right magnets is key for getting a “sticky” surface. You need multiple coats of paint to create a magnetic surface.

Does graphite block EMF? ›

Carbon materials in the graphite allotrope family are attractive for electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding in the microwave/radio-wave regime, due to their electrical conductivity, low density and corrosion resistance.

What material can block an EMP? ›

Use tinfoil

A home-made Faraday cage (more on Faraday cages later) can be created by completely covering your electronics or appliances in tinfoil. Wrap the chosen device with a cloth, paper or any non-conductive insulation and add about three layers of tinfoil with no visible gaps.

Can you EMP proof your house? ›

The answer is yes, you can protect your entire home from EMP with the right measures in place. Investing in whole home surge protection can help shield your home against the effects of an EMP attack, similar to how it protects against a lightning strike or electrical surge.

Is there a paint that blocks WiFi? ›

As the name suggests, EMF-blocking paint is made with materials that are designed to prevent electromagnetic fields from passing through walls. It does so by combining paint with materials such as carbon or nickel.

What is EMF made of? ›

Electromagnetic fields are a combination of invisible electric and magnetic fields of force. They are generated by natural phenomena like the Earth's magnetic field but also by human activities, mainly through the use of electricity.

What is electric paint made of? ›

Graphene and graphite are crystal allotropes of carbon which also conduct electricity. Graphite powder can be mixed with a binder such as acrylic glaze to make a conductive paint that can be used in solar and battery projects.

What is anti radar paint made of? ›

Iron ball paint absorber

One of the most commonly known types of RAM is iron ball paint. It contains tiny spheres coated with carbonyl iron or ferrite. Radar waves induce molecular oscillations from the alternating magnetic field in this paint, which leads to conversion of the radar energy into heat.

Is EMF allergy real? ›

The symptoms are certainly real and can vary widely in their severity. Whatever its cause, EHS can be a disabling problem for the affected individual. EHS has no clear diagnostic criteria and there is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF exposure.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.