of 12 Our. Baytonn Bum. Sunday, June 3, 1962 CB Church Of Christ Will Hold Adult VBS Classes The Cedar Bayou: Church of Christ will hold Hits Vacation Bible be conducted for all es from School June, 19. and classes, will p.m. to 9.
p.m. each evening. Theme of this vear's school will be The Home In Which I Live" and the classes are being conducted at night" so it can feature a an adult. class Topic of study in the adult class Monday will be "What God Hath Albert, GSA Boss Houston Speakers Next Wednesday Congressman Albert Thomas and L. Boutin, GSA Administrator, Washington, D.
will be' guest speakers next Wednesday at the opening of the new Federal Office and Courts Building in Houston. Presiding will be President George T. Morse Jr. of the Houston Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is coordinating activities at the request of the General ices Administration.
Congressman Bob Casey will present: a flag from the White House to Claude M. McLarty, area manager of GSA. President Morse will recognize Lawson B. Knott GSA deputy administrator, Washington, who will introduce platform guests and the two. speakers.
Dr. Charles Allen, pastor of First Methodist Church, will give the invocation. Father John F. Murphy, president of St. Thomas University, will lead the benediction.
Ceremonies will begin at 10 a.m. in "front of the federal building, 515 Rusk and the public is invited. After the benediction will be a ribbon cutting and conducted tours. Boutin, a graduate of St. Michael's College in Winooski, was appointed to his present post Nov.
23, 1961. A on leave from his own real estate and insurance business in Laconia, N. he has served two terms as mayor of Laconia and was twice the Democratic, nominee for Governor Hampshire. Born in Belmont, N. July 2, 1923, Boutin, his wife, Alice, and their ten children.
live in Falls Church, Va. General is one of largest independent: agencies of the federal government. It has some 30,000 employes, custody of assets in excess of $11 billion, and wide responsibilities for. management of government property. Baytown Girl Wins In Twirler Contest Brenda Jean Courville, five-yearold daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Luke Courville, 225 Arbor, won third. place in the solo twirling contest. in the Houston city-county championship eVent. 01.
11.4 This was the first, contest Brenda had entered. had been twirling only a short time before entering the contest. A third -place medal was presented to her at the contest. The contest was sponsored by the -National Baton Twirling Association. Late News scattered sections of country are battered by heavy rains and thunderstorms as cool air pours into nation's midsection and triggers storm activity.
A teenage boy is held by police in slaying of three berg of Virginia farm family had taken him into their home on act of kindness. BEETLE BAILEY OR PLATO, NAH YOU SHOULD APPLY FOR A JOB IN THE NAH PENTAGON. BARNEY GOOGLE PAW--I GOT THAT TREE CHOPPED DOWN: FER YE BRICK BRADFORD Joined Together' with emphasis, on the origin and purpose of the home. Tuesday's theme will "Even as Christ Loved the Church" staling the relation- Harris County Round up' Petitions were circulated in Houston Friday to try to force the Houston City Council to revoke its recent domestic water rate increase or submit the matter to a referendum. Bobby Stein, 27, who was convicted in Houston a year ago for the pistol slaying of Hermann Freilich, a 65-year-old liqor store owner, was sentenced to die in the electric chair Aug.
4 during a hearing before Criminal District Judge Arnold H. Krichamer. 123rd session of the Texas Annual Conference of the Methodist Church will meet June 4-8 at First Methodist Church In Houston. About 1,200 delegates will attend. Morris M.
Perkins of Pasadena, a World War II pilot and later an aide of Gen. Jonathan Wainwright. died Friday in King's Daughters Hospital Frankfort, where he was visiting. A suit for a temporary injunction to keep a. Houston ollman from interfering with 8 Houston widow's use of a private road, from harrassing or harming her and from blocking or ruining the road, was filed in.
district court. Houston department store sales increased seven per cent compared to a year ago. District Judge Ben C. Connally, told Houston Mrs. and.
Mabel F. of. owner the National Vending that her claim of the privilege was false and fantastic and ordered her to produce records of her dealings with the Mouse of Tobacco or be held in contempt, A criminal district court took eight minutes to find Ruben Cruz Vela guilty of illegal possession of give him life in the penitentiary. MR. AND MRS.
Wesley WIIlams, 808 Yupon. announce the engagement of their daughter, Etta Jean Baldwin to James Benon Wright, son of Joc Wright and the lato Mrs. Jean Wright. Miss Baldwin is a gradunte of Prairie View College and Wright attends San Francisco State University. The couple will marry Aug.
4 in the Greater St. AT LEAST BECOME AN OFFICER! AND SNUFFY I'LL GO TEST IT OUT CALL NO VIBRATIONS! DR. BAUBLE, DRILL 15 WENDY! CUNNING FREE NUES IN DEEP WATER! Sun Classified Ads Do The Job The Besti Boys And Girls Work Wanted ARE YOU LEAVING ON VACATION? Let me keep your pet, fenced yard, redsonable rate. Connie McDowell, agi 11, 583-3787. ATTENTION VACATIONERS-WHI ted and water Call your pet while you're on vacation, Jimmy Rude, age 14, 592-5549.
BABYSITTING In Brownwed area. Linda Hopper, oge 13, 566-7222. BABY SITTING Anytime in your heme or mine. Carolyn Beasley, age 13, 502- 9322. BABYSITTING tn your heme.
Experlenced. very cheap. Lynn Galloway, age 14. 592-7867. BABYSITTING In my home or yours, Day or night, 50 cents an hour.
Pellie Lowery, age 16, 426-2176. BABYSITTING In your home. fenced. 566-7232. Kay Hvliholt, age 15, 566-7232.
BABYSITTING -In my here, adult supervision, Anytime between 7 a.m. 5 p.m. age 10, Pamela Clark, 566-5197. BABY SITTER Or maid work in home or store. Mary L.
Brown, age 17, call 426-2121. BABY SITTING Either In my home or yours, Have references if needed. Call Alice Roark, Age 15, 582-7979. BABYSITTING will babysit in home In Morrell Park Area only. Experlenced, references.
Kathy Sanders, Age 14, 582-4546, BABY SITTING WANTED Call. Linda Redman, age 15, apply Virginia, phone 582-4556. BABYSITTING My home or yours. For. information call, Linda Cowart, age 14, 583-1234.
BABYSITTING Would like to baby-sit for working mother. Sharon Bearden, 582-8801. BABYSITTING In' your home, please call Doris Arable, Age 13, 582-4959. BABYSITTING Done anytime, anywhere, 50 cents an hour, plenty of perience call Peggy Parrotto, Age 566-8262. BABY.
SITTING Days or evenings, my horne or yours. Reference it needed, Frances Ann Foreman, 305 E. Humble, Age 16. BABY SITTING AND LIGHT HOUSEWORK, CALL anytime, Maxine Earvin, Age 18, Barrett Statien, 428-5031, Crosby. BABYSITTING Anytime, experienced with needed.
small children. home, Have Lakewood references ared: If your Bonnce Trombiee, 129 Caldwell age 14. 566-5311. DAY TIME SITTING My home or yours. Reliable, experience, Delbre Ford, age 12, Apply 111 Harvey Street.
FOR HIRE Pony cart with 'extra pony for rides. Experienced with birthday Joan Cappleman, age 14,: 566-5726. Light housework or baby sitting in your home or mine. Experienced work any hours, Veronica Orion, 15, 582-4219. LOOK Mother! Magic shows for chit.
dren's parties. Reasonable, rates. Cal Henry, Steevenson, age. 14, at 582-1257. PARTY PLANNER Let me help you enfertoin and furnish refreshments for children's parties.
Nancy Chappleman. Age 16. 566-5726. PONY CART AND DRIVER For rent, Birthday children's entertainment. Amella Herbert, age 12, 583-1406.
SUMMER JOE NEEDED. Mowing lawns, errand boy. Call 426-2697, Jimmie Fitzgerald, age 15. THIRTEEN YEAR OLD BOY will take any part time summer lob available. Willing to work.
Call Pat Boyle, 583-1105. Bear Shot Down As It Stalks To Town WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) A skinny black bear stalked downtown Wilmington for several hours early Friday before a single shot fired by city dog catcher ended its life. Where the bear came from and how it got on the fringes of the business district remained a puzzle. A cab driver spotted the bear on the corner of 5th and Market Streets, on the edge of the downtown business area, Police received three more bear sightings before the beast climbed high in a pecan tree and refused to budge.
An animal expert from a nearby zoo joined the bear hunters at safe distance from the tree. They finally decided the bear was too high in the tree to be rescued, and M. G. Currie, the city dog catcher, was ordered to shoot. He the bear with one shot in the head.
By Mort Walker NOW, THERE'S A REAL GENIUS! By Fred Lasswel TAKE JEST A LEETLE MORE OFF'N TH' TOP ship which exists between Chirst and His church should also exist between husband and wife. Wednesday's lesson, "They Two Shall Be One," discusses adjustments which are necessary in physical, emotional, social, financial and spiritual areas. "God Hates Putting Away' is Thursday's theme and discusses the evils of divorce and the cause of marriage failures and the last lesson, "Love is a Golden Chain" attempts to visualize the ideal home. Brother H. C.
McCaghren, minister of the Lakewood Church of Christ, will be the adult class teacher. Study time will be separated by an intermission when refreshments will be served to all students. Audry Fudge, a church deacon, is director of the school under the oversight of the elders. HOSPITAL BEAT (EDITOR'S NOTE: Information for Boat may phoned to The Sun's Woman's News Department, any from readers about relatives other mrmber of the editorial staff. The Sun appreciates calla triends being hospitalized.) Mrs.
W. L. Hambrick, 1121. Sunset Drive, is in Room 217 Baytown Hospital. Admitted to San Jacinto: Debora Jo.
Dunn, 520 E. Fayle, Room 200. Mrs. Leonard Marshall, Highlands, Room 320. Mrs.
Robert Watson, 5419 Hazel, Room 231. Mrs. Ernest Golden, La Porte, Room 318. Sheldon Freman, La Porte, Room. 202.
Corbin Whitaker, Baytown, Room 337. Admitted to Gulf a Room James 107. D. Saye Houston, Norris P. Roberts, 1300 Edison, Room 109.
Mrs. Weldon McClelland, 106 pon, Room 120. Mrs. John. L.
Goodney, Highlands, Room 127. Alton Shipley, 7 Schilling, Room 107. Trapped Owl Just Too Tired To Give Hoot GLENDALE, Ariz. You've heard of bats fry. Well, the Carl had an owl stuck in for 10 days.
It took that long to source of a fluttering, sound. Firemen looped a the owl and pulled it man Dale Morgan wald the and for a Oswald appeared about the idea. Firemen he was too tired to give LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF BAYTOWN LIBRARY DEPARTMENT NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids In duplicate will by the City Clerk of the City until 7:00 P.M., Thursday, and ail bids will be opened read in the City Council that date for: LIBRARY EQUIPMENT TURE FOR THE STERLING PAL LIBRARY. Plans, specifications and Information may be obtained City Librarian. Bidder's or cashier's check In an cent of the total The city reserves the compony, each proposal.
any and all bids or deemed advantageous 10 It. Dated: May 28, 1962 Edna Oliver June 3, June City 11, Clerk 1962 TROUBLE SO TO DO IS AND THINK THE BALLAST TANKS WERE EMPTIED WHEN WE STARTED. DRILLING! King WANT FREE ADS Work Wanted TRACTOR MOWING Large smell acreage call 583-2467 anytime. Bill Wallace, Age. 16 TYPING DONE my lent typist.
Reasonable rates. Harold Brown, Age 14, Phone 582-24074. ares. earn money for camp. Karen WANTED Babysitting, In May Maystorowich, age 11: WANTED Lawns te mow in Lakeweed areas.
To earn money for Keith Maystorowich, age 13. 566-5891. WANTED Yard work, grocery store or service station work. Danny Jorden, age 14. 426-2692.
WANTED Lawns to mew In Lamer Elementary vicinity. Call Mike Lowhon, age 14, ct 582-8773. WANTED Bobysitting in Lakewded area. To earn money for camp, Pam Kelage 11, 566-5956. WILL CARE FOR PETS Goldfish and birds while on vacation.
Experienced Call Bethany Bletsch, age 13, 532-5772 WILL DO BABYSITTING--in your home. Hours 8:30 a.m.-6:40 p.m., 583-4564. 'Beth Antee, age 15. WILL ANY TYPE OF WORK, BUT yard work Call 582-4249, Lester Orton age 16, WORK WANTED Boy would lice work in grocery stare. Charles' McCoy, Age 15, Coll 582-9845.
WORK WANTED Phota. work of pit types. Or any other type of work. (Rice Pre-Med) Derry age 17, GL 2-1010, Channetview, WORK WANTED Will take any odd job, preferably in Grocery store or Service Station, Robert Ziegler. age 15, 543- 1105.
WORK WANTED Junior. High scheel girl will 0 baby sitting or other work. Also good at sewing. Call Sherry Ziegler, age 13, 583-1105. WOULD you like to have salesgirl? Will be avallable after June 20.
Judy Cryer, coe. 15. 583-2277. YARDS MOWED and trimmed. Craigmont and Country Club: Section.
Call Charles F. McMorrow Age 14, 566- 5333. YOUNG GIRL Desires summer. lob, will baby sit. Call Geraldean Fitzgerald, age 17, call 426-2697.
Sell Or. Trade ACCORDIAN Giulietti, Excellent Condifion, $250; after 3 p.m. Larry Russell, age 14, 602 S. 7th; 532-5611. ALTO HORN Will sell good alle horn far $125, Ronny McCraw, age 14; 902 Lindenwood, 583-2511.
ATTENTION band students of Bells, in good Carol Dippel, age 17. 566-7661. BABY STROLLER $24.30 baby stroller with top, $3.95, car. seat. Both for $10.00 Dora Chasnoff, age phone 512-5725.
BICYCLES Twe, girls, 24 and inch. $15 each, Tina Altman, age 15. 582-5581. BICYCLE 310.00; troller hitch, $7.50. Andy Seamans.
Age 14, 582-2687. BICYCLE 2 Red sport coat, size 11. $5.50. Kenny Ferguson, age 10. 583-1609.
BICYCLE For sale cheap, 1 bey's bike. Western Flyer, David Dudley, Age 15, 583-1040. BOY SCOUT UNIFORM Almest new. Pants size 31-31, shirt size 19. $5.00.
Larry. Pyle, age 14, 495-3585, Mant Belvleu, SOYS CLOTHES Boy Sport Coat, size 14; -2 pairs dress pants, size 14; also blue jeans, Lee, regular size 12-14-15. BIll Morisak. Age 15. 426-2363.
CORNET, MESSON Patsy excellent dition, flat, $80. Compton, Age 14, Call 543-3152. DESK AND CHAIR Child's desk chair like new will sell for $4.50. Patricia Blystone, age 12, apply 16 E. Defoe.
FLOWER PLANTS Ic and Sc Shasta Daises, daylilies, Elephant Eors, Iris, Phlox, others. Cathy Lord, 566-5354, ape 12. FLUTE-SKATES New flute, never $50.00, also girls shoe skates, Size $8.00. Jane Turner, Age 14; 502-2294. FORMAL Junter Size Ague, Dresses, skirts, cheap.
Home afternoons, Robbie Lawhon, Age 14, 1701 olive, 582-4552 FORMAL Size, pre-leen 4. light bive, Original cost $55.00. Worn 3 times. $15.00. Judy Jackson, Age 12, 542-9739 or 582-4866.
FOR 1957 Triumph Motorcycle. Good lion. Johnny Gillum age 17. 582-9942 FOR SALE HP gasoline engine, formerly used on refrigerator, $25. Roy Sicko, age 17.
583-5580, FOR SALE Violin size. Geed condition, $35. Mary Jeanene Stone, age 14, 583-2840, FOR SALE Baritone Horn, $75: bone 585; Ukelele White ballerina $10. Elizabeth Bomhoff, age 17, 583-4348. FOR SALE 120 Bass Accordian.
Excellent 15, condition. 566-7493. $100. Rosemary Meister, FOR SALE Bugle, $10.00, Girls shoe skates, size 6, $5.00. Call Nancy Tapp.
Age 15. 582-8929. FREE 4-Border collie puppies, play ful, cute. Call Peggy Smith. age 16, 582-2976.
FREE Cute frisky kittens, call 583. 4930 or see at 2003 Mississippi. Ralph Dean, Age 11. HOT ROD For sale. 4 cycle, Lawson motor, $15, good buy for goad mecahnic.
Greg Garrett, age 11, 583-3215. JACKET Black, Genuine leather metarcycle lacket, size 8, Engineer Black boots, size $7.00, Russell Chandler, age 11, 973 E. Fayle, 583-4378. MONKEYS-CHICKENS Will sell 2 male Ringtall monkeys and 8antam chickens. 583-1595, 1602 Cedar Bayou Rood, Susan Burris.
Age 18. MOTORBIKE Moped with many spare parts, Call Jim Afkey, Age 16, 566-5251 or See at 410 Rollingwood Road. MOTORBIKE Excellent candition, $75 cash. Try It out. 900 1dlewood, 583-4897.
BIll Wells, 15. MISCELLANEOUS Tape recorder; 410 shotgun. Both In excellent condition. Charles Kennedy, age 16, 583-3509 OUBOARD MOTOR 10 h.p, Scall Aftwater, Gear shift, 6 gallon, remote tank, a $50. Wayne Pugh, Ape 15, 1102 S.
7th. PIANO Good condition, $125, Call Connie Shepherd, age 13, 582-5456. PIANO upright looks real good, plays "pium $150. Jennifer Furen, age 14, 582-5127. POULTRY Pigeons, 25 cents each.
8anty roosters, hens, biddies, only $5.00. Call GA 1-0395, La' Porte, Texas PUPPIES Dachshund; 2 male therouphbreds, no papers, $20 each. Larry and Debbie Jackson, Age 20 and 11, 566-5275. SALE OR TRADE Cernet good shape, $40. or will trade for skin diving tonks.
Mike Tehee, oge 15. phone 582-5746. SELL Child size table, desk, chairs. rocking chair, $10.00, Sandra Spanier, Age 13, 426-2857. SODA POP STAND of Mondoy thru Saturday.
10-3. Get your soda pops here. Kelley Whalen, age 7. 217 Burnett. SCOOTER 1959, Cushman Eagle, condition, extras, $195.
Call Nick Boyett, Ape 15, 582-4684. SCOOTER Cushmen with windshield, good condition, Ricky Simms, age 16. Apply 707 E. Adove. SKATES Girls shew skates, Size Like new, only $5.
Glenda Chamberlin, Age 13, 583-3833. SEMI-FORMALS Size 5 in excelient condition, red organza, Orchid and or gonza, $5.00 roch. Edra Compton. Age 16, 542-5159. YOUNG PARAKEETS, $1,75 Phone 583-3396 or Tommy Maxey, age 10: WANT.
TO BUY FlY res reel trade electric train. Call David Rhodes, 426 2094, WANTED TO BUY Small Phone 426-7937 Amy Jo Smith, age 9. WANT TO TRADE in, girts, bicych, for 25 In. dirt or boy. Beverly Sicko, 13, 963 5580.
WHITE FORMAL Sire 1C03 Drive. Susanne 15. Work Wanted CABINET WORK Five Years Experience. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 583-5272 CARPENTRY AND PAINTING Aise shingling and sheetrock work. 15 Years experience.
No fob too small. Free mate, 583410 Dependable colored girl desires permanent work. 582-8819. EXPERIENCED maid desires work. OWn transportation, dependable and willing to work.
Local references, Phone 582-6972 8-5. GENERAL TRACTOR WORK Mowing, baling, and blade work. Call 503-2545 or 583-2568. GENERAL CARPENTRY Sheetreck hanging. finishing and painting.
Cabinets bullt. Formica lops, floor finishing. Ed. F. win Arabic, 611 Bolster, 502-4957.
2, HOUSE PAINTING By the hour contract. Free estimates. Reasonable. Work guaranteed. 582-6227 or 582-2259.
PAINTING, SHEETROCK, AND ING Guaranteed work. Call K. L. Allbright, day or night, 592-2165 WANTED Domestic work, or pointing. Call Dee.
582-2918 WILL DO BABYSITTING in my home, age 6 months 2 years. Reasonable rates. Mrs. Kulbelth, 582-9851. YOUNG MAN, desires work with aute mechanic shop.
Attended 1 year. Would like to learn trade. Call 426-2697. 16. Apartments For Rent BATTLEBELL, Nice cool garage apartment, with, garage, Call 426-2255.
BAYWAY DRIVE, 442 Extra nice, modern 4-room furnished apartment, plenclosets, $15 weekly. CHANNELVIEW-2-bedroom new apartment, and 3-bedroom home, with 1 acre land. GL 2-2805. CLEARLAKE, 206 Brick unfurnished, 2-bedroom duplex, closet space, garage. Call 426-3616.
CLOSE IN small furnished upper 3 room apartment, bitts paid. Strong window fan. Also 1 room bachelor apartment. everything furnished but the groceries, 582- 2326. DYER, 199 Remodeled, furnished room and bath apartment, bills paid, 2 beds.
Couple, no pets. 582-8885. FIRST, 714. N. 3 rooms, clean, furnished garage apartmerit.
583-4990. FORREST, 40-5 2-bedroom unfurnished duplex, Panel heat, 220 wiring. $45. GRAHAM. 200 2 room, furnished apartment.
For gentlemen, 582-2919 or 583-3748. ILLINOIS, 3105 Furnished All bills paid. One or couple. Apply: 3109 Illinois, 582-4251. LEE HEIGHTS, 14091 Lindburg Room unfurnished garage apartment.
(Just refinished) with garage, $30 monthtY, 582-9623. LEE HEIGHTS, Burbank -Unturnished 3-room upstairs apartment. $25 monthly. SEE SPARKY BOND, Realtor, 907 S. Main, 582-0248.
or 566-7626. MAIN, 421 W. Nice 3-room furnshed apartment, large kitchen and bedroom, window fam. 582-9221. MAIN, $.
Nice clean duplex apartment. $50 per month. Call Eddie day or night. EDDIE COX. Realtor.
566-7221 or 566-5060. MASSEY-TOMPKINS 1122 nished garage apariment. Utilities pald. Ph. 503-1480.
NEW JERSEY, 2300 3-Room furnished apartment. water paid, Call 582-5724 or 582-7145. 3 PEARCE, 215 E. Duplex apartment, rooms, $45 manth. Apply 221 E.
Pearce or call PRUETT, 310 $. 4-reom furnished apartment, privuie bath, window fan, garage, bills paid, $58 per month, 582-2117. REPUBLIC, 500 4-roem unturnished apartment, wired for air dition, walking now distance being to town, redecorated, 545 garage. monthly. Apply Abe Rasenzweig, 582-7324 or after p.m.
566-5818. STERLING, 302 W. Furnished 4-rosm apartment, bath and garage. 582-7311. WEAVER, 110.
WOOSTER, extra nice, large 4-room furnished apartment, air conditioned, garage, water paid, $55, 566- 5423. WRIGHT, 202 E. Redecorated unfurnIshed duplex. Garage, walking distance to town, or single, $30, 582-9103 or 582-5394. Baywood Apartments Apply 1300 E.
James 583-3121 BRAND NEW 1 and 2. Bedrooms apartments. Central air conditioned, carpete, electric kitchen, drapes, pool. Country Club Manor 3500 Decker Dr. Baytown HOUSTON 2-7396 17.
Houses For Rent ARBOR STREET, 701-2-bedroom house, attic fan. garage. Lots of closet space. 582-6664. COLBY, 1507 3-bedreem arick heme.
Small den. $105 per month. Call BORN JOHNSON, 583-1784. DEFEE, 519 E. 2-Bedroom house, like new, unfurnished, central heat and air conditioning.
Call 582-6772. FAIRPARK, 211 Chandier 1-bedroom brick home, large lot. $95 monthly. KEYSTONE REALTY, 583-3111 or 583-3512 nights. FAIRPARK Midway, 307 3-bedroom brick home.
cyclone fenced, $80 month. Call 582-7155 after 5 p.m. FOR RENT. OR SALE 2004' Alabama, Britton Cravens. Lovely unfurnished 2-bedroom home, fenced, patio near schools and churches.
Very clean, 566-5343 or 582-6150. FOR RENT Several new 3-bedroom homes. Kitchen and family room. Payments $95 to $105, while they last. Call 546-7415.
FORREST, 591 Neal, 3-bedreem home, black from Lamar. School, $50 monthly. Call: DAN SAVELL, Bullder, 582-7249. FURNISHED Large brick- heme. Air conditioned, central heat, electric range.
1n heart of town. Convenient to store, school, churches. RAYBORN JOHNSON, 2201 Market, $83-1784, HIGHLANDS, 3702 Barbers Hill Rd. Furnished 2-bedrocm home. $60 manth.
Apply 3710 Barbers HIll Rd, HILL TERRACE. 2091 Terrace Lane 3-bedroom home, 2-baths, garage, located on corner lat, $95 monthly. KEYSTONE REALTY, 583-3111 or 583-3512 nights. MASSEY-TOMPKINS 1112 rooms and bath, unfurnished house. Water paid.
Phone 583-1490. NEAL, 408 2-bedroom unfurnished house. Fan, 2 baths; wired for toning and stave: attached parage: tenced yard Apply 420 Neat, Ph. 532-7430. LILLIAN, 5425 3-Bedreem all brick home, 11 baths, built in range, air dilloned and centrally heated, 2-car garage.
Colt 110 nice, unfurnished home. Apply 504 Moin, Highlands, or call Creel Realty, 426-2811. MOBILE HOME air conditioned, on private lot. Sober adults, $70 month, utililies furnished. GA 1-3704, Virginia, La Porte.
PLUMWOOD, 1500 Cettry brick home, family room, REALTY, 1-bath. $108 monthly. KEYSTONE $3-3111 or 583-3512 nights, RENT OR LEASE 115 Ridgeway, 3-bedroom home, 11 baths, real nice, $120 per month. 502-2453. WOOSTER TERRACE Modern homes, and bedrooms, Rent 01 Sell.
Houston, 17. Houses For Rent EXCEPTIONALLY NICE GRESHAM, 111 Like new 2-bedroom hame in very good condition and well located to schools and shopping. Will rent or sell. HAROLD LANE, 608 Lovely brick and cedar home. 3 bedrooms, baths, in excellent condition.
Nice big kitchen with range furnished and traily heated. Will rant or sell, Priced reasonable. Responalble Parties Only. RUTH GRIFFITH 582-2049 18. Bedrooms Board AT if CREGER.
HOTEL your money. is refunded Its to hot to sleep nights, Tub and shower baths, Clean, quite, low rates too. No drunks, please. 582-2326. FAYLE, 401 Privote bedroom.
Private entrance and bath. ROOM AND: BOARD Home Cooked Megis, Public Invited The ASHWOODS. 3305 Minnesota, 543-2565. STEWART-TYREE HOTEL Room and Board, Public Dining Room Three meals dally. 3301 Minnesota 582-9549 19.
Business Rentals MAIN, 1019 New office space for lease. Apply 1017 N. Main. Or Calt 507-7316 or after 6.p.m. 502-4664.
TEXAS, 117. E. 25X44 building, nice front. Air conditioned, Apply Trophy Barber Shop. 20.
Wanted To Rent PERMANENT RESIDENT Would like to rent nice 3-bedroom home, 2-baths, double garage and air conditioned. Call La Porte, GA 1-2771, extension 263 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. WANTED TO RENT PERMANENT LOCAL FAMILY desires 3 or. 4 bedroom house, with 11 baths, den and air conditioning.
Future purchase will be considered if desirable. Call 566-7072 after 5:30 P.M. 23. Services Offered CAN YOU STOP IN TIME? Big car small don't risk an accident! Consuit a specialist in complete wheel and brake work Clark's Wheel Brake Serve ice, 2400 Market, 582-9437. CEMENT WORK Free Estimates Any Kind, house slab, patios, garages, porches, driveways, flatwork.
Call Bill Serrata. 582-8613. JAMES J. STIPE CEMENT CONTRACTOR All Types Concrete Work. Bonded and Insured.
FREE Estimates 583-4388 CONCRETE WORK All types and calors, large and small, hand or trowel chine finish, commercial or residential, Bonded, free estimates. 583-3200. CONCRETE WORK All types, colors. Any size fabs. FREE estimates.
583-2520. HAVE YOUR SEWER CLEANED ELECTRICALLY, ELECTRO ROOTER 556-5897 MOVING Local. tong distance, Experience men, modern equipment, bonded. C. R.
Coker Moving and Transfer, Days 582-5055 or 563-2107. SAW FILING W. E. ENGLEMAN, 803 E. Lobit 582-7460.
SHEPHERD'S TV For fast expert service. Your Zenth Car, radio, TV 582-5456 500 PARK WATER WELLS DRILLED For water well drilling, repairs, SUPERIOR WA. TER WELLS, G. K. WHITLEY.
1804 Amu Drive, 583-3311. Comet Sand Blasting And spray painting. Free estimates on large or small Jobs. Apply 6526 way. Drive, or: call 565-7017.
Electric Motor Repairs Rewinding, kind, size. Modern equipment. Quailfied mechanics. Massey Electric, 823 S. Pruett, 582-7281.
WE WILL MANAGE YOUR RENT PROPERTY Sparky Bond Realtor 907 S. Main 582-8248 Electric Motor Service We repair, rewind, rebuild all sizes, AC or DC, COASTAL ARMATURE WORKS 910 W. Main. 582-9870 Hughes Trim Shop For the beat in automoblle and furniture upholstering. See us Now! Our work 1s guaranteed to please.
504 N. Main 583-2406 Tractor Work 24. Soil Fertilizer TOP. 501L end mertar sand, ciam and oyster shell. GEORGE TORRES, Airwood.
Drive-in Grocery, 2503 Woodruff, 553-3233. SAND For: sale near Highway. Apply 506 N. Main, Highlands, Or Call 426-7241. 26.
Plants Seeds CHANNELVIEW NURSERIES and FlarIsts, 16501 Market St Chonnelview. Red or White Orchids $3.50. Rases, Carnations. Give her one of our permanent planters, orrare, plants. also Memoriol Arrangements.
Flower Vegetable Plants. Sweet potato plants. Perennial Phlox. Daisles and Thrift. Ginko and Goldenraln and Tree of Heaven, Mankey Puzzles.
Cacti, Coleus and Hedge, $1 per dozen. Bird of Paradise, Fancy Begonias and Geraniums, Pecan, Fig, Grape, Fruit, Shade Trees, Shrubs in cans, Rosebushes, Fuchsias, Hibiscus, Azaled or Cushion Mums. Chrysanthemums, Paperplants, Bouganvitled Blooming. Snowballs (bloomIng), Lilac, Peonias, Carol vine, Clematic. Sweetshrub.
OPEN SUNDAY SMITH: BARROW GARDENS CALADIUMS In 4' full and colorful, 60 cents each, or 3 for $1.50, 8802 Thompson, (26-3215. Closed Sundays. 28. Pets Supplies BABY GOSLINS GUINEA PIOS DOGS BOARDED GREENWOOD'S PET SHOP 803 S. Main Highlands DACHSHUND year eid, registered male: Fully Inoculated.
502-2055. DACHSHUND Two beautiful females, 602 Archer Rd. GERMAN SHEPHERD Male 15 months old. AKC registered, raised with children. 425-3864.
LENAMOND'S HOBBY SHOP Marigolds cents Blue Dace cents ea. 612 Fayle PUPPIES Chihushvas, eleven weeks old, $25 each. Coil 582-8672. 29. Livestock Supplies BAGY CALVES 5107 Crosby, Barbers: HIll at North end of Garth Rd.
BULLS Registered crestbred bulls, breeding 9 and younger. Redbud Angus Farm, E. Highlands, 424-2206. CHOICE LOT OF 'Golden Calf 415 Redell Rood, Coady, 566-7700. HORSE ter mare.
Unbroken, make good $0-50M. MARES Tw stallion. 29. Livestock Supplies Want Ad Rates Effective November 1, 1941 PER LINE PER DAY Consecutive Days 18c 3 Consecutive. Daye 21cl Single 28cl Minimum 1 Lines THIS 16 A 4 LINE AD, cost $2.52 for days; $4.32 for days.
Phone 582-8234 or 582-8235. Just say "Charge It" Classified Department 582-8234 582-8235 1. Lodge Notices STATED MEETING of Cedar Bayou Lodge. No. 231, A.
F. and A.M. Saturday, June 2, 1962, at 7:30 p.m. Solourning brethren Invited. to attend.
E. T. A. Bishop, W. M.
0. Wilson, Secy. STATED MEETING of Goose Creek Chapter No. 798, O.E.S. will be held Monday, June 1962, at 7:30 p.m.
All bers and visiting Stars are Letha Carrell, W. M. Reld, Secy. 1-A. Special Notices LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME! What could be better for lasting pleasure, for your favorite person in service of away at school, than subscription 10 The Baytown Sun.
It helps keep in touch with home. It gives hours of reading fun. Call The Sun department 582-8302 and we'll start that subscription today. It costs less than a letter tool Lee Koin The latest in coin and stamp supplies. Vlelt our shop.
200. Martin Baytown. $83-3770, NEW PHONE LISTING 583-3629 SORELLE Pest Control 3, Cards Of Thanks HARBIN, MRS. EVELYN FRANKIE We wish to express our thanks for the countless acts of kindness extended us in our recent sorrow. Special thanks to the staff at Baytown Hospital and.
Dr. Holsonback and to members of Memorial Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Haggard and family Mr. Mrs. W. 8, Hooks and family Monuments- TRI-CITY MONUMENT co.
Granit, marble, bronze monument markers. Cemetery work. Terms, no carrying charges, Market at W. Main, next to Peoples State Bank, 542-4702. 5.
Personals ATTENTION Coin collectors. Have numismatically clean pennies 'In $50 lots. Call Pasadena, GR 3-0774. NOTICE will not be responsible to any debis Incurred by anyone other than myself. Panting Lost Found LOST Men's Weptificetion, pictures REWARD, Call 426-3429, 1001 S.
Main, Highlands. LOST Pekingese, male years name "Pepey." Red with block: face, white throat. Has a heart condition and must take medicine or it will die. REWARD, 582-077. 7.
Instructions BAUER SCHOOL Encell new summer or fall classes, air conditioned, 3403 Michigan, phone 582-2862 or 583-2152. PRIVATE SWIMMING LESSONS Taught at Roseland Pool. Coil Bob Roush, 582-4463 or 583-4916. Finish High School Or pre-high school at home in spare time. Write or call for tres booklet.
American School P.O, Box 4196, Pasadena, Texas GR 2-6855 9. Travel News Said Mrs. Tours Mrs. Travel You know, do declare, Nearly everyone In Baytown Is going to that Seattle Far. TOURS TRAVEL 211 E.
Texas 582-4887 10. Help Wanted WANTED Cooks and waltresses New downtown Baytown restaurant, openIng soon. Experlenced preferred, Excellent working canditions. 426-2144. 11.
Female Help Wanted CARHOPS WANTED $3.00 far 6 hr. shift. Apply In SMOKE HOUSE, Hwy. 146. COLLEGE OR PRE-COLLEGE Girl.
Altractive and personable, for part time waltress, In new downtown restaurant. Approximately 4 hours dallay. Call 426- 2144. EARN UP TO $5 per hour selling Studio Girl Cosmetics in your neighborhood. Experience not necessary.
Phone 513-1104. Product available. NEEDED Maid and babysitter. 2 days a week. Must have references and own transportation.
Write giving references to box 1006 in care of The Baytown Sun, SALESLADY Apply in person, 508 W. Main. SELL STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS In your neighborhood. Earn up to $5.00 per hour. Experience not necessary.
phone 426-3656 Also orders taken. WAITRESSES Part time TOWER, or fuil time. Apply person to THE DECKER DRIVE. WANTED Carheps Apply in Person, Trainers Drive-In. 1600 Alexander Dr, WANTED Settled lady to live in and care for semi-Invalld lady.
No heavy work. 3320 Wisconsin, 582-4273. WANTED Two maids Apply In person. Brunson Theater WILL TRAIN Lady 25-35, tar dental lab work. Must desire emplayment.
Others need not apply. Write Box 1007 In core Baytown Sun. 12. Male Help Wanted INVESTMENT FUND Evening, weekends. Pleasant, dignified, remunerative.
Experience unnecessary. Call Mr. Montgomery for. appointment. 583-1219.
MALE HELP WANTED ESTABLISHED LOCAL FIRM has mediate opening for Management trainee. Desirable warking canaltions including paid vacation, insurance and retirement pion. Prefer man the ages of 25 and 35 tamiliar with Baytown and rounding area. Reply to Dox 175 in care of The Bavtown Sun. OPENING For reten man.
Age 25 to our sales of 11on. Apply in person to Levin's, 202 W. Texas. Need At Once MAN INTERESTED IN CAREER Family man between for special type route. work.
College preferred. Guaranteed plus commisston. Fat $0S. In care SHETLAND PONY Gray. Gentle childs pet.
Apply 1202 Adams. 30. Articles Wanted WANTED Good 1 ton air conditioner. will trade $250 equity in 1 acre loam soil, Phone 582-2007, 30-A. Will Trade TRADE 3 acres in Baytown, free and clear for.
home in Baytown, free and clear. Phone 582-2007. 31. Articles For Sale AIR CONDITIONER Mathis, practically new, 9,000 BTU. Will sell for $125.
556-5057 after 5:00 p.m. AIR CONDITIONER One ton, BTU Coldspot, Call 556-7062 after p.m. AIR CONDITIONERS Five 1-ton Idalres, 220 volt, $75 cach. Call 583-4432. ALL ELECTROLUX equipment from ONLY full time man.
SALES and ICE. Call Fred Spires, 583-3351. BELTS Industrial, FHP automotive. We specialize in all belt problems. TED'S SUPPLY 1200 N.
Main 582-8331 CAMP REFRIGERATOR 7' Kelvina. tor. 8' Norge. Both guaranteed. choice $34.50.
WILKIE'S 324 W. Texas 582-8447 CLOSING OUT large stock of new ington BLOOM Quiet-rliers, typewriters, at special price. SALES, 3305 Market. 583-2325. CLOSING OUT large stock of new Ington Quiet-riters, typewriters, at lal price.
BLOOM SALES, 3305 Market St. 583-2325. DRYER Norge, gas. Like new. 426-2903 ELIMINATE traffic paths in carpet.
clean with Blue Lustre. It's terrific. pepper Furniture Co. ELECTROLUX AUTOMATIC CLEANER, floor: waxer, rug shampooer, sales service. John Petrash, 517 Harvey, 582-9944.
FAMILY. MOVING Have to. pickup beautiful small piano in this vicinity. transfer payments 10 rellable party. trade in piano if necessary.
Write Credit Manager, CARTER MUSIC 1201 land, Houston 2, Texas. FOR SUMMER NEEDS Ta keep in beautiful hand work. McDONALD NEEDLE ARTS, Bob Smith Rood, 583-1272. GARDEN TRACTOR 5 H.P., plow, fivator attachment, mower. $105, see S.
Main, Highlands. GENUINE 'ENGRAVED wedding Invitations on Crane's fine stationary best you can buy are obtained MATHERNE'S, 207-211 West Pearce, clusively In Baytown. GRAVES WAREHOUSE Good 17" $35.00 Portoble Sewing Machine $25.00 Apartment Stove $17.50 Small Frigidaire Refrigerator $35.00 3-Plece Bedroom Suite $35.00 8 Piece Solid Ock Dining room suite $75.00 3-Plece Curved Sectional Couch $45.00 New Built-In Cast iron Tubs $47.50 New Double Sink $15.30 New Commodes 524.95 315 W. Mcin Old Pelly 582-2812 LAWNMOWER Toro, reel type. with sulky.
hp molor. 3303 Missouri. MISCELLEANOUS Gibson cutaway 24" and 26" bicicyes, $5. and Mans 21 Jewel Boluva wrist watch, gold filled, $15. Apply 219 N.
Main. Highlands. MISCELLANEOUS Platform Rocker, $10; Bendix T.V., Mahogany console, $20; Three drawer chest, Sturdy and plastic couch and chair, $30. 1202 Jefferson, phone 582-6472, MISCELLEANOUS Frigidaire range, $60; Dishwasher, $50.: attic fan, gallon water heater, 583-4515 583-3965 after 5 p.m. MISCELLEANOUS Dinette set, table, 4-chairs, two power mowers, Good dition.
Make offer. 582-8922. PARTINS USED FURNITURE Johnson Floor Polisher Childs Swivel Desk Choir Kitchen Drop Leaf Table Sewing Basket On Stand Wooden Bar With Glass Door $17.50 Electric Power Mower $14.50 424 W. Main Old Pelly 582-5049 PIANO Upright practice plano, hogany, good condition, $175. Call 582-8488 after 5 p.m.
PIANO Upright In goad condition needs tuning. Call 582-2603. POTTERY See our fine selection of coffe mugs gift pottery. Beautiful colors and potternt. WHITCOMB'S 325 E.
Texas 582-6285 PRACTICE PIANO Walnut upright with mirror, $275. Not Storm Damaged. Call 566-5878 REFRIGERATORS Servel gas, Norge electric, used, will sell either for $35. Coll 566-5075. REFRIGERATOR, Used, Crostoy REFRIGERATOR, Used Frigidaire $60.00 HIGHLANDS ELECTRIC APPLIANCE 426-2912 Highlands 126 N.
Moin uyn BELTS AND PULLEYS For frigerators, alr conditioners, pumps, compressors. washers, attic, window fans. 3000 belts In stock. Massey Electric S. Pruett, 582-2056.
TELEVISION ANTENNAS, and WE RENT T.V.'S, $5.00 per week. JOHN R. MARTIN 311 E. Texas 582-6968 WASHER Kenmore automatic 1958 model, good condition, 555, 318 Abbott, 566-7285. SHOULD SELL OUR PRICE $24.50 New Lavatory $14,50 $32.50 New Commode Set $19.95 $29.50 New Lavatory $14.50 GOOD Plastic Pipe, In.
Ft. JACK HEARD FURNITURE CO. 12 W. Defeo 582-4962 CLOTHES LINE POLES Custom Trailer Hitches Baytown Trailer Rental. 582-5815 PIANO TRADE- SPECIAL $139.50 Wurlitzer Spinet to rent.
$2.25 WEEKLY USED LESTER SPINET SAVE Brook Mays Piano Co. 222 E. Texas 582-9315 AIR-CONDITIONER KELVINATOR TON $149.95 B. F. Goodrich 514 W.
Texas' 582-8254 Graves Furniture EXCHANGE Refrigerator SALE Two Plece Living Room 10.00 Three Piece Bedroom Suite 24.50 Frigidaire Refrigerctor 25.00 Full Size Gas Range 20.00 Large Round Table Dining Room Sulte. 6 Chairs $0.00 5 Piece Porcelain Dinette 12.50 Player Plano $254.00 TV 25.00 6" Showcase 20.00 8' Chest Type Freezer 55.00 QUICK CASH For Used Appliances and Furniture 219 N. Main 583-1566 CLEM SAYS: BUY QUALITY. BUY THE BEST Chrysler-Air Conditions P12-03, 12,000 BTU $239.68 P20-03, 14,000 2TU $279,88 16,000 BTU $319. 8 23,000 BTU $399.88 KOVAR'S.
Service What We Sell" 221 E. Texas 582-5004 sandy also 8 Call 9,000 6:00 Frig- your. SERV- Your Rem- St. Remspec- Spot Cul- in 2, and Will Take Lee- busy cul801 the at ex- (AP) in the belShort family the chimney discover the thumping rope around free. Firedubbed it "Ostook it home indifferent theorized a hoot.
be received June of Baytown and publicly Chamber an AND FURNIMUNICI- all necessary from the bond, certified bid, amount must ac right to reiect accept any (lost I CALLER 6-2 I by Pad Norris SECONDS LATEEN, ANALYSIS INDICATES WE HAVE RISEN THAT 19 WATER TO THE CEILING THIS MUST OF WHAT SEEMS HAVE THE SOURCE TO HE A WATERFOR THE FILLED CAVE I WE MUST OF BE ATLANTIS. OUR DESTINATION Ook See 20 or con- 7.50 3.95 5.95 3.50 Ma- and John Baptist Church. THAT'S THE WITH GETTING ALL YOU WANT LIE AROUND Weald SMITH I'LL STOP THE DRILL! WE'RE SEGINNING TO FLOAT UPWARD! re- lac, King .09 FL..