PhenQ Fat Burner Review (2024 Update) | BarBend (2024)

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When it comes to fat loss, the process can be long and frustrating. While food intake, cardio, andresistance trainingare the most important factors when it comes to making changes in body fat content, there may be other options out there that can help graduallyreduce fat— enter PhenQ’s fat burner. Manufactured by Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited, PhenQ is designed for naturalweight loss managementthat may help youshed extra fatand keep it off.

PhenQ is a great option for folks who want a fat burner that doesn’t just target fat loss, but aims to help keep it off by curbing hunger cravings. While some brands may promote theirfat burneras a one-stop-shop fix, know that you’ll never achieve your fat loss goals without adedicated dietand training program (1). PhenQ has a diverse range of ingredients like Capsimax, a-Lacys Reset®, nopal cactus, and chromium picolinate which work synergistically to potentially promote fat loss and keep it off. It’s also FDA approved through General Manufacturing Practices meaning it’s considered safe, pure, and effective by the FDA. If you’re looking for a robust fat burner with a scientifically backed ingredient list, read on for our full breakdown of this product.

PhenQ Fat Burner Video Review

BarBend’s Nick English breaks down the company info, potential effects, ingredient list, price point, and pros and cons of PhenQ. This video review gives you a step by step look at PhenQ to see if this product could be right for your fat loss goals.

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to speak with your physician before making any significant changes to your diet or exercise routine.

Main Takeaways

  • PhenQ focuses on five methods for burning fat and keeping it off— burning fat, reducing fat accumulation, subsiding cravings, boosting energy, and boosting mood.
  • This formula contains ingredients that may promote thermogenesis, such as a-Lacys Reset® and Capsimax powder, as well as potentially craving-curbing ingredients like nopal cactus, chromium picolinate, and caffeine.
  • PhenQ only requires you to take two pills per day; some fat burners may require up to six.

PhenQ Fat Burner

PhenQ Fat Burner Review (2024 Update) | BarBend (1)

PhenQ Fat Burner

This brand combines l-carnitine, caffeine, cayenne pepper, and nopal cactus, among other ingredients, to create a high-quality fat burner. However, it is a little pricier than other products.

PhenQ Fat Burner Highlights

If you’re working towards a fat loss goal and you need an extra kick on top of your training and diet, a fat loss pill may be your answer. PhenQ’s formula aims to promote fat loss in five different ways — by burning fat, reducing fat accumulation, curbing your sugar cravings, and boosting your energy and mood.

It’s formulated with ingredients like Capsimax, which some research suggests may promote fat loss, reduce body weight and provide anti-obesity properties such as potentially lowering lipid levels and decreasing triglyceride levels (2). It also contains the ingredient a-Lacys Reset®, made from alpha-lipoic acid which one study proposes has small but significant decreases in BMI and body fat when utilized for fat loss reasons (3).
PhenQ Fat Burner Review (2024 Update) | BarBend (2)
Nopal cactus is another ingredient that may be beneficial. Nopal has fiber, which can be good for digestion, and one study suggested it may have a positive effect on cholesterol and promote leptin, which can inhibit hunger (4). Alongside caffeine, which has been shown to increase fat oxidation in the body, this ingredient list aims to burn fat and keep it off through a multitude of ingredients (5).

Each bottle of PhenQ comes with 30 servings of two pills each and is an over the counter supplement. This all-natural supplement is produced in a Good Manufacturing Practice facility, which is declared by the U.S. FDA. This means that proactive steps are taken to ensure the products are safe, pure, and effective. One bottle of PhenQ costs $79.99 which comes out to $2.66 per serving. The website offers several buying options, which can help you save money, including buying two bottles and getting one free, or buying three bottles and getting two bottles free.

Who Should Buy PhenQ

  • People who prefer taking pills to powders or liquids. One serving of PhenQ is two pills.
  • Anyone who is interested in exploring accelerated fat loss through multiple channels, including a possible boost in thermogenesis, appetite suppression,reduced cravings, andenergyand mood.
  • Those looking for a robust and efficient formulation — this supp includes Capsimax, a-Lacys Reset®, nopal cactus, L-carnitine, chromium picolinate, caffeine, calcium carbonate, L-carnitine, magnesium, silicon dioxide, niacin, and piperine.
  • Folks who want a fat burner that is FDA approved will like that this is Good Manufacturing Practice certified.

Who Shouldn’t Buy PhenQ Fat Burner

  • Anyone who is on a stricter budget. You don’t need a fat loss supplement to lose fat, so stick to hard training and dieting if you’re watching your spending.
  • Those who don’t like taking pills. PhenQ recommends two pills per day.
  • Anyone avoidingcaffeineas this formula contains 150 milligrams of caffeine per serving.

Price and Buying Options

PhenQ’s base price for a bottle of 30 servings is $79.99 ($2.66 per serving), which may be out of reach for some budget-wise. However, the company provides several buying options to make their product more affordable. You’re encouraged to subscribe to regular shipments: When you get two bottles at a time you get a third one for free, so you can get three bottles for $140, dropping the price to $1.55 per day. Their biggest deal comes in at buying three bottles for $209.99 and receiving two extras for free, coming out to $1.39 per serving.

It’s pretty hard to compare different fat burners by price as they vary so widely in ingredients, but it’s true that the most popular on the market tend to be about $1.00 per day..It also has a 60-day money back guarantee.

PhenQ Overall Formulation

PhenQ fat burner has five potential ways it targets fat loss in your system. It includes ingredientssuch as Capsimax, a-Lacy Reset®, nopal, andL-carnitinewhich are geared toward losing fat mass and keeping it off — all of which will be discussed in greater detail below.

Capsicum Extract

Capsaicin is the spicy part of hot peppers and has been touted as an ingredient that benefits immune system health and weight loss goals in a variety of ways. One study suggests that capsicum extract may be good for increasingenergy expenditure, preventing hunger, increasing your satiety, and promoting fat oxidation (6). This formula contains eight milligrams of capsicum extract.

Caffeine Anhydrous

PhenQ contains 150mg of caffeine anhydrous, which is equivalent to one and a half cups of brewed coffee. Caffeine has been shown in some studies to increase energy expenditure, decrease energy intake, and possibly improve weight management through the effects of thermogenesis,fat oxidation, and energy expenditure versus energy intake (7). It can also have a laxative and diuretic effect, so be careful with how much caffeine you consume throughout the day while taking PhenQ.

Chromium Picolinate

Chromium picolinate is regularly found in many dietary supplements. This formula has 80mg of chromium picolinate in it. Though more studies need to be done on the effects of chromium for weight loss, a popular meta analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials published in theInternational Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disordersconcluded that while supplementing may exert a small effect on weight loss, “The clinical relevance of the effect is debatable and the lack of robustness means that the result has to be interpreted with caution.”(8)

Nopal Cactus Fiber

Nopal is a type of cactus that bears the fruit known as prickly pears. It is aprebiotic agent, a functional food, and has been suggested to modifygut microbesto reduce obesity-related abnormalities (9). Nopal is also a source of fiber, which can help with digestive regularity. This formula contains 20mg of nopal.

L-Carnitine Fumarate

L-carnitine is anonessential amino acid, meaning it is naturally made in the body. It is an amino that can help support metabolic processes and is a popular supplement for reducing body fat, but the doses in studies are typically much higher than you get in PhenQ and aren’t on this particular form of l-carnitine. It is worth noting that the study that suggested that it supports metabolic processes was done strictly on elderly population (10)(11). That aside, this formula contains 142.5mg of L-carnitine per serving.

Calcium Carbonate

There isn’t much research on calcium andfat loss, but a 2009 study published inObesity Reviewsfound that calcium may help with fat excretion,although the amount supplemented in the study was about 1,200 milligrams — the recommended daily intake (RDI) for most people is 1,000mg, women over 60 is 1,200mg (12). PhenQ provides 460 milligrams per day, so you may want to ensure you still consumeother forms of calciumto meet your RDI. (Dairy and leafy greens can work great.)

A-Lacys Reset®

PhenQ places a strong emphasis on this ingredient, claiming that it can dramatically lower body fat andincrease muscle mass. It’s a mixture of alpha lipoic acid, L-cysteine acid,and magnesium. It seems to be a pretty strong antioxidant and can possibly help with insulin sensitivity, which is closely tied to weight management (13).

There is some evidence A-Lacy helps reduce appetite and a 2018 meta analysis published inClinical Nutritionfound that it made a “slight but significant” decrease in body weight: a couple of pounds.(14)(15)

However, most of the research suggests at least 800mgof it per serving, and there’s just 50mg of α-Lacys Reset® in a daily dose of PhenQ,so the usefulness is a little unclear.

Piperine Extract

Piperine extract is just black pepper extract, which can have a few different benefits. One study suggests that piperine possesses potential for reducing fat and lowering lipid (fat) levels. (16) Black pepper extract may also be beneficial inbioavailability and absorption, meaning that when it is paired with certain ingredients, the body’s ability to absorb and utilize those ingredients is potentially increased (17).

What to Consider Before Buying PhenQ Fat Burner

There are many factors to consider before adding a new supplement to your stack — especially a fat burner, as the ingredient lists can be so robust and the scientific claims may be confusing.
PhenQ Fat Burner Review (2024 Update) | BarBend (3)
We put together a list of things to consider before purchasing.

Ingredient List

This ingredient list is fairly robust. It has ingredients that include potential for burning fat, maintaining fat loss,suppressing appetite, and boosting energy, such as Capsimax, chromium picolinate, L-carnitine, and caffeine. If there is anything you’re actively avoiding — in this case caffeine may be a good example — you’ll want to look closely at the label and make sure each ingredient agrees with your goals and your body.

It’s also important to think about how the ingredient list may interact with other supplements or medications you’re taking. It’s always a good idea to check in with your healthcare professional before adding a new supplement into your arsenal.

Be Realistic

One of the most important questions to ask yourself when you’re incorporating a fat burner into your supplement stack is, “Why?” Fat burners can be helpful inreaching a fat loss goal, but it’s important to set realistic expectations. A fat burner alone will not get you to your fat loss goal, but when you pair the supplement withresistance training(or youractivity of choice), along with a structured diet plan where you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming, you may get positive results.


PhenQ’s price tag is sizable. It has an all-natural formula and includes a robust ingredient list that aims to potentially burn fat, keep fat off,boost mood and energy, and curbfood cravings.

That said, the serving size is two pills and each bottle contains 30 servings for $79.99. Fat loss products are not necessary to reach your goal, but might be a helpful tool if paired withproper training and nutrition, if it fits your budget. The least you’ll pay for this supplement is $1.39 per serving so it will be important to ask yourself if this is the most helpful supplement to add to your lineup for the price.


This supplement comes in pill form and requires you to take two pills daily. For some people, this is a perk. It makes taking your supplementson the govery easy, makes for less of a mess, and is a no-fuss way to get your supplements wherever and whenever. However, some people prefer to have a powdersupplement to stackit more easily with their other supplements, for flavor options, or because they don’t like to take pills. Whatever your preference may be, it’s important to note that this supplement only comes in the form of pills.

Final Word

No fat burner alone will help you hit your targeted fat loss goals. When paired with a workout regimen and proper nutrition, a fat loss supplement might make a noticeable difference in your fat loss journey. This supplement comes in pill form and contains a handful of potent ingredients that may aid in fat loss including A-Lacys Reset®, caffeine, piperine, nopal, and capsicum extract, to name a few. It requires two pills a day and at most, will cost $2.66 per serving unless you opt to buy in larger quantities.

PhenQ has the potential to burn fat,keep fat off, boost energy expenditure, and curb your cravings and appetite. PhenQ overall is a solid product for increased thermogenesis and fat oxidation when paired withproper training, and might help you burn extra calories throughout your day. If you’re looking for a fat burner with a robust and well-designed ingredient list, and you have the money to spend on a premium product, we think PhenQ is a great option.


Is PhenQ safe?

Each person will respond differently to a supplement, so it’s best to talk with a healthcare professional before adding this to your routine — especially if you have any concerns. This formula is Good Manufacturing Practices certified through the FDA and contains an all natural ingredient list.

Is PhenQ more effective than other fat burning options?

Although each fat-burning supplement will have its own list of ingredients and purposes, we think PhenQ has a solid ingredient list, which may help you burn fat. It also is created with the intention of helping you burn fat in a multitude of ways. It isn’t just focused on burning fat, it’s also focused on keeping fat off, boosting mood and energy, and curbing your cravings. The multifaceted approach that PhenQ takes makes it a top pick for us.

Will PhenQ help me achieve my fat loss goals?

As always, the best way to change your weight will be in your consumption versus expenditure of calories. If you are overeating and not burning enough calories, it will be hard to lose weight even with the help of a fat burner. A fat burner isn’t meant to be a miracle supplement, it’s meant to be a tool in your toolbox. It might help you lose fat if you’re also taking the appropriate steps outside of supplementation, such as working out, eating nutritious foods, and not overindulging.


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Per day: ~$2.30









  • Good dose of Capsimax™
  • Emphasis on fat oxidation and thermogenesis
  • Money back guarantee
  • Source of calcium


  • Some ingredients not well proven
  • Contains caffeine
  • Exaggerated marketing claims
  • Not much focus on appetite suppression

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PhenQ Fat Burner Review (2024 Update) | BarBend (2024)
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