The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina (2025)

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Durham, North Carolina

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SEC PAGE 5 DURHAM MORNING HERALD DURHAM TUESDAY JANUARY 21 1953 Off The Record New York Stock Market Quotations I I'LL MAF'TA TIE H1AA UP IN THE EAj3tSAbE CAP KOLLO Slock Marl Moves Ahead Moderately Railroads Decline Jan Following tabulation of today's stock the New York Stock NEW VORi-is the complei i transactions Exchange: 25 87 26 26 13 2714 1534 123-4 27 46 19 24 9 7 25- 27 1 15 15 12 12H- 2634 27 453 4 46 18 183-4-1- 14 23 25 87 25 25 2 254- 87 4- 4- 264- 3 4 127b-4 55 ZlO 24 3 80 Sales Net (Hds) High Low Last Chg Coty Inti I5g 36 Crane Co 2 37 Crescent Cp 25d 20 Crown Cork 11 CrownCk pf 2 5 Crown Zell I 80 15 Cruc Stl 160 144 CubeRR pf z310 CubAm Sug 25e Cudahy Pk Cudahy Pk pf45l Cuneo Press Cunn- Drug l60a CurtisPub CurPub 4 pf3a Curtiss Wr 3 Curtiss Wr A 2 Abacus Fd 40g Abbott 180a 10 ABC Vend 80 30 ACF Ind 4 10 ACF Wrig 40b 17 Acme Stl 1 5 Adams Ex 187g 14 7 AdmTrai La Cons pf 23g 2 3" 3' 3" Lee 120a 10 19' 19' 19' Lees Sons 2 1 27s Vu 275 Lees pf 3 85 10 84' Lehigh C8N 75g 8 11 106 11 Leh Port 1 21 30' 30' Leh Val Coal Leh VC 1 pflg Leh VC 2 Pf Leh Val RR Lehman 147e Lehn 120a Lerner Str 120 LOF Glass' 360 70g Ligg My 4a Ligg My pf7 ZlO 146 146 146 Lily Tulip 180 10 6 Link Belt 3a 9 54 Lionel 80a I Litton Ind 25 43 Lockh Aire 240b 43 41 Loew's 37 14' a Lone Cem 110 31 Lone Gas 180 26 34 Lone SG Pf484 z50 Long Isl Lt 120 20 22 22s 224- 1 Long IL pfG440 I 103 103 103 Lorillard 120a 68 343 34 34 Lorillard pf7 z500 132 132 62' 534-2 11' 42 41 14 31 4 333 9 1 Safeway St 1 Safe St of 4 SDos Lead 2g 150 StL San 1 50 StL Swest 5 St RegPap StReg pf SanDiego 96 Scheniey lb Schering 120 Schick 120 Scott Pap 2 Scott pf340 Scovill Mf 2 SeabAL RR 2 Seab Finan 1 Seab Oil la Seagrave 1 Sealright 140 SearsRoeb la Seiber Rub 61 Servel Servel pf Shahmoon Ind Sham 1 60 Sharon Stl 3 Shattuck 40a Shell OH 2 Shell Tran 52g Shelter Mf 140 Sherat Am 60b Siegler 80 Signode 1b Simmons 3g Sinclair 3 Skelly Oil 180 Smith AO 160b Smith Cor 1 Smith Dou 120 Smith KF 2a Socony 2a Solar Aire 1 So Am 30g SoCar 110 So PR Sug 50e Un Twist 2 Unit Air Lin 50b Unit Alrc 3b Un Artists 140 Unit Bisc 160 Unit Carbon 2 United Cp 35g Unit Unit El Coal 1 60 Unit Eng 1 Unit Fruit 3 Un Gas Cp 150 Un G35 Im 2 Unit Ind Cp 15g Unit 1 Un Pk Min Unit Shoe 750a UniL Shoe pf 150 US Borax 60 US For 2g US Gypsum 2a US Hoff US Indust 9Cd US Lines 2b US 1 20 US Play Cd 4 US- Plvwd 2 US Rub 2b US Rub pf 8 US Smelt US Steel 3 US Steel pf 7 US Tob 120 Unit Stkyd 70a Unit Str 2 pf60g Un Wallpap 25g Unlv Cyc lb Univ Lf Tb 2a Unlv Pic pf 425 1 0 Utah 120 Van Norm Vanad Cp 2 Vert Sug 24 Vick Chem 160b 11 Viet Ch Wk 140 Va Caro Ch VaC Ch pfl 50k Va El Pow 1 Va pf5 Virg Rv 2a VirgRy pf 60 Vulcan Mat 40 Vulcan Vulcan pf80 -w-x ZlO 6 189 3 148 1483 1 403-4 30 29 2934-F 7 48 19 38 48 19 38': 7- 48' a 19 38 4 74 -F1 104- 3 29 4- 304- 9-F 64 4-1 1934- 34 1534 10 15 244- 4- 50 547 4- 3 155 1 54 54 55 155 303 a- 60 3 4 13 67-F1 Air Reduc 2 50 Aia Gas 160 Alaska Jun Alco Prod 1 Aldens 120 A I leg Cp Alleg pr pf4 Alien Lud 2 AHeg 6 Allen Ind la Ailed A Pan Allied Ch 3 Allied Lab la Allied Mills 2 Allied Pd 160 Allied Strs 3 Allied St pf4 Allis Chal 2 Alpha 150 Alufn Ltd 90 Alcoa 120 Amerada 2 Am Ag Ch 3a Am Airlin 1 Am Baker 240 Am Bk Note 120 2 Am Bk pf 3 z40 Am Bosch l05g 8 Am Brk Sh 2 40a 6 22 11 2 48 1 104 1 340 91 Z20 3 Dan Riv 80 Dana Cp 3 Daystrom 1 20 2 40 Dayton Rub 140 Decca Rec 1 Deere 150a Deere pf 1 40 Del Hud 2 Del Del 7 Delta Air 1 20 Den RGW 250 12 Det Edls 2 Det Stl Cp 1 De Vilbiss 2a Diam Aik 180b Dia Gard 1 80 DiaGard pf i50 Dia Mot Diana Sfr 1 Disney Pd 40b DisC Seag 120a Divco Way 80 Dr Pepper 60 Dome Min 70a Doug Aire 2a Dover Cp 1 DowChem 120b Dress Ind 180 Drewrvs 160 Duplan 1 7 22 Z390 24 15 25 12 55 128 2 6 35 7 2 59 3 72 4 3 53 3 3 4 74 10 29 30 9 6J 19 15j4 11 153 24 38 50 54 27s 17 15 59 48 17 7 4 7234 10 283 30 9 62 19 153 10 15 38 49 53 26 17 15 59 473 17 7 Louisv 120 5 30'? Lou Nash 5 18 60 Lowenstein 125g 7 13 Lukens Stl 40a 143 67 -M- MacAndF' 60e Mack Trk 180 Macy 2 Macy pf4 25 AAagic Chef 737f 11 Mag Chef pf40 12 Magma Cop Magnavox 150b Mahon 30 Mallory 40b Manati 45g Manh Shirt 1 3 Manning 140 1 Marac Oil 870g 25 March Calc 130b 2 24 29 82 14 24 35 2 32 ZlO 399 17 28 8 6 13' 233 6 173 54 27s 173a 48 -F 734 59s 12 65s 26 24 29 8234 14 8 34 32 39? 27 6 13 2334 6' 8 173 19' 28 32 34 29 36 24 12 69 36 40 53 31 31 31 45 45 453-i- 3 15 15 15' 4 41s 41 41 15 15 15 21 20 20 22 22 22-- 8 7 7 21 21 52 3-4 26 V4 2 14 16 14 81 14 34 1 93 -I 2 1-4 76 4 3-4 4 1 3 -4 8 30' 8 1534 3934 34 78- 26 i4 303 8 14 28 14 6234 4-1 91 14 66 17 36 '4 3038-1 60 21 14 37 14 1518 34 4 42 '4 42' 4 44 8 67 1 83 '2 1 4 26 14 1 22 12 3 40 18 77 1 1334 1-4 17 14 34 5-8 49 14 18' 4 -4 2 8- 11 9 55' -H 25 38 a 40' 7 1234 Vs 23 383 '4 45 31 6634-3- 28 33 31 3234 3 174 17134 173-F2 2 15-16 2 25-32 2 80 80 80' '2 129 127' 2 129 1 19 29 32 35 29 15 38 17 6 3 7 'a 37341 17 174- 6 64- Vi 26': ft 24 29 143 8 84- 34-- 323 8- 399 -F4 27 -f Va 63 23-F 6' 8 173e-F 194- 29 32 343 29 363 2434 3 8 12 69 36 40 54 -f Dividends Declared Investment Securities du Pont 650a duPont r50pf 450 2 108 108 108 Pe- Stk of Pay-Rate nod Record able NO ACTION Pitts Steel Southern Co 89 371-4 47 'a 30 35 19 263 76 30 NEW YORK JanMnstit Inc 570 6 24 20 (Ap) (National Instlnsur 1090 1193 Association Securi- Int Resour 359 392 ties Dealers Inc) inves Am 785 858 Bid Ask Inves Bos 882 964 161 i Islel 2714 2768 600 1 Jeff Cus 437 478 410 Johnston 1906 1906 773 1 KEYSTONE Aberdeen Affil Fd Am Bus Am Mut 146 555 384 07 89 41 37'44 47 30 4 38 34' I9144 264 3 4 764 294 37 47 30s a 34 18 2534 76 293: INCREASED 30 REGULAR -Y- 37 79 26 16 37 29 78 26 16 12 37 29 78 -F 26-F 3 16 VA NEW YORK Jan 20 The stock market moved ahead moderately today as President Economic Message to Congress predicted the business Aef'std'Tsob slump would end soon Industrials and Utilities were well ahead but- the rails which single-handedly pushed the market up Friday dropped back The general run of key stocks rose fractions to a point or better while the rails showed mainly fractional losses Volume increased to 2310000 shares from 22fOOOOO Friday Steels oils some motors aircrafts and chemicals did well while motion pictures airlines building materials mail orders and base metals were mixed American Telephone and Royal Dutch made substantial gains while trading interest was active in rights to subscribe to huge new security offerings of both firms American Motors helped by reports that Louis Wolfson was buying more of the stock and by the good sales of its Rambler cars hit a new 1957-58 high and topped the most active list at 9 up 7 on R51O0 shares The Associated Press average of 80 stocks rose 70 cents to $16100 with the industrials up $140 the rails down 80 cents and the utilities up 60 cents Of 1147 issues traded gainers totaled 664 and losers 262 New highs for the year were 20 and there was only 1 new low Among the gainers were Steel 2 I likens Chrysler 5 United Aircraft and International Paper 2 Losers included Illinois Central 1 Chesapeake Ohio Eastern Air Lines rs Anaconda 'i Montgomery Ward and General Motors Vi American Stock Exchange prices were higher on volume of 660000 shares compared with 580-000 Friday Corporate bonds rose in' more active trading government bonds declined in over the counter dealings Am Bd Par 1 Am 30e Am Can 2 Am Can pfl75 Am Chaib 250b Am Chicle 3a Am Cry pf450 Am Cyan 160a Am Distill 160 Am Encaus 60a Am Enka Am Export 2 Pw 1 Am 160b AmHardware 150 AmHomePd 240 Am Inti 129g Am Inv 1 160 2 80a Am Metal i20 Am MetPd 1 60 Am Molass 70b Am Motors AmN Gas 260 Am News 160 Am Optical 2 Am Potash 1 Am Rad 110s Am Seating 120a Am Sug pfl75 9 rt wi Am Tob 4a AmTob pf 6 Am Viscose 2 Am Wks 60 Am Zinc 1 Amphen El 1 20 Anaconda 375g Anac 3 Anch 2a AnderClayt 2 Arch Dan 2 Argo Oil lb Armco Stl 3 Arms! Ck 120a Arnold Con 50a Artloom Arvin Ind 2 II 1b il pf 1 50 ASR Prod 40 AssdDry 2 As DG pf 525 Inv duPont 350 pf3 50 2 Duq Lt 2 48 Duq 4 pf 2 1 Eagle 220 2 EastAir 1b 27 East Cp 120 6 East l60b 16 i East pf 4 50 1 40 Easts Stl 150 21 East Kod 90e East Kod pf6 Eaton AAfg 3 EdisonBr Str 1 Ekco Pd 7 ElasStopN lb ElAutoL 2a El Mus 13e El Stor Bat 7 6 51 4 2 5 220 112 1 1 3 482 50 8 12 1 13 40 2 145 131 4 36 495 692 340 Sou Ind 160 Sou Gas 2 Sou Pac 3 Sou Ry 280 Sou Ry pf 1 Swest PS 148 Spalding If Sparton Cp Spen Chem 240 Spen Kell 80 Sperry Rd 80 Sper Rd pf450 zl 70 Spiegel 1 Square 1b Std Brand 2a Std Brd pf350 Std Coil Pd StdOil Cal 190b Std Oil Ind 140t SfdOilNJ 225g StdOil Oh 250 Std Pack Std Pack pf li Std Ry Eq la Stan War 1 Stauff Ch 180b Sterchi Br 1 144 477 5 37 752 372 300 25 17 62 35 20 45 05 12 250 Ala Vicks Rwy Ashland Calif Inters! Tel Nat Niagara Share Cp Outboard Marine Panhandle Fast PL Polaris Minina Simpson's Ltd Vicks Cus Cus Cus B3 Cus B4 Cus K1 Cus K2 Cus SI Cus S2 Cus S3 Cus S4 Keys Can JV: As so Fd Atom Dv AxeH A AxeH AxeHStk AxeScien AxeTGrth Blue Rid Bond Inv BostonFd Broad St Bullock Calif Fd Cdn Fd CdnIGth 2467 2575 2236 2439 1520 1659 9 02 985 786 858 942 1029 1383 1514 924 1009 1023 1116 695 759 930 1018 1908 21 41 1033 1123 1903 2046 1537 1662 2010 2173 What Stocks Did 100 1102 1208 1 Kmckerb 656 71 7 Lexingt 1558 1686: Lex Vent 639 Inv Cap Ven'5661 5051 Life Sfk Cent Shr 2093 2263 Loom Say 39 93 3993 Chem Fd 1496 1618 MANAG FUND: 952 1030 548 601 10 21 1116 873 954 1401 1531 501 546 NEW YORK Jan 20 (AP)- Wagner El 2b Walgreen 160a Walker 4 20 Walker wi Walworth 120 Ward Bak 1 Ward Bk pf550 Ward Ind WarnB Pic 1 20 Warn Lam 250b Wash Gas 2 WashWat 188 Waukesha 2 Wavne Pump 1 Welbilt Cp 05g West Ind 1 Ky Coal 1 WPenn El 150 WPen pf450 Va Pulp 160 Va pf450 West Air 80b West Auto 1 West Mary 3 West Pac 3 WestUn Tel 30e Westg A Bk 120 Westg El 2 Wheel Stl 340 Wheel Stl pf5 Whirl Cp 140 White Dent 160 White Mot 3 White Sew Wilcox Oil lb Wilson Co 1 Windsor Ind I5g Winn Dixie 96 WiscE! Pw 42e WiscP Sv 120 Woodward Ir 160 Mon Frf 664 472 634- 20 4- 384- 112 1 32-F 3 1814- 43 4- 100 4-1 88 4-1 273 4- 4- 37-F 83 2 2534- 1 7 164- 77 63 Advances Declines 262 33 Unchanged 221 264 Total Issues -114J New 1957-58 Highs 20 10 New 1957-58 Lows 1 3 Colon Fd 831 902 ComwIInTd 756 822 Marine Mid 1 Marq Cem 140 Marsh Field Martin Co 160b Masonite 120b May Str 220 Maytag 2a McCrory Str la 3 McCrory pf350 z220 McGraw Ed 140 5 McGraw 40a 2 280 4 McLean 160b 8 Mclell Str 140 2 AAcQuay Nor 120 1 Mead Cp 160b 3 Mead425 pf4 25 z150 Metv Shoe 180 8 MelvShoe pf4 z30 Mengel 1 z20 63 63 Mercant St 140a 2 20 20 Merck 120a 60 39 38 Merck cv pf4 1 112 11? Mergen Lino 2a 7 33 32 Merr 120b 95 18 173 Mesta Mch 250a 3 43 43 Met Ed pf445 zlO 100 100 Met Ed pf390 88 88 Miami Cop 2a Middle Ut 170 33 Midi Ross 3a MidIRoss pf 5 50 Z110 Midw Oil 105d 3 20d 15 Mpls Hon 16Ca 63 Mpls Mol 8 MdIs 1 pf Mpls 2 pf Mpl StL 140 Minn 120 Minn pf4 zlO 95 Minn Ont 1 60 Minn 160 Minute Mission Cp lr Mission Dev Miss Riv 160 Mo Kan Tex Mo pf Mo Pac A 60 Mohasco Ind Monarch 120 Monsan Ch lb Mont Ut 1 Montecatini 91g Monter Oil 40g Mont Ward 2a Morrell Mot Wheel i 60 Mueller Br 2 Munsingw 120 Murphy 2a Murray Cp 2 27 36 37 82 25 16 77 10 63 Stew War 2b Stix 120 Stoke Van If Stone 2a Sforer Brd 1 80 Stud Pack Sun Chem 80 Sun Ch pf450 Sun Oil lb Sunbeam 140a Sundstrand 1 Sunray 132 LEGAL NOTICE Auto 450 496 Elect 197 2 18 Gen Ind 3 14 346 Metal 240 265 Paper 374 357 Petrol 252 278 Sped 221 244 Trans 226 249 Man Bond 631 692 Mass Tr 997 1078 Va Gth 9 12 986 MassLife 1795 1941 MKF 1291 1390 i Mut Inves 846 929 i Mut Shrs 1218 1218 i MutTrust 285 310 Nat WSec 1778 1924 Nat Inves 884 956 NAT SEC SER: Balan 964 1054 Bond 538 5 88 Divid 3 21 351 Com Com Stk Comp Bd Comp Fd Concord Cons Inv Crown deVeghln deVeghM Dela Fd Dela Inc Diver Gr Diver Inv DIvTrE DividShr Dreyfus EatonBal 2008 2148 Eaton Stk 1860 1985 Electron 440 481 13 27 13 4C unavail 9 19 10 11 7 93 8 72 555 6 08 765 838 1517 17 20 244 2 60! 52 9261 Z810 666 3244 37 1 30 Notice is hereby given that Carl King applies to the Board of Adlustment for relief of 5 feet from the 25 foot rear yard requirement premises located on the south side of Sunset Avenue commencing 304 feet west of Maryland Avenue In order to construct a one family dwelling on subject lot which he proposes to purchase Elsevier for relief of 37 feet from the individual 12 sldeyard requirement on both sides and relief of 142 feet from the total 30 sldeyard requirement premise located en the north side ol 1 4 13 273i 32 33 38 22 25V? Sunsh Bis 4 Sunsh Mn 40 Sup Oil Cal Suther Pap 2 4 32 213' 25 40 48 4 274- 334- 22 -F 40 4- 48 Emer El 160 Emer ad EmoD El 120 End John 2 Equit Gas 160 Erie RR Erie RR pf 5 Evans Pd 1 Eversharp 1 20 Ex-Cell-0 150 Fairb Mor 140a Fairch Fajardo Falstaff Br 1 Fam Fin 160 Fansteel lb Fawick 1 5e Fedd Quig 1 Fed Mogul 240 FedPac El 80b Fed Pap Bd 2 Fed Pap pfl15 FedD Sir 160 Fenestra 2 Ferro Cp 80d P'bre Pap 120k FidP Fire 2 Fjfth A Lin 2a Filtrol 180 Firestone 260b FirstN Str Firth CpTTSO intkote 240b Floren Sty Fia Pw 2 Fla 140 Fluor 120b Food Fair lb Food Mach 2 Foote 80b Ford Mot 2 40 Forem Dair lb Fosf Wheel 16( Francis 60g Freept Sul 3 Frueh Tra Frueh pf 4 Gabriel 60 Gamble Sk 60 Gamewell 160 Gar Wood Gardner Den 1 Garrett 2 Gen Accept 1 en Am Indus Tf-snr Income Stock Grwfh New Eng NYCApit NCE Sh Woo I worth 250 38 40 Worthington 250b 2 Worth pf 550 Wrigley 3a Wvan Wor T50 2 550fl Yngst Dr 2 Zenith Rad 3a Approx total today Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago Two years ago Jan 1 to date revised 1957 to date 1956 lo date Fid Mut FlaMutFd I Fla Gth FoundMut Fnk Com Frank Pf Fund Inv Gas Indus 1135 1240 Gen Cap 1134 1226 Gen Inves unavail GROUP SEC: Till'! 3 77 1423 1538 2 10 230 322 353 426 465 715 777 844 927 510 562 1371 1502 Norwood Avenue and commencing 521 feet east of Dwire Place in order to build a house These appeals will be heard at a regular meeting of the Board of Adlustment Wednesday January 22 1958 at 11:00 am In the Committee Room City Hall Signed EDISON JOHNSON Building Inspector City of Durham DURHAM MORNING HERALD Jan 17-18-19-20-21 1958 i Peoples PhilaFd Assoc 260 Atchison 120a Atchison pf 50 Atl Cst Line 2 Atl Refln 2 Atl Ref pf37J Atlas Cp 60 Atlas Cp pf 1 Atlas Pdr 240 Autom Cant 1 80b I 2310000 2200000 1856430 2786213 2736390 2716500 29805881 33027776 35552346 TTTTW 500 546 691 755 540 509 1898 2052 2750 2950 806 881 1127 1235 unavailable 1953 1973 1275 1386 2792 28 25 558 603 1110 1207 10 18 1018 3700 3925 32 46 3246 2044 2044 742 803 944 1032 1215 1332 1093 1195 1082 11 12 Pine St Pioneer Price TR Puritan Putnam ScienNuC Scud Can Scud Sc Scud Stk Selec Am Sharehld Smith Ed Sw Inves Soverlnv 35 6 Avco Mfg I0e 46 Dow-Jones Averages NFW YORK Jan 20 (UP) Dow-Jones closing stock averages: Open High Low Close Chg 30 IndS 4451 7 44943 44400 447 92 -i-317 20 Rails 106 74 10777 10558 106 87 0 23 15 Utils 7133 7 78 7116 7164 026 65 Stocks 151 51 15290 15087 15211 070 Transactions used In averages: Industrials Railroads Utilities 288100 115800 48200 35 6 3 34 11 36 35' '8- 6 18 34 334 11 4 14 364- 7k 8 2214 434 33 73k 9 33 30 15 334 6 56 99 28 3 33 10 36 7k 8 22' 4 4 14 44 8 33 -4 304 154 334 97 4 Babbitt lb Bald Lima 60 Balt 180 Balt Balt ofB450 pfC 4 100 100 Z70 100 zlO 93 Notice is hereby given that Mr Strawbridge applies to the Board of Adlustment for a USE PERMIT In order that he may use or permit a building to be used as a photographic developing process and a finishing plant premises located at the northwest corner of Hillsboro Road and Georgia Avenue This appeal will be heard at a regular meeting of the Board of Adjustment Wednesday January 22 1958 at 11:00 am in tha Committee Room City Hall Signed: EDISON JOHNSON Building Inspector City of Durham DURHAM MORNING HERALD i Jan 8-910-1 1-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21 '58 J8V1 282k 7 97 Inv pfJSD'llO GenAm Oil 30b HM'V50 3 Totals Closing bond averages: Natco Cp 80b 4 12 Nat Acme 2a 1 45 Nat Airlin 1 Nat Auto Nat Aviat 350g Nat Bisc 2a Nat Bis pf 7 Nat Can 75f Nat Cash 12' Nat City 2 Nat Cyf 180 Nat Dairy 180 Nat Str Nat Distill lb Nat FueIG 110 Nat Gyps 2b Nat Gvps pf 4 50 210 91 Nat Lead 325g 25 973 96 Nat Linen 8C Nat Mai 2b Nat Shrs 48a Nat Steel 4 Nat Sug Ref 2a Nat Supply 240 Nat Tea 2 Nat 7hea 50 Nat Vul Fib 80 Natomas Nehi Cp 80b Neisner 80a New Eng El 1 Newmont 2 Balt Oh 1 Balt Pf4 Bang Ar 2 40 Barber Oil 2 50 Barker Br 1 Bath Ir Wk 2 60a Bayuk Clg 1 Beat Fds 180 Beaunlt 50 Unit of trading ten shares or sales in full Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or semiannual declaration Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not included Also extra or extras Annual rate plus stock dividend Declared or paid in 1957 plus stock dividend Declared or paid so far this year Payable in stock during 1957 estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date Paid last year Declared or paid after stock dividend or split up k--De-elared or paid this year an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears Pa this year dividend omitted deferred or no action taken at last dividend meeting Declared or paid in 1958 plus stock dividend Payable in stock during 1958 estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date dividend cld --Called xd-Ex dividend distribution rights Without warrants With warrants wd -When distributed issued day delivery In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies 91 96 Close Chg uej Cable 2 Contract 40d Controls 1 Gen Oynam 1 let Gen Elec 2 72 4 19 '4 63 7 63 21 503 4 5 633 93 5 34 14 93 4 26 52 41 304 54 4 9 553 44 174 354- 3 12-- 24 303 44 V4 11 1 7- 4541 50 194 40 Bonds 10 1st Rails 10 2nd Rails 10 Utils 10 Inds The -Dow-Jones commodity futures riex (1924-26 average equals 100) closed at 15705 88 42 883 80 33 92 36 92 55 4 007 4 009 4-005 4011 4 003 28 71 9 31 11 19 63 6234 21 4934 534 63 116' 7 -4- 1 35 4 353 H7 116 116'? 2814 4 72 41 9 31 4 113- 194 63 21 503 4 4 534 63' State St 30375 32375 Stein RF 2814 2814 Sterl Inv 993 1056 Telev El 1014 1105 TexFd unavailable Un Accu 929 1010 Un Cont 6 18 675 Unlncom 855 929 UnScien 920 1005 UnFd Can 1307 1421 Val Line 520 570 ValLInc 453 495 ValLSnl 222 243 WallStln 663 7 25 WashMut 752 822 W'ellingt 1182 12 89 Wisconsin 459 496 CQN INVEST CO Am Mut 707 773 Cap Vent 461 505 Equity 620 642 Under nat sec ser: NY Capit 2750 2950 Beech Sav 150 5 26 52 30 54 9 56 17 35 12 24 30 11 17 45 50 20 1 31 48 38 39 8 60 37- 25 22 2 39 12 12 15 15 4 11 II 25 51 30 53 9 55 17 35 12 24 30 11 17 50 19' 15-16 15-16 Stocks In Spotlight NEW YORK Jan 20 (API -Sales dosing price and net change of the fifteen most active stocks today: Bold Hem 70 Bell Aire lg BeM How lb Bendix Av 2 40 Benef Fin lb Benguet Best Co 2 Best Fds 2 a Bestwali 1 50f Beth Steel 2 40 254 Bigelow 32 Bigelow pf450 z20 I 40b 7 Blew Knox 120b 13 Bliss I 180 4 Bliss EW 1 46 Boeing Air lb BonAmi Bond Strs 125 Book of Mon 80 4 Gen Finan 1 Gen Fds 1 95o Gen Instru 15a Gen Mills 3 Mills of 5 C-en Motor- 2 Gen Mot pf 5 Gen Mol pf375 GenOut Ad 2 40 Genp Cem i80a Gen Free 2 40 Prec 3 of 3 Gen Pub Sv 34g Gen Put Ut 2 Gen Rv Sig la Gen Peally 80 Gen Refrac 2b Gen Shoe 1 50 1 GenSM Cast 1 60 Gen Tel 2 Gen Time 25 Gen Tire 70 Gen Tire pf550 T120 Gen Tire of 5 50 Pac Cp lb 70 erberProd 160a 2 212 19 4 13 6 220 207 9 Oil 162f 91 34 563 4 41 51 4' 393 23 1534 35 2234 19 413 19 28 87 Chicago Grain 91 34 7 40 5034 4 39 23'? 15 35' 4 22' 4 1934 41 18' 28V4 87 81'? 28 51 American Stock Exchange CHICAGO Jan 20 (AP)- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY BESSIE IRENE ANDREWS vs JAMES JACKSON ANDREWS NOTICE To James Jackson Andrews: You will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court of Durham County on the 2nd day of December 1957 entitled as above wherein th plaintiff seeks an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds that the plaintiff and the defendant have lived separate and apart for more than two (2) years next preceding the bringing of this action and The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the offlc of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Durham County In the Courthouse in Durham North Carolina within thirty (30) days after the 28th day of January 1958 and answer or demur to the complaint In thit action or the plaintiff will apply to th Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the day of December 1957 Signed: JAMES STONE Clerk of The Superior Court Durham County Dec 31 '57-Jan 7-14-21 '58 Am Motors Am Tel Tel Royal Dutch Am For Pow Std Oil NJ Thomson Prod Beth Steel Atch Top SF Getty Oil Gen Motors Steel Pitt steel Westingh Elec Am Metal 85100 66300 51200 48100 34500 26700 25400 22400 21200 20700 18900 18400 155 14500 9' 7 173 40 12 50 47 39 1934 26 35 54 14 18' 4- 42 41 4- 14 Vt 7 r7oo 91 34 56 4034 i 503-4 4 3934 23 15- 354-1 22 19 283 3 87 81 2 294- Va 26i 264- 8' a -r 36 22 167's 4- 4- 67 4- 424- 1 4 363 2234 16 34 9-16 9-161-16 20 33 '78 577 NEW YORK Jan 20 (API-Following a list of maior stock and bond transactions on the American Stock Exchange today: Sale Net Close 218 212 187 190 194 111 1149 Low 217 212 186 1 89 193 111 114- NY Central id NY 2 NY NH Hart NY pf 5 NY Shipbd 140 NY Sta 2 Nia Pw 180 Nia pf4 10 Nia pf390 Niag Shr 35 4 20 20 Nopco Ch 2 2 33 33 360a 16 58 56 NoAm Av 160a 118 31 31 Noeast Cap 2f 2 17V 17 Nor Central 4 zlOO 70 69V? NorN Gas 280 12 49 49 No Gas pf550 z70 105 Nor Pac 2 63 4 Nor StaPw 90 26 17V? NS Pw pf 410 zlO 90 NS Pw pf360 z50 82 Northrop 160 24 227 Nwst Airlin 80 79 13 Norwich Ph 120a 3 32 Borden 280d Borg Warn 38 Bos Edis 2 80 11 Boston Ma 2 pf5 3 Bran Airw 60g 14 Bridg Brass 2 50 12 Briggs Mf 18 Briggs St 140a 10 31' 17V 70 '1 49'? 011 pt 40 Gillette 2 a jmbel 160 31 41 a 4-1 37- 39 4 74 '4 60 -3734- '4 24s e- 4 41 1441 384 12- 15 4 IIV44 6334 50' 8- 3k 8344 834- 324 8 4 i a 284 a 35 12- 43 334 2234- 30 4 V4 15 12 14 114 29' 7- 17 23 4 4 22 41 I 293k 5134 27 1 8' 16 4 17 23 16 34 3' 67 783 112 115 6334 28 50 8 22 87s 3234 4 283 4 56' a 35 12 33 23 New York Cotton 21 20 21 1 Adam Con 12d Aero Supply Aeronca Mfg AirW Ind Aiax Pet Alaska Airl Alleg Alrl Alleg Cp wt Allied Art AmLaund 7 Am Marac 37f Am Meter 2 423 42 63 283k 50 8 22 8 32 7 283 56 35 12 43 33 2234 30 15 12 11 11 29' a 17 22 4 22 1 7-16 1 5-16 1 7-16 Brist My Bkly Gas 2 Brown Bg 1 Brown Sh 220 Brun Balke 1 Buckeye PL 140 Bucy Erie 2 Budd Co 1 40 Bullard Bulova 25t Burl Ind 80 Burroughs 1 Bush Term lOr Butler Br 160a Butte Co Byers 51 96 CORN Mar May Jlv Sep Dec -OATS Mar May Jlv Sep RYE Mar May Jlv Sep SOYBEANS Jan Mar May Jiy Sep LARD Mar May Sep 5 323 287 83 24' 4 50 34 22 Clad Me 1 0 1 laden 2 Goebel Br Goodrich 220 Goodyear 240b 240 Grab Paige Granby Grand Un 72b Gran Stl 3 Grant 2 Grant pf3 75 Grays Rob Pi if 0rS Gt No Pap 2 40 Gt No Ry 3 Gt West l20a Gt West pf7 zlto Green 5 z90 Green HL 10 Greenf 128 2 Greyhound 1 Grum Aire 175g 16 Guant Sug lg 2 Gulf 2 15 Gulf Om 2 1 Gulf St 2 41 Ut 160 4 24 153 15 19 10 177 54' 86 30 41 17 27 423 96 8 69 41 21 -8 89 39' i 63 95 27 128 11 43 49 41 24 24 4 15 15 14 14 19' '4 10 1 0 17 171? 54 54 108 413 4 4- 14- NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY Notice is hereby given that Annie Brogden conducting a mattress business known as The Durham Mattress Company has this day sold said business to Clyd Robinson with the exception of the accounts receivable due on or before January 3 1958 Annie Brogden will collect aM accounts receivable due on or before January 3 1958 and those indebted to the said business on or before said date are requested to make payment to Annie Brogden at 2117 Wilson Street Durham North Carolina Clyde Robinson will operate said mattress business beginning January 3 1958 and will be responsible for the debts made by said business on and after said dale This the 3rd day of January 1958 ANNIE BROGDEN TA Durham Mattress Company Jan 7-14-21-28 '58 8 2 3 8 51' 13 16 1 75 50 7 50-13-16 13-16 1 IV 743 75 Cal Pack 220b Calum 80 Camob Lk Campb Soup 150 5 Can Dry 1 47 Cdn Pac 150 21 Capital Alrl 72 Carborun 160 25 Carey Phil 1 60 6 Caro 5 z20 Caro 132 9 Carpen Stl 2a 4 41 21 89 2 39 3 62 95 -1 27 11 43 49 41 NEW YORK Jan 20 Cotton futures advanced on buying influenced by the opposition of congressional farm leaders to the administration's farm proposals Only nearby March showed a decline at the dose as increased liquidation in that delivery met only light support Final prices were 20 cents a bale lower to SI higher The market reached its best levels around mid day with new cron months Si to si 35 a bale higher Prices subsequently eased as profit faking set in Switching from March to May in current crop deliveries was moderately active Certified cotton stocks increased 589 bales to 25173 hales according to the latest posting by the New York Cotton Exchange Atlanta advices to a leading spot firm said that most mills had forward cotton to buy but are waiting for business to in the cotton textile market Cotton futures turned irregular In late dealings on increased local and New Orleans selling in near months New crop positions were higher on trade and commission house buying Futures closed 20 cents a bale lower to $1 higher than previous close Mar May Jlv Oct Dec Mar May Jlv Middling Spot 3630N off 5 Nominal Bid 38 16 25 14s 35 25 96 26 43 Ohio Edis 2 64 Oh Ed Pf440 Oh Ed pf390 Ohio Oil 160 Okla 190 Okla pf 80 Okla Gas 150 Olin Math 7 Olin pf 4 25 Oliver Cp 60 Oliver pf450 Otis Elev 2 Outb Mar 80 Outlet 225e Owens Cng 80 Owens IIIGI 250 19 Owens III pf 4 2 Oxford Pan 2a Pa 80 Pac Coast 5f Pac Fin 240 Pac I 240 Pac Ltg Pac 7 Pac pf6 Pac Tin 40 PanAW Air 8 Panh EPL 180 Param Piet 2 Parke Da 7a Park Rust 37i Parmelee Tr Patino Min 50-PeabodyCoal 2 Penn Dix 120 Penn Tex Penn Tex pf Penney Jt 3a Pennroad 90e Pennsalot 160a 240 16 Z40 2510 Z80 Amurex Oil Anacon Ld Ang Lau A Ark Oil 1 Ark La Gas 120 Armour wt Arm Rub A 1 Aro Equip 1 Assoc Art Atlas Cp wt Atlas Plvwd Bailey Sel Bald Sec llg Banff Oil BariumStl 30d Bell Tel Can 2 Belocklnst 1 2t Braz Tract 53d Breeze Cp Brit Am Oil 1 Brit Petrol 40g Brown Co 1 Brown Dis 80b 4 BufEcllpse i20b BunkerHill 05e Burry Bisc 30g Telev Calg Ed 10 Caltast Av CalEI Pw 76 Calv Campb Chib Can Sou Pet Cdn Atl Oil Cdn Homestd 20 47 41 6 1 5' 2 36 12T 43 4341 4 41 8 6 1 5 353 12 103- i 4s 41 8 6s 5 35 12 10 14 Poultry And Eggs RALEIGH Jan 20 (PI- (NCDA1 -North Carolina poultry markets fryers and broilers farm price 22 paid by distributors for clean sized minimum 80 per cent A quality Raleigh and Charlotte steady large 42 Durham steady large 40-42 prices paid producers on graded out basis: Asheville steady A large 41 10 15' Muntz TV MuskPRing 52g Nat Bell 25a Nat Petrol Nat Presto 60 Nat Telefil NewBrlst Oils Br it Oil Eng 8 Idria Min NJ Zinc 137o Mex Ar Pac Park Min 75e Nickel Rim Norbute Nord Ketav Norf So Ry 60d Nor Can Oils Noreast Air Northspan Ur Nuclear Am Nuclear Am A Oceanic Oil Ogden Corp Pac Petrol Pan Israel Panfep Oil Prkbg Aet I5d Pepperell 3a Peru Pioneer 120 6 PressMet Am PrestEDome ProgrcssMf 70b 80 Reiter Fost Rem Arms 55g Richwell Pet Rico Arg 07g RioGr VG 15g Roxbury Cpl 120 RvanCPet 25f StLawr Cp 1 Sapphire Pet SculllnSfl 120a ScurryRain Air 62f Servo Cp Servomech 40 Shat Denn 45a Shaw 68 Sherw Wm Siboney Carlb Simca 6ig Simp Pat 80a Singer Mfg 220 Slick Airw Sonotone 28 Std Dredg 70g Std Finan 40 Std Oil Ky 2a Std Prod 1 Std Shares 80g Std Thomson Sterl Prec Stroock 85 Super Tampa El 120 Technicolor Texam Oil Thew Shov 160 Thiokol Ch 312f Thomp Star ToddShip 575g TranCar A 30b TranCon ind TranCubOil A Trans Emp Trans Lux 20g Tri Conti wt Unexcell Chem Unit Asbest US Air Cond US Foil 40a US Vitamin 1 UnivMarion 160a 31 8 45 67 2 13 3 3 7 39 1 2 9 11 Z200 6 7 46 8 1 4 48 5 7 4 39 62 95 27 12 43 495 41 122 121s 122 134 132 134 2 4' 15 42 1 33 a 5434-1 21 174- 3 87i 26 3 7 8 a 143 87 14 54 1 441 99 13 40 2134 51 1 beautiful functional and economical i 2 i 59 i8 4 27' ag 'k 19 a 21 18- 35 45 26' P4- 183 3734 4- 28 Vt 16 16 16 1 1 5-16 1 5-16 IV? 1 IVY 5 5 5 108 108 41 03 Hall Print 1 40 4 207 Halliburton 2 40 21 5 Hamil Wat 140 1 HammerPao 1 50 4 2is Hmd Org 140a 4 30' Harb Wane 180 7 311 Harb Wk pf6 Harris nt 2 Harsco Cp 2b Harshaw Ch 1 Hart SSM 1 AO Havcg Ind Hechl Co 180a Hem? 220 Heller 120 Heime l60a Helme pfl 75 Hercul Mot Here Pdr tlOg Here Pdr pfi Hersh Choc 240a Hertc 120b Hew Robins 2 Heyden Not 80 Hilton Hot 120 Hoff Elect I Holland 60 Holly Sug 20 Homestk 160a Honolu Oil 2 Hooker El 1 Hotel Cp Am Houd Ind lb Houd Ind pf2J5 Housed Fin liob 15 House pf 3 75 10 Houst L8P 1 60 21 Howard Sir 1 Howe Snd 35 oHud 8 Man 5 pf Hud Bav 1 Hunt Fds 50b 4 Hunt Fds pf 5 Hupp Cp Hupp Cp pf250 Huss Refr 1b dahp Pw 1 50 Cem 2 3 150 PL 150 24 31' 22s 2V 58' 47T 24 121 115 58' 375 12 18s8 23 9 Indpls 58s il a sm MW 18" 35 45 26te 31 37V 28' 81 55" 9 6 1 6 45 14 73 77 1534 T014 9'' 12 34 3 5 73 14 2 3-16 2 1-16 2 3-16-1-16 9' 12 34 3 5 7 49 12 16 94- 12-F 34 -4 3 54 7 6' 48f 12' 4 16 2- 's 1 9 34- 35 34 IV 3 824 Pa RR 125o Peoples Gas 2 Pepsi Cola 12 Pet Milk 160a Petrol Cp 12C Pfeiffer Br Pfizer 160a Phelps 3 Phi la El 2 Ph El pf 4 40 Ph El pref 1 Phil Rdg Phi Ico 62f Philco pf 375 Philip Mor 3 Phill Pel 170 Phil VanH 170 Pillsby Mills 2 50 10 Piper Aire lb 6 Pit Coke la 3 Pit Con Coal 120 7 Pit Forg 120b 1 65 3 21 30 14' 8 61 46 6 48' 12 16 2 1 9 8 3538 3 I1 a 3 81 1 105 105 11 114 2 2 1 1 1 7 4 1 13-16 4 4- 2 a 4 8 2 mSfSBi iv iK-i Canso Nat Gas Canso OH Prod Catalin 25g Cen Explor Charter Oil Chesebrough 3a darost Mfg 15g Clary Core Clopav Coast Oils ColonialSd 30b Con Cuban Pet Con Diesel Cons 80a Cont Air 37f Cont Materials Cott Bever )0d Crane Carr Creole Pet 4g Crown Coll CubAm Oil CubAtlSug Cub Ven Oil Daitch CD 60 Devon Oils Dome Expl Draper 25e 25 DuMont Lab Dynam Am 140 60d EmeryAirF Equity Cp Erie Forge Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Jan 20 (API Prices for butcher hogs were mostly 25 cents higher today and as much as 50 cents higher In some instances for weights over 250 lbs The too price $2025 was paid for 200 head of 190-215 pounders grading No 1 Several hundred head of the same grade in the 190-225 lb range brought The 190-240 lb weights grading 2 and 3 sold at $1950-51985 with the heavier kinds $17 50 and up Sows were steady to 25 cents higher with the 340-400 lb weights selling at S1650-S17 and the heavier weights In the cattle market slaughter steers were steady lo 50 cents higher and vealers were steady The top of $3150 was paid for two loads of 1250 lb prime grade and was the hiqhest since October 1956 A few loads of prime steers brought $3050 $31 and most choice and prime sold at $26 25-S3025 Good grades were $2350 $26 good and choice vealers $26-531 Slaughter lambs were fully 25 cents higher and brought $2325-524 25 for the bulk of choice wooled kinds Prime wooled lambs were quotable to $2450 Good and choice slaughter ewes were steady at I8-S10 105 11 2 1 13-16 4 14 S' 5 15-16 41 84 46s 15 17 31 15 42 22 27 8 25 1 52 34 19 36 5 7 24 52 12 30 34 13 49 14 20 19 22 54 30 90 29 46' 4 49 10 37 16 4 103 17 37 105 49 82 21 43 40 51 48 27 26 16 en SW 170 13 en VI Sug 280 68 Cer de Pas 160b 5 Cert-teed 70g 34 Cessna Air 140b 9 Chad Goth 9 Chain Beit 2a 2 Champ Pap 120 3 Champlln Oil lb 24 Chance VqI 60 41 Checker Cab 5 Chemway 68 Ches Cp Va 120 1 Ches Oh 4 44 Chi III la 1 ChiGt West 185d 37 Chi Gt pf250 5 Ch MSPPac 1 50 38 Ch MSPP pf 5 4 40 pf 12 Chi Pneu la 8 Chi 270 43 Chrysler 3a 130 Cin 150 Cin pf4 zl 40 Cln Mil 160 1 CIT Finan 240 22 Cities Svc 240b 44 City Invest 20e 2 City Prod 250 1 City Str 140 7 Clark Equip 7 Clev El III 160 4 Clev El pi 4 50 zl 30 103 Clevite 115o 17 Cluett Pea 250g 1 Coca Cola 4a 22 107' Colg Palm 3a 11 493 Colg Pal pf 3 50 z50 Colo 2 75 Colo Pf275 8 4g 30 1 Pf4g zlO 2 pf4g zlO Col Brd A lb Z4184 Col Brd lb 5 Colum Gas 1 60 Col Piet 371 2 Col Carb 240 6 El 160 10 42 24 27 9 25 1 53' 19 37 5 8 24 53 12 32 34 13 49 1 4 21 19 23 54 30 90 29 463 50 1 0s 37 16 39 40' 26 16 13'4 35 31 56 '2 9 I 1 7" i 1 )nvi 27 4 31 1654 70 1 76 28s' 37' 7- 'i 88 15 Pit FtW pf 7 Z30 139 5 8 5 16 424- 24' 4-1 27 254- 53' 35 19 36k- 54- 8 4- 124- 4-2 34 138-- 49 14 20 19 4- 234- 544 9034 4- 294 464- 493 4 4 37 4 16 39 4 7i 40 103 41 1734- 374 1064- 49 82 -1 214 4 3 7 40 41 51 42 48 4 27 26 164 35 4- 311- 26 -4 504 12'4- 43 -4 Vi 16" 70 76 2914 37' 88 2 1 Vs i 4 14 3 38s s- 394- 10? 21 -F 30' et- 14 4- 61 464- 40 46-F 15 174- 31 -1 154- 139 4- 17 4- 69 1 7 4 14 1 71 22 43 2 25' 475 19' 23 56 -F 3 44 -F 34 32 95 4- 2734- 39' 8- 76-1 6 27 46'? 4 324 38 136 1363 4- 25V? 2 5 Vs 8 133 6 4 Vi 4 28 1 2 7 5-16 24 21 29 13 61 45 4034 84 14 17 31 1 5 13V 17 693 7' 14 71 22 43 19 25 47 19 23 563 43 3134 95 27 39 76' 6 2 46 31 38 14 6 4 4 28 13 3 7 69' 75' 1 28" 371 i 877 "dust Ray 1 75o 26 na Rand 3a 10 Intend Stl 450g 14 Insplr Cop 3 25g 8 llerchem 260 2 nterch pf4 50 150 Inlerlak Ir 2g 3 14 3 6 4- 4 28 Va 12 1 3 7 5-16-M6 24 1 M6 another example of the kind of building you get with the Butler Building System yin 2P4 ntBusMch 2 40b 40 7 308 3094 I 2' Inf Wart ax 7 11-16 1 916 17 71 7' 8 16V? 71 22 44 19 25 47 19 23 56 44 32 95 27 39 76 6' 27' 46' 1 32' a 385k 29" "29'c 155" 1 55' 1 5 9-16 5 5-16 5 7 16 22s 36 14 24 5 4 34 2 3 267 1 1 9 2 1 3 14 2 10 1 a iq38 Pit Metallu 75h 6 Pit Plate 2 75a 11 PitScr 50 7 Pit Steel lb 184 Pit Stl pr pf 5 50 2 Pit Va l60a 2 Pittston Co 120b 16 Plough 60 5 Plym Oil 160b 4 Polaroid 20 28 Poor Co 2 5 Potom El Pw 120 3 Proct 2 19 Pub Sv Colo 180 5 PubSv 1 80 59 Pf4 30 z50 Pf 140 7 Pub Sv Ind 2 6 PS In pf350 Z100 Publick ind 50f 1 136 4 Pullman 3a 15 Pure Oil 160 42 Quak Oats 1 80b 4 Quak Oats pf6 Quak St Oil 2 Z40 2 14 5 5 22V 36 14 23 5 4 33 2 3s 26 1 1 2 1 14 43 1 9 14-F 5 5 1-16 224- 3641 14 24 4- 5 4 34 1 2-- 264- I1'- 1 8 2 14 144- 444- 7 a 3-16 1044- 974 454- 79 4 834- 99 45 97 -1 5 9 7 72 4' a 27 71 8 90V 2 92' 1 0s a I- 68 3 34 27 3 Univ Prod 160b Utah IdSug 30g Valspar Cp VanAIStl 260 Van Norm wt Valron 140b Waltham Prec Welman Co WhlteEaglelnt WlIlMcW 35e Woodley 50b WrighfHer Zapata Pet BONDS AppEI 325S70 NJ 4s93A ItaIPwR 65s ct NatResearch 5s76 OhioPow 325s68 Peru 3s97 SoCalEd 3s 65 5 8 6 71 4 11 13-16 20 20 4 2 4 7-16 9 I3 9-16 21 9-16 21 54- 84- 7 71' -F 4 11 3 41-16 20 4 44-M6 834-F 9-16-1-16 2V 92' 3 IP 67 34s 27 tiarv 52 30 nt Harv pf7 Z30 1 55' lnt Miner 1 60 8 27' Int Nick 260a 35 71s lnt Pack 50g 9 8" nt Paper 3b 35 Int Pap pf 4 92' lnt Rys Am 5 10s hi Hvs ps3 68 nt Shoe 240 9 34s nt Sliver 262g 7 27' 3 Int 180 59 31 Int Util 1 6 25s Inters! DStr 250 3 23' nterst Pw 80 4 14' owa III 180b 7 33s Iowa P8L 160 13 27s tel Crk Coal 2 3 30' ITE Ck! Brk 162d 2 40V L- 1 Jacobs 5 30" 30" Rtfoil Stor Comb 26' 't 50 12 43 13 35 31 25 50 Va 12 43 Z425 277 97 45 79 83 99 45 457 97 97 45 79 83 99 25 22l's 14 33 27' 30' 40 25 23 34 14 33'- 2734 304- 40 1033 1363 25s a 53 34 2 74 8 18 1 49 117 16 127 23 6 25 Va Radio Station Sold ASHEVILLE Jan 20 UP)-Skyway Broadcasting Co today sold radio station WLOS of Asheville to Hogan of Clinton for $105000 The sale was disclosed by Paul Chapman and Co brokers in Atlanta Hogan is former part-owner and general manager of WLBG Lau rens He said he will assume management of the property here immediately after FCC approval of the transfer of license WLOS operates on 5000 watts daytime 1000 watts at night Skyway did not sell its television station WLOS-TV here Here is one of many attractive buildings that have been built the Butler way And it's mighty attractive in more ways than just appearance too The inside is wide wall to wall clear-span design gives you complete freedom in interior partitioning and finishing Provision for economical expansion is Construction is faster costs less since parts are mass-produced and pre-engineered by Butler to fit perfectly Your Butler building goes up weeks to months faster than ordinary construction Whatever your needs for a com-fhcrciil or industrial building the Butler Building System affords an individually styled structure that costs less to own less to build than with traditional methods 4 103 8 30 11 47 1 4 29 35 7' 20 10 1 52 9 5 403 973 373 2 Eureka Cp Fairch Cam Faraday Ur Fargo Oils Finan Gen 30 Firth Sferl Fly Tiger FordMCan A 5 Ford Ltd 11g Gen Plywood qGen Stores Gen Transistor Giant Yell 30g Glen Aid 20g Goldfield Con Gorham Mfg 2 Gray Mfg 5e Gt Lak Grid Freeh Harnischf 160 Hazeltlne 140b Hecla Min 50 Hevi DutyEl 60 Hoe Co A 1 Holly Corp Humble Oil 140 Hydromet 25f Imp Ch Ind Mg imper Oil 120 InsCoNA 250 z800 Int Petrol 1 40 8 Inf Resist 20 1 Jupiter Oils 15 Kaiser Ind 11 Kaweckl Chem z250 Kirigsford 3 Kirk Minerals 61 Lake Shore 1 Lear 15 Leonard Rf 70g 3 Lodge Ship 1 Louis V40a 20 Lynch Cp 60 1 McDonAirc lb 13 McKee 250 z50 Mead John 120 2 Menasco 30g Merrill Pet Mesabl Iron Mid Sta Pet 3 Mldw rlP 150 5 MinCp Can 75g 6 Moivbden Can 102 21 1 46 0 109 17 3 WarohouM 7 105 31 22 15 14 16 42 34 49 6 6 4- 251 271 4-21 1 Va 29-' 35 74- 20- 10 1 52 -F 9 -F 5 40 97 4 37 4- 4 2 9 4- 1- 8 1-16 44- 5 VVP 23 23 1 9 16 41-16 a 44- 5s 5 44- 9 4 11- 48 4 105 31 224 34 15 144 16 424 34' 49 1 74 Jaeger Mch 112 Jeff Lak lSOg 4 Jewel Tea 2b 1 Johns Man 2 25 40' 160a 4 18' Jones 250g 41 40' Jones pl5 zlO 95' Joy Mfg 240a 20 40" Al 90 47 24s Kan PiL 2 40 KC pf450 730 100' i 100 Kan 5ou 4 2 54' 53s4 Kan Sou pf2 -Kan 140 7 Kan 130 4 Kelsey Hay 240 4 Kennecott 6 4B Kern Ld 2a 16 Kerr McGee SO 19 Kerr McG pH 12 1 5 J0" 20' i 22h 22s 60 60 39" 88 40 95" 40' 4 3SA 34s 29" 25T4 78s 371 42' 22s- 3464 29s 25H 32' 37' 42' 2214 RCA la RCA pf 350 Ranco 120 Ravbest 340 Rayonier 140 Raytheon Reading Co 2 Reed Bit la 1 18 Reeves Br 50 6 7 Relian El 1 80 5 33 Repub Av 2 1 19 Reoub Piet 18 6 Repub Stl 3 69 42 Revere 2i0g 3 24 Revlon 1 60 28 28 Rex Drug 50 13 9 Revn Met 50a 71 34 Reyn Met pf237 2 44 RevTob 360 26 65 Rev Tob pf 450 98 '4 Rheem Mf lOg 43 '1 Rhodesian I7g 21 2 Richfld Oil 3a 4 59s Riegei Pap 120 3 22 Roan Art 52g 6 4 Rob Fulton 150 10 24 Rob Ful Pfl 37 1 31 Roch 160 2 29 Rock Spg 2 16 25 Rohm 2b z520 328 ng 112 Coml Cred 280 Coml Solv 92g Comw Ed 2 Comw Ed pf464 Comptometer Cone Mills 80 Congoleum Con Cigar 140 Con Copp 80g Con Edis 240 Con Edis pf 5 ConElectro 40a Con El Ind 17 Con Foods 1 1 Con Gas Ut 90 13 Con Laund la 3 Con Gas 2 9 Con RR Cub Pf 1 30 Consum Pw 240 23 Con Pw Pf450 Z100 100 Container 1 53 17 Cont Bak 2 3 31 Cont Bak pf550 Z60 101 Cont Can 180 21 44 Ct Can pf 375 Z100 90 Cont 1 18 10 Cont Ins 2 35 46 font Mot 10e 13 7 Cont Oil 160 66 41s Coop Bess 1 60 16 12 CooperRng 1 11 18 Copw Stl 2 16 23 CopwStl pf250 Z70 50 Corn Pd 160 27 34 Com Pd pf 7 Cornell 120 orning Gl la osden Pet 1 1 IO334 4 5 10 6 9 1 30 7 12 28 48 4 34 32 17 22 1 15 13 14 3 16 42 35 49 ZlO 163 Cornell 120 4 15 Corning Gl la 14 761 Cosden Pet 1 41 10 34 74 18-F Va 49 15-F 22 25 -F 18'- 7 -F 33-F 19- 6 -F 42 3 a 244- 27 I- 9 334- 444- 65 98 123 2 59 4 7 a 22 4- 4 24 31 1 29 25 327 -1 74 1Q 40 1 18 49 15 2234 24 18 6 33 19 57 41 24 27 9 33 44 65 97 12 59 21 4 24 31 25 327 24 10 39 Approx Am Stock sales 660000 shares Stock Sales Year Ago 849565 shares Approx Am Bond Sales $80000 Bond Sales Year Ago $57000 of trading less than 100 shares or sales in full Rates of dividends In the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the ast quarterly or semi-annual declaration Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not included Also extra or extras b-Annual rate plus stock dividend Declared or paid fl 195 Pius stock dividend Declared 24 or paid so far this year f-Payable in 1 fock during 1957 estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date 4 iast year Declared or paid after 5 stock dividend or split up k-Declared or 12 12 124 ver accumulative issue with 1 1 1 i dividends in arrears pPid this year 39 38 dividend omitted deferred or no action 9 9 9 taken- at last dividend meeting r--De 26 25 clared or paid in 1958 plus stock dividend 34V? 34 34' 2 -Payable in stock during 1958 estimated 47 46 46 ch value on ex-dividend or ex-distribu- 5 4 5 I'00 date -Liquidating dividend 15-169 ii-16 9 cid--Called xd-Ex dividend x-dis-Ex 26 15 2642 distribution xr-Ex rights xw-WIthout 8 8 8 warrants ww-With warrants When 22 2 213 distributed wi-When issued nd-Next 9 9 y34 day delivery wtWarrants under 13-16 rule Extended voting trust agree- 5 2216 60 40 88 40" 95' 1" 40 24 14 40 100 54 34s 29s 321 78' 37s 4 42' 4 22s 31 '4- "4 47" 5 27 Vt 271 39 1 24" 28 1916 s6 9334 17 31 SI 100 4334 4 90 10 4534 7 Vi 41 193 184- 34 504- 344 Office Building Cottonseed Oil 31' 47' 27 271 Its 28 im 31 47'6 27 27 if" 243 27 19 633 63 i New YORK Jan JO (AP' Bieachabl tnttonxeed oil futures closed 18 to 21 higher Sales 312 contracts Hioh Low Clost BOBBITT Butler Builder" 831 Insurance Bldg Raleigh Phone TE 3-1793 Keystone 2 Kimb Clk 180 King Seel 250 KLM Hrl 79g Kopoer 250 Korvette Kresge SS 160 Kress SH 2 Kroehler 160 Kroger 2b 163' 163 1725 1699B 1674B 1571 243 ID3 403" Mar May Jlv 1725 1705 1703 1684 16 80 1664 1572 1555 157 Rohr Alrc 140b 4 Ronson lb 3 Roval Dut 170g 512 RovalDut rt 7581 Roval McB 1 40 7 15 15 753i 754- 174 18 4- 3k 314 1 1-32 1 3-32 20 20 15 15 Dc 153CA Ifttlng Bids Oct.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.