The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2025)

0 a a a a a a NINETEEN MORNING CALL, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1937 ALLENTOWN BUSINESS AND MARKETS Leading Stocks Gain Slightly Fractional Losses at Start Overcome in Late Trading NEW YORK, July tine (AP)-Traders pushed cautiously into Stock market today and bid up leadnig shares fractions to a point or more. As Anen session progressed selective destart, fractional ruled. mand appeared and by late afternoon buying had spread to include most groups. The upturn, brokers said, was the result of both short covering in preparation for the long market holiday and the gradual accumulation of favorable sentiment. A mark-up of 50 cents a ton in scrap steel, a rise in motor production and freight loadings, expanding retail sales and a more encouraging view of labor difficulties combined to unleash buying power, analysts said.

The Associated Press average of 60 stocks rose 0.9 of a point to 65.1. Transactions increased to 838,735 shares from 671,340 Thursday. The Bond market mixed. Rails and utilities improved. Wheat was cents lower to higher.

Corn was to down. Cotton was 60 to 95 cents a bale off. Share gainers were Anaconda 54, Republic Steel American Smelting Bethlehem Steel Chrysler Consolidated Edison American Telephone General Motors 50, Loews Baltimore Ohio Santa Fe Southern Railway 30, New York Central 37, Great Northern Preferred 50, U. S. Steel Texas Corp.

Sears Roebuck and Woolworth Down fractions to around point were duPont 152, Western Union Standard Brands "Peoples Gas, aided for by a the report first of five inearnings months, netted at 46. The 6 per cent preferred of New York Steam at and the 7 per cent at 99 were up and Demand followed respectively. approval by the Nene York State Public of Service the shares commission of an exchange for the senior stock of Consolidated Edison. French franc was up .00 9-16 The of a cent at 3.84 5-16 cents and the sterling rose of a cent to pound Foreign Exchange franc NEW was YORK, in July demand 2. in ARe, Foreign Ex-The French change market today as in sterling terms of other the and leading currencies rose dollar.

Traders said there was some indication francs the French control fund had rising too sold at times to keep At the close, the currency rate from had gained .00 9-16 of a cent net. precipitately. Sterling. down at one time, recovered and finished of a cent .04 higher. of cent Netherlands the Canadian dollar added 1-16 of guilders picked up a and The Swiss franc.

on the other 3 cent. dollar gained of a cent in quiet hand, dropped .02 of a cent. The trading, closing at 4.94 5-16 to the London pound. The American unit finished in Paris at franc the against equivalent the overnight New of 3.836 cents to the York rate of 3.838 cents. Gold engagements for American account totaled taken in $2,784.000 England and the balance of.

which 000 was in Closing follow. Great Britain in India. rates dollars, others Britain in demand, 4.94½; cables, Great 4.94 3.84 60 day 5-16; bills. cables, 4.93⅛: 3.84 5-16; France, Italy demand. demand.

5.26½; cables. 5.26½. Demands: Belgium. 21.70, 16.84: travel Germany 25.75; free, Hol40.12. 54.99; Norway, 24.84½: Sweden.

registered land. Denmark. 22.08½; Finland. 2.19; 25.50; 22.87: Spain, unquoted: Portugal, 4.50: Greece, Jugosalvia. Poland, 2.33; 18.95: Austria.

Czechoslovakia. 18.75N; Hungary, 19.80; Rumania. 3.48¾; Argentine. 32.95N; 29.80: Brazil. Hongkong, 8.80¼N: .75: Tokyo, 28.75; Shanghai.

City, 27.85; Montreal Mon- in 30.35: York. 99.85 15-16; New York in Mexico New treal, 1. 100.14 1-16. Raw Sugar NEW July 2 spots (AP)-Raw sugar 2 was firm Sales confirmed of and advanced points to 3.47. of Puerto Ricos for July arrival 16.000 to bags a refiner and 100.000 bags of Philippines for July-August and AugustSept.

to operators, featured all of by 3.47. firmness in Futures No. contract where. in addition to were the trade 3 covering against sales of actuals. there was an increase in outside buying in prices were at best and 2 to the new crop positions.

Final net higher on the more active 4 points positions. the No. Sales 4 were contract prices advanced 15.700 tons. In 1 the to week-end but reacted later with final points early on covering over to 2 points net lower on sales of 10.300 tons. prices Range of prices: (No.

3) Last High Low 2.59 2.55 2.57B July 2.55 2.54 2.54 Sept. 2.57 2.55 2.57B Nov. 2.48 2.45 2.47B Jan. 2.48 2.46 2.47B March 2.51 2.49 2.50B May (B Bid.) Refined was unchanged better at 4.70 withdrawal for fine demand granulated reported for a over the holidays. with Cotton NEW YORK.

July 2 (AP)-Cotton week sold back to about the low prices for Wall the today under October liquidation eased from and 12.15 to 12.01 Street and closed at the low with final prices selling. 12 to 19 points net lower. The market opened 2 to 7 point lower owing to disappointing favorable weather Livernool in cables the and south. Offerings were light. however, and continued easily influenced by small orders prices either way.

Late weakness in wheat brought in inthe creased market selling will be open tomorrow, weektoward the close. Although end Exports today 2,911 making a total of liquidation was in evidence. 5.619.984 for the S. season Port thus stocks far. 1.182,972.

Port receipts 2.690: U. The range follows: High Low Last July 12.10 12.00 12.01 12.00 Oct. 12.15 12.01 Dec. 12.10 11.97 11.97 Jan. 12.12 11.99 11.99 March 12.19 12.05 10.05 May 12.18 12.05 12.05 Spot quiet; Jan.

12.12 11.99 11.99 May March 12.19 12.18 12.05 12.05 12.05 Spot quiet: middling 12.51. Coffee NEW YORK. July 2. (AP)-Coffee futures, after early steadiness on trade and New Orleans buying, turned irregular today as new hedging and Brazilian liquidation entered. Santos opened unchanged, and closed 4 lower to 3 higher.

Sales were 11.500. Rio opened 6 to 8 lower, and closed unchanged to 8 lower. Sales were 1.750. Closing quotations: Santos July 10.86, Sept. 10.55.

Dec. 10.29, March 10.12, May 10.09. Rio July 7.10, Sept. 7.01, Dec. 6.99, Mach 6.93, May 6.91.

Spot maket dull and unchanged. Santos 45 Rio 7s Cost and freight offerings included Santos Bourbon 4s for prompt shipment at from 11.30 to 11.60. L. V. Egg Auction A total of 251 cases of eggs were sold yesterday at the Lehigh Valley Egg Auction in Bethlehem.

The following prices, per dozen, were quoted: Grade White Cases High Low Large 80 29. Fancy Medium 30 30 Extra Large 46 29 28 Fixera Medium 27 Standard Large Standard Medium Producer's Large Producer's Medium Pullets Jumbos Pee Wees Crax Duck BEES, 22 Total Grade Brown Fancy 18 28 Fancy Medium 26 Extra Large Grand Total-251. Flour MINNEAPOLIS, July 2 (AP)-Flour carload lots per barrel in 98 lb. cotton sacks: Family patents 15 higher. 7.45-65.

Standard patents 25 higher 7.85-8.05. Shipments 14,023. Bran 23.50-24.00. the recent firemen's parade in Catasauqua, at Front and Race Sts. Word was receive here that Mrs.

Lillian Burger, a sister of Elmer and Allen Dangler, is critically ill at her home in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Paul White stopped over here for several days to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Edwin of Diefenderfer. Mr. White is manager a Sears-Roebuck and Co. store in Vineland, N. J.

The Whites left by auto for Buffalo, N. and from there they will continue their journey by train to the Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lichtenwalner John Leh of H.

Leh and were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Barbara Farrel, Chestnut St. Arnold Wavrek, during the past 18 years foreman in the cabinet-making department of the Fullerton Furniture factory, is now on the force of the International Motor Allentown. During July and August St. John's Lutheran congregation will dispense with the evening service.

The usual alternate Sunday services will be held at 9 a. m. A bumper sour cherry crop is being harvested here. Mr. and Mrs.

Orlando Geary and son, Newburgh, N. were week-end guests of the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bleam. The Gillespie family, New York City, were recent visitors at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Hahn. Harry Hoatser, a clerk in the Northampton WPA office, is having a vacation. Raymond Rickert, a machinist in the employ of the Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Lester, spent the week- with his family, American St. A 1913 model driven by William Kratzer, West Catasauqua, is still going strong following a faithful service of 24 years.

The old relic attracted considerable attention here on Tuesday. It is rumored that a gas station will be installed on the present site of the Guth barber shop. A motorist figured in a traffic jam at Front and Race Catasauqua, early Saturday evening. While a south bound Northampton trolley car was attempting to round the curve at the American hotel, a driver a coupe attempted to squeeze through a narrow space between a line of parked cars at the curb, resulting in a badly damaged fender. It took the combined efforts of half a dozen man to remove the auto from the side of the car.

No one was injured. Germany Chains Workers to Job the four-year plan for economic inBERLIN an effort to make AR dependence a success, the government has decreed that no metal, farm or construction worker can leave his job without permission. If a worker desires a change, he has to apply to his local labor office. Only if there is good reason will the change be granted. Shortage of skilled labor, especially of metal workers, which in turn caused competing firms to offer higher wages, was one of principal reasons for regulating the labor market.

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ESTATE Estate of Lewis A. Henninger, deceased, late of the City of Allentown, Lehigh County. Pennsylvania. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims or demands against it to make known the same without delay.

to ELMIRA M. HENNINGER. Administratrix, 341 N. 16th Allentown, Pa. R.

L. SCHIFFERT. Attorney. J26-Jy3-10-17-24-31 ESTATE deceased, NOTICE- Estate the of City David of At: lentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against it to make known the same without delay, to JOHN SPAAR, Administrator, Zion Hill, Pa.

R. SCHIFFERT. Attorney. J26-Jy3-10-17-24-31 ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Joseph E. Bastian deceased, late of the City of Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against it to make known the same without delay. to EDWIN J. BASTIAN, Executor, Coplay, R.F.D. No. 1, or to JOSEPH E.

GEHRINGER, 322 Commonwealth Allentown, Attorney. M29-Ju5-12-19-26-Jy5 CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation will be filed with the Department of State on Wednesday, July 7. 1937, under the Business Corporation Law of 1933, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "Olin Sample Shoe Shop, the object and purpose of which is the selling of shoes and footwear, and for this, purpose to have possess and enjoy the rights. benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly. HERBERT SHARFMAN, Colonial Building, J.3 Allentown, Pa.

PUBLIC SALE HOTEL FURNITURE FIXTURES The undersigned will offer at Public Sale on Thursday, the 8th day of July, 1937. at 12:30 D.S.T., on premises of Reid hotel, Nos. 26 7th Allentown, Pa. The Furniture, and Equipment of said hotel. Consisting of beds, bureaus, dressers.

carpets and chairs. 1 bar. 35 feet long; cash register, show case. piano, large refrigerator, safe and electric clock. Many other articles numerous to mention.


Jy1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Continued Public Sale Valuable Household Goods and Antiques and Dishes, Saturday, July 3, 12 o'clock sharp, D.S.T., Mertztown, Pa. Household goods and antiques found in 17 room house. Dishes. glassware, carpets, china closets. Red Star gas oil stove.

Many other articles. Jy1-3. JOHN L. TREXLER. PUBLIC SALE Valuable Household Goods Saturday, July 17.

1 p. at 30 South 17th St. (rear). Piano. modern dining room suite, bedroom suite, spinet desk, living room suite, rockers, easy chairs, sewing machine, rugs.

Lovekin automatic water heater, good, condition. Jackstove. lamps, clocks, dishes, glassutensils, tools, many miscellaneous articles. KNOLL, Auctioneer. Estate of Walter E.

Bastian, dec. J.3-7-10. PUBLIC SALE Valuable Household Goods Saturday, July 10th, 1 o'clock p. at 720. Mulberry (rear of Allen open air market), Allentown.

Bedroom suite, living room suite, antique chest of drawers, Mason and Hamlin organ. dressers, chairs, rockers, library table, rag pet, child's desk and chair, bassinet, jars, dishes, glassware, tools. many other articles. ED. J.

KNOLL. Auctioneer. J.3-7-10. K. LONG.

PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Household Goods July 10. at 1:30 p. D. S. at 1138 Green Street.

Bedroom 3 pc. living room suite, chiffonier, refrigerator, chairs, tables, hall rack, davenport. table, 3 rugs, small rugs, Singer sewing machine, lawn mower, stepladders, porch chairs, dishes and kitchen utensils and lots of other things too numerous to mention. ELMER H. MILLER.

GEO. H. HERBSTER. Auct. J.3-7-10.

EXECUTOR'S SALE OF Valuable Real Estate The missing timepiece disappeared at HENRY V. SCHEIRER, Atty. J26-Jy3-10 FULLERTON-There is dissatisfaction among farmers west of the Mickley's highway regarding the condition of the roads in that section. Gordon Wavrek entered the employ of Freeman's jewelry store, Allentown. St.

John's Lutheran Sunday school will hold an ice cream festival on the lawn Saturday, July 10. Christian Guth, the barber, will shortly move into the Williams building. Mrs. John Ludwig 128 American lost a valuable wrist watch, a Christmas gift from her daughter. The missing timepiece disappeared at FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TRANSIENT CHARGE RATES 3 to 5 Ines 25c per line- one day.

23c per line- -two days 20c per line- three days 18c per line -five days 16c per line- days Discounts 10 to 15 per cent given for cash payment Minimum 3 lines CONTRACT RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION Rate Count per six line of average white space 1s the same words to the line. 45 a line of type. "Situation Wanted" ads must De refer accompanied with remittance. Kindly to above rates. insertions takes the one-time insertion rate Advertising ordered for non-consecutive of ad for each insertion This newspaper 1s a member of the Association of Newspaper Classifed Advertising Managers, which includes leading newspapers throughout the country and has for Its aim the misleading elimination of fraudulent and classified advertising.

This newspaper 85 well as every other member of the Association, endeavors to print only truthful Want and will appreciate having its attention called to any advertisement not conforming to the highest standards of honesty NOTICE Classified advertising to start in ning edition must be received not later than 10:30 m. Ads scheduled to start in morning editions must be received prior to 7:30 p. m. each day Deaths DEATHS ANDREWS--In H. Andrews, aged 57 years, 8 Walnutport, June 30, months and 15 days.

Relatives and friends are respectfully in- I vited to attend funeral services Wash- at Sunday 1 p. DST. from his late home. ington Walnutport. Interment Slatington.

will be made in Union cemetery, Friends may call Saturday from to 9 p. m. D.H. DeLONG-In this city, June 30, 1937, George O. DeLong, aged 77 years, Relatives, friends and members of all months and 23 days.

organizations with which he without was affiliated further are respectfully invited notice to 2 at his late home. 437 attend funeral services on Sunday Harrison at m. Interment in St. Mark's Friends may call at late cemetery, home on Saturday from 7 9 to A.J.H. to W.H.D..

successor ECK-In this city, June 29. 1937, Jennie Relatives widow of and late friends are respectfully the William O. Eck. invited to 1:30 D.S.T.. from the late attend funeral services Saturday at 1025 p.

Allen St. Interment will be residence. made at the convenience of the family Union cemetery, Weatherly. Bethlehem Friends may call Friday 7 to 9 p. m.

and Hazleton papers please copy. D. L. Grim. Walnutport R.

2, June 28. 1937, FOGLE Amanda nee Reph, wife of Nathan Fogle, aged 69 years, 1 month and 11 days. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited without further notice to attend services at the Schisler funeral home, 2119 Washington Northampton, Saturday at 2 p. m. Interment in Christ church cemetery, Danielsville Rd.

Friends are invited to call at the funeral home Friday from 7 to 9 p. m. Schisler. Maxatawny, July 1, 1937. Hannah nee Gernert, wife of and Stanley Grim, aged 69 years, months 3 days.

Relatives and friends are respectfully invited, without further Monday at notice, 1:30 to attend D.S.T., funeral from services her late home in Maxap. with continued services at Ziegel's tawny church. Interment in the adjoining ceme- tery. 9 m. Keller.

Friends may call Sunday from 7 to p. KRATZER At West Catasauqua, June 29, 1937, Charles L. Kratzer, husband of Sadie nee Syfried, Kratzer, aged 64 years, 3 months and 28 days. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited without further notice to attend services at his late home, 12 Main West Catasauqua, Saturday at 2 p. m.

Interment in Fairview cemetery, to West Friends are invited call Catasauqua. the home Friday from 7 to 9 p. m. at Schisler. William Masters, son of the late MASTERS--In Hamburg, June 29, 1937, Mr.

Harold and Mrs. Alfred Masters, aged 28 6 months and 1 day. Relatives and years, friends are invited to attend the funeral service Saturday, 12:30 p. from the Miller Funeral Home, 529 Wyandotte Bethlehem and at 2:30 p. m.

in the Trachsville church. Burial in Trachsville cemeMonroe county. Viewing Friday evetery, ning from 7 to 9 p. m. Calvin F.

Miller NOTHSTEIN-In Coaldale, June 30, 1937 Florence, wife of Charles Nothstein, aged 39 years. Strictly private funeral services will De held Saturday at the convenience of the family from her late home along Lehighton R. 2. Relatives and close friends only are invited to call at the home Friday from 7 to 9 p. m.

Edward Hill. OBRAN-In this city, July 1. 1937, Frank, husband of the late and 23 Julia days. (Weber) Obran, aged 74 years Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend funeral and services at daughter. the Mr.

and Mrs. John Reichl, 910 N. 4th residence of his son-in-law on Saturday at 1 p. D.S.T. Continued services in and St.

Chew Peter's Lutheran 1:30 church, Ridge Ave. in Fairview at cemetery. o'clock. Interment Friends may call at the home on Friday from 7 to 9 p. m.

Weber. REINBOLD--At Alburtis R. 76 1. June 30, 1937, Allen H. Reinbold.

aged vears, 11 months and 10 days. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited without further notice to attend the funeral from his late home, near Pilgert's school house, Alburtis R. 1. servi- Sunday at 1:30 p.m., D.S.T. Continued ces will be held St.

Peter's Lutheran church, near Shimerville, and interment will be made in Trexlertown church cemetery. Friends may call at the home Saturday from 7 to 9 p. m. DeLong. RHOADS- Suddenly, near Bath.

June 29, 1937, Harold W. Rhoads, aged 29 years. 3 months and 16 days. conducted Funeral services will be Saturday at 2 p. m.

DST, from the home of Mrs. his brother-in-law and Mr. and Russell Stettler, Wescosville, to which relatives, friends and members of the Allentown nest of Owls are invited without further notice. Interment in New Tripoli cemetery. Viewing Friday from 7 to 9 p.

m. Schmoyer. SAYLOR-At Pittsburgh. July 1, 1937, Dr. J.

Koons Saylor. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend funeral services at the Wonderly funeral home. 1119 Hamilton on Sunday at 2 p. D.S.T. Interment will be made in the West End W.

cemetery, SHELLY-At Quakertown, July 1, 1937, Lena nee Schantz, Shelly, wife of Webster D. Shelly, aged 40 years, 6 months and 5 days. Funeral services will be held from her late home at Steinsburg Monday at 1:30 daylight saving time. Regular serp. vices will be held in Trinity Evangelical and Reformed church, Spinnerstown, at 2:15 p.

d.s.t. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend without further notice. Interment in the cemetery adjoining the church. Friends may call Sunday from 7 to 9 p. m.

Willard Gruver. SNYDER- Alburtis, June 29, 1937. Cora Zenia (Schueck) wife of Walter D. Snyder aged 48 years, 4 months and 28 days. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend funeral services from her late home on Church Alburtis.

Saturday at 1:30 p. m. D.S.T. Further services in Lenigh church with interment in the adjoining cemetery. Friends may call Friday from 7.

to 9. p. m. DeLong. SOUDERS At Egypt, July of 1937.

Mesina. nee Straussberger. wife Allan E. Souders, in her 63rd year. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to call at her late Egypt, on Sunday evening be held from from 7 to her 9, D.S.T.

All services will late home. Interment will be made Monday afternoon in the Union Hill cemetery, Weissport. Lehighton papers please copy. Schisler STOUT--In Bethlehem. June, 30.

1937, (nee Hoch) Stout, aged 1 years. 9 Thomas husband of the, late Annie months and 19 days. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral service at 2 p. m. Sunday from the late home, 1717 Roth Avenue.

Burial in Memorial Park. Friends may call Saturday evening. Steyers. Bond Redemption Notice The School District of the City of Allentown hereby gives notice that, on August 1, 1937, it will redeem all of its outstanding bonds of the Issue dated August 1. 1916.

at the par value thereof and interest accrued thereon to said date. The bonds called are numbered from 253 to 450. both inclusive. and such redemption will be made in accordance with the right reserved therein. The bonds so called will be paid on presentation at the Lehigh Valley Trust Company.

da Allentown. on August will 1, cease. 1937. on which interest thereon SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ALLENTOWN. W.

H. Rodgers, J.3-10-12-24. Secretary. HELLO FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS! PRIVATE SALE farm 1 mile from Petersville. 20 Head" of those western Pennsylvania cows -the kind I sold you last time.

Also some Holsteins that will milk 70 pounds, and extra good Guernseys. This 1s a real load of cows with good bags and teats. 4 some stock bull cows will arrive on Friday. Horses and Mules to suit all jobs. All who need cows do not fall to see this lot.

Jy1-2-3. J. J. WALKER. Announcements CARD OF THANKS AND MRS.

IRVIN BRIGHT--Wish to for thank their sympathy many and beautiful floral their friends, and neighbors offerings in the loss of their beloved son Stanton. WISH- extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who so kindly assisted floral for the words of sympathy beautiful offerings extended at the death Otto of Henke, our beloved father grandfather, Son Walter and daughter Mattie and family. The undersigned gratefully acknowledges friends during its bereavement in the courtesies extended by relatives and death of John H. Fisher. whose funeral was held Thursday, It is thankful for the many handsome floral tributes and the generous use of automobiles.

The Family WE, neighbors WISH--to for their thank our kindness friends and sym- and pathy and the beautiful foral hospital offerings of during the sickness at the my cere appreciation to our express friends. neighwife. Also wish to my sinbors and the Reverends Keller, Kosman, for their thoughtful kindness and expression of sympathy at the loss of my wife. Harry J. Klutz.

FLOWERS-MOURNING GOODS PHOEBE FLORAL SHOP GREENHOUSE 19th SPECIAL Chew FUNERAL Sts. Always Open Diai 9756 SPRAY MONUMENTS CEMETERY LOTS 6 GRAVE- -Cemetery lot for sale side, in Green- the wood Cemetery, on north nr. chapel. Phone 2-4152. PERSONALS CHILDREN HOME DAY NURSERYDon't forget to save your papers, maga- It helps zines.

to old buy food clothing for the poor furniture, shoes. children. Ph. 2-0803 or send card to 143 Linden St. FAHRNEY'S -Old Reliable trial Home for DR.

Remedy. Blood purifier. Special July, 14 oz. bottle, $1. Heil Oil, 2 bottles, 50c.

Magenstarker, 2 bottles, 50c. James Croll, 614 Park St. trial bottle of Marek's Family FREE Mixture for relief of all stomach distress. Marek Medicine 233 N. 6th St.

WILL- -Not be responsible for any debts unless contracted by myself. George Barter, Fogelsville, Pa. THE ANNUAL Summer School for pupils who failed will open Jul. 6th at 508 N. 6th St.

Ph. 8319. SOCIAL EVENTS IRONTON HOTEL -Herman Rau's OrAT chestra every Fri. Hilbert's Sat. Original Monday, Trio.

July 5th, Raleigh ACES Playing tonight. Sq. Mathews Mod. call- at Guth Station Hotel. Sallie ing figures.

1c clams always. HOTEL MILLER -New Tripoli. Old AT fashioned dance every Sat. nite. Music by Krum's Or.

Spec. platter and Bar-B-Q's. AT WENNERSVILLE HOTEL--Dancing toMusic by Gaugler's Old Timers. All nite. welcome.

The house of friends. AT MEYERSVILLE HOTEL Special tonite, July 3. Chicken platter 20c. crab patties 10c. Clinton Henninger.

prop. AT AMERICAN HOUSE Topton, from 6 to chicken 11 p. 35c. m. Turkey platter 35c.

Crab duck 50c, spring 3 for 25s. Steamed clams 15c a patties, doz. Adam Hausman, prop, AT PETER'S RESTAURANT- -Fogelsville, Pa. Spec. lunch Sunday Monday.

Turkey, Country Ham, Chicken Waffle dinner. AT DE SHIRE Community picnic, German Monday Come one all for real good eats, evening. Music by Guggenheimer sea food beverages, all day eve. AT FRANKLIN HOTEL -5th Union spec. tonite, crab patties, steamed clams spaghetti.

Music. John Wallitsch, prop. BARNEY -Swing band at Briner's Paradise tonite. Free mod Sq. dance the big 5c beer.

25c chicken dinner. Disregard detour sign at Trexlertown. BLUE RIDGE INN- -New Tripoli. Indoor Clam Bake. July 3rd.

Everybody welcome. CHICKEN ROAST BEEF- -Platters, Sat. nite special. Catasauqua House, 227 Front Catasauqua, Pa. COME TO THE OX ROAST-Party Monday nite, at Hotel Miller, New Tripoli, July 5th, from 8 o'clock until closing.

Also old fashioned dance. Krum's Orch. DANCE- Sat. nite at Allgemelner Home, 326 N. 2nd St.

Music by Lehigh German band. Everybody welcome. DANCING--Tonite at Blue Ridge Inn. New Tripoli, Pa. Music by Heintzleman's Orch.

Everybody welcome. DINE AND DANCE -At Sam's Place, Sat. nite, at Orntrod, Pa. Good music. Steamed clams.

crab patties, sandwiches. Everybody welcome. DILLINGERSVILLE HOTEL Sq. mod. dancing every Fri.

Sat. Butch nights. Sell. Music by Duke's Orchestra. Fir.

Mgr. FREE SQ. -Dancing, at Wanamaker's Hotel. July 3rd. Oscar Scheffler, prop.

Red Anthony, Ar. mgr. Everybody welcome. FREE MODERN Dance at the Northampton House, 1122 Front Catasauqua, every Fri. Sat.

eves. GERMANSVILLE HOTEL Free dancing every Wed. Sat. nite. Special platters steamed clams.

HOE DOWN--Every Sat. nite at Springside bet. Fogelsville Krumsville. Platters light lunch. Beer on tap.

Paul Schaffer, prop. ICE CREAM FESTIVAL -Heidelberg Union evening. July 3rd. Rain date July 7th. Sunday School in church Saturday Music by Community Band of Germansville.

Public invited. This Newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any adv. and no claims shall be allowed unless notice of error be given This Newspaper before 6 p. m. on the first day of publication.

New York Stock Exchange NEW YORK, July Air Reduc Al Chem Dye Allied Strs Allis-Ch Am Can Am Coml Alco Am Rad St Am Roll Mill Am Smelt Am Tel Tel Am Wat Wks Anaconda Arm Ill Atch Atl Refin Auburn Auto Aviation Corp Baldwin Loc Balt Ohio Barnsdall Bendix Aviat Beth Stl Blaw-Knox Borden Borg-Warner Briggs Mig. Calumet Hec Canad Pac Case (JI) Caterpil Tract Celanese Ches Ohio Chrysler City Strs Colgate-Palm Colum Ei Colum Carb Coml Credit Coml Invest Tr Coml Solv Com'with Sou Con Edis Con Film Con Oil Container Corp Con Can Cont Mot Cont Oil Del Crane Co Curtis Pub Curtis Pub pt Curtiss-Wr A Deere Co. Del Lack Dist Douglas Airc Du Pont De Eastman Kod El Auto Gen Am Trans Gen Elec Gen Foods Gen Mot Gen Refract Goodyear Gt No pf Hecker Prod Houd-Her Hudson Mot Indust Ray Int Bus Macn Int Harvest Int Nick Can Int Tel Tel Johns-Manville Kennecott Kresge (S S) Lehigh Port Leh Val RR Lof Glass Ligg My Loew's Lorillard (P) Mack Trucks McIntyre Pore McKess Rob McLellan Strs Mesta Mach Minn-Mol Imp Montgom Ward Murray Corp Nash-Kelv Nat Biscuit Nat Cash Nat Dairy Pr Nat Dept Str Nat Distill Nat Pow Lt Natl Stl Central North Am Northern Pac Ohio Oil Packard Mot Param Pict Phila Phillips Pet Pitt Scr Procter Gam Pub Sve Pullman Pure Oil Radio Radio-Keith-0 Reading Co Rem Rand Repub Stl Rey Tob Schenlev Distill Sears Roeb Socony- Vacuum Sou Pac Sou Ry Sperry Corp Std Brands Std Oil Cal Std Oil Ind Std Oil Studebaker Swift Co Texas Corp Tex Gulf Sul Tex Pac Tr Tide-Wat As Timk Roll Trans 8: West Air Un Carbide Un Pac Unit Air Lines Unit Aircr Corp United Corp United Gas Imp Smelt Rubber Steel Warner Pict West Un Tel West El Wilson Co Total sales today: Woolworth Dow Closing Industrial Pails Utilities Dow- Jones Closing 40 Bonds 10 1st Rails 10 2nd Rails Utilities 10 Industrials U. Government NEW YORK. July Government Bonds: 45 1-7s 35 Federal Farm 35 Home 35 How They Buy 2.

(AP)-Closing: High Low Close 228 231 17 98 96 20 20 166 52 29. 5 5 27 26 25 '26 19 86 91. 54 11 120 64 56 56 41 77 133 133 16 16 56 151 152 175 172 175 37 65 65 53 27 37 50 50 57 49 20 14 36 36 151 59 58 124 125 98 98 21 21 35 13 60 57 57 17 33 19 15 81 37 11 57 13 58 58 39 55 55 9 32 48 39 44 30 30 12 43 43 13 18 100 99 122 16 59 57 88 86 99 140 838.735 shares. Stock Average 172.10 2.06 52.06 .58 27.03 .53 Bond Averages 100.85 108.89 01 85.10 .71 102.98 .29 106.41 .15 Bonds 2 (AP)-Closing U. 43-45 106.7 111.9 109.18 40-43 June 105.16 41 106.1 44-46 106.4 104.20 103.29 102.20 100.16 45-47 102.14 48-51 100.17 Mortgages 101.12 47 103 49 102.13 Owners Loans A52 102.3 49 100.12 Allentown people they usually get the And the place where most for their best and whether in goods money, service.

Back in 1918, in was new to when our they plan began showing a preference for for it. granted Now they take decided when they need an must be extra $300. There to reason. Dial 5271 Call, Write, of your and get the problems. solution On a propmoney signature or you can borrow collateral ready cash.

that necessary for 55 weeks, Only $2 a all, repays a $100 or $110 with in interest. Joan ALLENTOWN INDUSTRIAL LOAN CORP. 21 S. 8TH ST. Railroad Bonds Make Wide Gain U.

S. Governments Follow Mixed Trend and Foreign Issues Drop NEW YORK, July 2. (P)-Wide gains by railroad and moderate improvement in utilities marked a more active Bond market today. U. S.

Governments followed mixed trends and foreigns dipped. Total volume for all bonds was 414,000, face value, compared with $8,166,000 Thursday. Alleghany Stamped 5s stood out in the rail list with a run up of 4 points to and the unstamped 5s added at 91. Southern Railway 4s gained to 76, Missouri Pacific 5s at and Rock Island General 4s improved to Many other low and priced rail obligations finished roughly a point to the good. Most of the active utility liens advanced with Western Unions 5s well up among the most impressive.

These bonds gained to for a further recovery from their recent setbacks. International Telephone 5s and Columbia Gas Electric 5s moved up about a point. The Associated Press averages for 20 rails advanced .5 of a point 92.2 and the 10 utilities gained .2 to 96.4. The industrial and foreign groups declined a bit and the low yields closed even. U.

S. Governments were mostly lower losses to 5-32 of a point. A few issues edged higher. Cuban rallied 3 points to for the outstanding move in the relatively section. The Markets Philadelphia Markets PHILADELPHIA, July 2.

(AP)-Flour: Soft winter straight, western, 95- 6.20; nearby, new, 5.60-90; hard winter, 95 per cent, new, 6.45-75; short patents, new, 6.85-7.00; spring first clear, 6.45-75; patent, 7.60-8.00; short patent, 8.00-25. Wheat: No market. Corn: No. 3 yellow 1.13-1.15. Oats: 2 white 60-65.

Butter: Top grades 92, 31-32; 91. 90, 30; 89. 88. 28; 87 garlicky, 23-25. Cheese, Longhorns, round lots.

singles daisies. Live poultry: Fowls, fancy P. 16-17: 23: mixed colors 20-21; leghorns, fancy average 14-15; old roosters 14-15: leghorn roosters 13-14: spring chickens. fancy, Plymouth Rocks 18-24: 16-20; reds 19-21; broilers 16-18: leghorns. broilers 15-18; ducks, white pekin, young, 14-15; old ducks, 12-13.

Turkeys, fancy, young toms, 14-15. Dressed: chickens, all sections old Fowls. fresh killed boxes roosters, dry picked 15-17; spring ducks. 16-17. Close, eggs, firm.

browns 2,665 cases. standards, Extras, whites 28 No. 1 24-25; No .3 4, better, trades mediums, extras or white standards New York Produce NEW YORK. July 2. (AP)-Flour firm: spring patents 8.25-50; soft winter straights 6.75-7.00; hard winter straights 7.00-7.25.

Rye flour firm; fancy patents 6.70-90. Cornmeal firm; fine white granulated 3.80-90; yellow 3.70-80. Rye easy; No. 2 western cif. N.

Y. 1.11¾. firm; No. 2, cit. N.

Y. Buckwheat, steady, export, 2.40. Wheat, spot irregular; No. 1 dark northern spring cif. N.

Y. 1.81½; No. 1, Manitoba fob. N. Y.

1.50⅜: No. 2 Seattle soft white cit. N. Y. prompt shipment 1.40½.

Corn, spot barely steady: No. 2 yellow cif. N. Y. 1.43: No.

3 yellow 1.42. Oats, spot barely steady; No. 2 white 60 Feed easy: city bran 100 lb. sacks 25.00; western bran 24.00. Hay barely steady; No.

1, 23.00; No. 2, 21.00-22.00; No. 3, 18.00-19.00; sample 17.00. Hops steady; Pacific coast 1936's, 33- 38: 1935's, 24-29. Pork nominal; mess and family unquoted.

Lard steady: middlewest 12.40-50. Tallow steady; special loose extra loose Greases steady; yellow and choice house Beans steady: marrow 8.75: pea 7.50: red kidney white kidney 7.75- 8.00. Lancaster Cattle 982. Fat local steers firm; grass fed LANCASTER. PA.

July 2 (AP)-Cattle. steers and heifers barely steady; cows slow, bulls. stockers and feeders steady. Calves. 229.

Firm; few choice 12.50. locals 12.00- Hogs, 104. Good to 12.50. Sheep, 20. Lambs, good to choice 11.00- 12.00.

Chicago Grain CHICAGO, July 2. (AP)-In a series of bewildering fluctuations, Chicago wheat prices today reached peaks unequaled heretofore this season. Reports were current that because of unabated drought and of excessive high temperatures 50 per cent of Canada's 1937 planted acreage of spring wheat will only yield the prairie provinces seed back. Waves of selling to realize profits. however, made the Chicago wheat market recede at the last, with mi July contracts decidedly lower.

and the more important deliveries, September and December, showing but fractional gains. At one stage, Chicago wheat quotations ran up in 8 few minutes 5 cents a bushel from an early low point. Much of the buying of wheat futures here was ascribed to Canadian sources, a circumstance associated with difficulty of trading at Winnipeg, where at the outset the market jumped 5 cents, and kept at that limit throughout the day. On the other hand, July unofficial monthly domestic crop estimated issued today were larger than most traders had looked for, and during one interval pulled prices down approximately 3 cents. At the close, Chicago wheat futures were cents lower to of a cent higher compared with yesterday's finish, July Sept.

Dec. corn down. July Sept. Dec. oats off.

Sept. and rye showing 2 cents to drop, Sept. Provisions results varied from 2 cents setback to 25 cents advance. Corn, oats and rye took their cue largely from wheat market action. Liberal arrivals of.

imported corn, with more in prospect, had 8 bearish influence on the corn market. Provisions averaged higher in price, chiefly as a result of hog market upturns. Open High Low Close Wheat: July 1.28¼ 1.23¼ 1.24⅜ Sept. 1.251 1.28⅜ 1.24⅛ 1.25¼ Dec. 1.30⅛ 1.25¾ 1.27½ Corn: July, new 1.28½ 1.25½ 1.26½ July, old 1.11 1.11 1.26 Sept.

1.14⅛ 1.14½ 1.11⅝ 1.12⅛ Dec. Oats: July Sept. 40 Dec. Soy Beans: July 1.40 Oct. 1.14½ 1.14¼ 1 1.14¼ Dec.

1.12½ 1.12¼ 1.12¼ Rye: July 94 90 90 Sept. 92 93 89 Dec. No barley. Wool Tops NEW YORK. July 2.

(AP) top futures were slightly more active and prices were steadier today on 8 better demand from the trade. The local spot price was unchanged at 114.5. Roubalx remained closed and Antwerp was unchanged to lower. The market will be closed on Saturday. The market closed steady at unchanged to 12 points advance.

Range follows: High Low Last xOct. 110.2 110.0 110.2B xMarch 110.2 110.0 110.2B xMay 110.2 110.2 110.2B X-New contract: B- Bid. Rubber Rubber NEW YORK, July 2. (AP)-Crude rubber futures closed barely steady, 27 to 32 lower. July 19.33N; Sept.

19.51-52; Oct. 19.56N. Smoked ribbed 19.38N. N-Nominal. New York Curb Curb and Bank Stocks Courtesy Eastman-Dillon Co.

Americus Hotel LeRoy Smith, Mgr. High Low Close Aluminum Co. .140 140. and 32 32 Am Lt. and Tr 171 Am Super Pwr Ark Nat Gas A Ark Nat Gas com Carrier Corp Cities Svc Cons Gas Util Eagle Picher 19 Elec and 16 16 Fisk 12 12 Ltd.

Gulf Oil Ins Co A. 68 68 68 Leh and Midwest Oil New Jersey Zinc Niag Hud Pow 113 Pennroad Corp Rustless Steel 1. Uni United L. Gas A 53 001 Util and 9-16 9-16 New York Bank Stocks Bid Asked Bankers Tr. 65 69 Cen-Hanover 122 Chase Chemical First 2078 2125 Guaranty .325 335 Irvin Manhattan Mirs 52 Nat city' Over-the-Counter Quotations Courtesy of Allen E.

Beers Co. Insurance Stocks Bid Asked Aetna Fire 46 Baltimore American. Camden Connecticut General Globe Republic Hartford 73 Home 34 36 National Liberty Paul Revere Phoenix .86 90 Rossia Rush of Buying Sends Curb Stocks Soaring came into the Curb market today NEW YORK, July 2. UP) Buying the best volume for the week and pushed stocks forward all along the line. Most groups felt the upward urge and gains of fractions to 4 points were the rule at the close.

Sherwin Williams spiralled up points to finish at 128. Aluminum Co. improved to 140 and Gulf Oil closed at up Other gainers included Niagara Hudson Gas, Humble Oil and Poredie Petroleum. Traders were evidently in mood as the three-day holiday drew near and buying lively in Carrier St. Regis Paper, McWilliams Dredging, Sunshine Mining and Cord Corp.

On the downside a little were Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Lake Shore Mines and Pittsburgh Plate Glass. Pioneer Gold, Venezuela Petroleum and Cities Service were unchanged. Volume totalled 194,000 shares compared with Thursday's transfers of 182,000 shares. Butter and Eggs NEW YORK, July 2. (AP)-Live poultry, freight firm.

Broilers. Rocks, 22. Fowls, colored 22. Leghorn 17. Old' roosters 15.

Turkeys 11-20. Ducks 12. Live poultry, by express, steady to firm. Broilers: Leghorn 16-18; rocks 13-22; reds 14-18: crosses 17-20; chickens, fowls, old fowls, colored 21-22; chickens, fowls, old roosters 15; turkeys 11-20; ducks unquoted. Broilers fryers 23-25; roasters 24- Dressed- Steady, Fresh, chickens (boxes): 27; fowls, 36-42 14-19: 48-54 17-22; 60-65 old roosters.

15-17; old turkeys (northwestern, western and southwestern) 14-22. Ducks. 14-16. Frozen. chickens (boxes): broilers fryers roasters fowls: 36-42 14-19; 48-54 17-22: 60-65 18-23; old roosters 15-17; turkeys (northwestern and southwestern) 17-28: ducks 17.

Eggs, 11,527, irregular. Mixed colors: Special packs standards 23; Arsts mediums dirties No. 1 average checks Whites, resale of premium marks 32-33: nearby and midwestern premium marks 29-31: exchange specials exchange standards fancy mediums exchange mediums Pacific Coast, jumbo and premiums Pacific coast. specials Pacific coast. standards 28-281; Pacific coast mediums Browns.

extra fancy nearby and western special packs 25-27; nearby mediums Duck, extra large fancy 24-25; other nearby large fancy 23. Butter, 7,996, firmer. Creamery, higher than extra extra (92) 31: frsts (88-91) seconds (84-87) 25-27: centralized (90) Cheese, 218.505. firm. State, whole milk flats.

fresh specials 19: held, fancy 1936, fresh, fancy CHICAGO. July 2. (AP)- 15,581, Arm; creamery-specials (93) extras (92) 30: Arsts (90-91) Arsts (88-89) seconds 23-25; standards (90 centralized carlots) Eggs. 15,399. firm: extra firsts local cars fresh graded firsts local cars 21; current receipts storage packed extras storage packed firsts Butter futures storage standards Nov.

egg futures: Refrigerator standards, Oct. 25 Raw Silk NEW YORK. July 2 (AP) -Raw silk fu2.000 bales. July 1.88 Oct. 1.87½; Dec.

tures closed firm, 1 3 to higher. Sales 1.86½B. Open market quotation (sixth day basis): Shanghai steam filature 78 per cent Canton double extra 14-16s 1.35. seriplane 20-22s 1.66. Japanese special crack double extra 81 per cent seriplane 13-15s 1.92, (B--Bid).

Cottonseed Oil NEW YORK. July 2. (AP)-Cottonseed oil advanced 4 to 6 points early today on covering and commission house buying encouraged by early strength of lard and grains but reacted later. Final prices were 3 points higher to 2 net lower. Crude oil was 8c bid at all southern points.

Sales were 59 contracts. Bleachable spot nominal: July closed 9.10, Sept. 9.10, Oct. 9.05, Dec. 9.03.

Jan. 9.05. Treasury Balance WASHINGTON. treasury July 2. June (AP)- 30: The position of the ceipts, expenditures, balance, seCtor 897.31: customs receipts the month, $41.715,547.29.

Receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1) $5,293,849.236.87. Metals NEW YORK. July 2. (AP) steady; electrolytic spot future, 14.00 export, 14.12½. Tin steady; spot and nearby future.

57.00- 57.12½. Lead steady; New York spot. 6.00-6.05: East St. Louis spot. 5.85.

steady; East St. Louis spot and future, Advances 506 443 Declines 117 159 Total Issues 756 753 Unchanged 133 151 6.75. What Stocks Did Fri Thur Fullerton Family Visited By New Jersey Residents Additional Classified Ads on Following Page Announcements SOCIAL EVENTS LEHIGH COMMUNITY--Park, Fogelsville, will show sound pictures the open Band air concert theatre every afternoon July Wed. Sat. eves.

5th. Liberty Band, Lower Nazareth. NORTH HOTEL--Free dance, music by Meixner's Orch. Clams and crab patties. Everybody welcome.

PARK -Dancing every Sat. nite. Music by Rhythm Ramblers. SpecONTELAUNEE ial crab patties chicken platters. Talking Pictures attract crowds.

OUTDOOR Let low cost, high class motion picture entertainment, and increase your write prof- Ace its. For information rates, Photos, Treichlers. Pa. PICNIC -At Kempton Community Park, July 4th. aft.

eve. Featuring Willis Meyers his X-Bar Range Boys. PIG 16 Lehigh ROAST- W. Catasauqua. EveryJuly 3rd.

Fairview Hotel, body welcome. Saturday evening, July 3rd, 8.30 P. M. REGULAR PARTY Odd Fellows Hall, 118 North 9th St. 15 REASONS 15 30 THE Valuable COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN.

Awards. Admission 300. SPECIAL Sat. Nite, Steam Chicken Clams Platter. 15c 25c; Doz.

Crab Patties 20c; Ruchsville Hotel. Ruchsville. Pa. LOST-FOUND-STRAYED 11 BILL FOLD Lost with operators license St. on Allen Reward if returned to Milton Kochenbet.

Lehigh Front ash, 2604 Cherryville Road. Ph. Northampton 2586. card BROWN and Lost in rear seat of WALLET- -Lost, cont. $30, license bus.

change. Reward. Ret. to Frank Weiskel, Muhlenberg college or Waldheim M. C-0 call 2-2129, Waldheim.

7th BUNCH and OF Jordan. KEYS Reward. on Apply 134 S. -Lost Linden St. bet.

Jordan St. or 447 Union St. -Part police, mostly License black 4075 in DOG color. LOST Named "Blackie." black harness. Reward.

Ph. 2-8463 on or 3-6437. LOST. ENGLISH SETTER black white, black ears. Return Burke, 21 S.

2nd Pa. Reward. Business and Professional Directory BUSINESS SERVICE OFFERED 12 CESSPOOLS CLEANED connections. Cesspool acid. Cesspool PAVEMENT BREAKING- -Drilling, blasting.

digging. George E. Phone 2-6729. 16 ANNOYED BY-Leaking Flat-rate toilet or faucet? Call Fixzit System. plumbing heating repairs.

Call 2-0574 Allentown or 4243 Bethlehem. LAUNDERING 18 HOUSEWIVES- -Try our rough dry service. Flat work ironed. Wearing apparel dry. 9c lb.

Keystone Laundry. Ph. 22955. MOV'G-TRUCK'G-STORAGE RAGE 19 STORE YOUR FURNITURE FIRE SEMI-FIREPROOF STORAGE All Goods Carefully Covered Excellent Service. All Risk Ins.


STORAGE Ph. 3-2821 Est. 1863 John S. Apple. Mgr.

ARTHUR W. GLOSE Dial 2-2785 Storage Local and Long Distance Liberty St. Moving Satisfaction Guar. ALL KINDS -Of hauling. Daily trips--To New York Philadelphia.

Modern Transfer 40 E. Walnut St. Dial 9424. D. JACOBY SONS Dial 8193 Local Long Distance Moving General Hauling Contractors Local C.

Long KELLER Distance Moving SON 238 N. 2nd St. Phone 2-7160 STORAGE Sanitary public and private rooms. Modern Fireproof Buildings. L.

N. E. WAREHOUSE Phone 4500 PAINT'G-PAPER'G-DEC'R'T'NS 20 room complete up. Guaranteed work. JOHN B.

ERIE. 134 S. 7th St. Ph. 2-0793.

BEAUTY PARLORS 23 NEW PRICES -For permanents, $3 up. Beauty aids, 35c, excepting marcelling. For appointments call 2-0407. Hemler Beauty Salon, 426 Turner St. THE CROSS- WORD PUZZLE 3 5 15 16 18 22 23 24 25 28 29 31 32 34 36 ACROSS 1-Go on 26-Iodin-com7-Fortune bining form 8-Mimics 28-To formal 11-Sainte 30-Measure of (abbr.) land 12-Hay stacks 31-Tall, coarse 14--Marry grasses 17-Spiral 33-Outer gar18-To supply ment with (Orient.) weapons 34-A manda; 19-Ancient tory precept 21-Fish spawn 35-Soaks flax 22-Listening 36-Staff used in 23-Inlets Sparta for (Prov.

Eng.) sending 25-Jackdaw dispatches DOWN 1-Officials in hearing charge of 5-Heroic postoffices 6-Strip off 2-A form of bark learning 9-A hut for 3-First of the storing fish cardinal (Orkney) numbers 10-Not a pro4-Organ of fessional 8 12 13 20 21 26 27 30 33 35 72 13-Frail ing conjunc15-Land tion measure 29-Pertaining 16-Assumed to an ode name 30-Second son 19-Queer of Adam 20-Moisture on 32--Pig pen the ground 33-Southern 24-Afresh 27-Co-ordinat- tion Answer to previous puzzle: STRANGLES SHE A NEW CONSUME LEA ADA TEET AN NECK STAR ION A PES SEMI BLUSTER MEN ROWEL BEL LOA NEE TYPEWRITE Saturday, 17, 1937, Cat 2:00 p. 212 First Avenue, West Catasauqua. Pa. By virtue of the power granted in the and testament of Oscar D. Bartholomew, deceased, the following described real estate will be sold by Claude Bartholomew.

executor: All that certain message, tenement and lot or of ground known as No. 212 First Avenue, situate in West Catasauqua, Whitehall Township. 30 Lehigh feet in County, front Penn- by sylvania, containing 180 feet in depth. Sale to be conducted on the premises. Terms of sale to be made known on day of sale CLAUDE BARTHOLOMEW.

Executor. Estate of Oscar D. Bartholomew. Deceased, HENRY V. SCHEIRER, Atty.

J26-Jy3-10 19.

The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2025)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.