Threads That Bind (Threads That Bind, #1) (2024)

Nilufer Ozmekik

2,589 reviews52.7k followers

March 9, 2024

This book will take your breath away with its whirlwind action scenes, detailed world-building, and incorporation of Greek mythology, politics, underground gangs, and an apocalyptic city atmosphere. The unusual magic system inspired by Greek goddesses and muses is also fascinating. You'll get lost in the story as the mystery lures you in, and the heart-throbbing thriller plot with threatening wraiths lurking around the city keeps you on your toes. The blooming soulmate love story between Io and Edei will warm your heart. This book is not for everyone as it's extremely smart, complex, and challenging, but it's definitely worth the read, combining different genres like sci-fi, magical realism, fantasy, thriller, romance, and mythology for an unforgettable experience. I'm so glad to have been introduced to Kika Harzopoulou's brilliant writing.

The plot revolves around Io Ora, the youngest of three sisters who are descendants of Fates. Her eldest sister Thais is born to weave the threads, the middle sister Ava is destined to draw them, and Io is born to cut them, which is the hardest and harshest part of the job. Two years ago, Thais left without a word, and Io focused on her investigation skills to help betrayed wives whose husbands cheated on them.

One day, Io's stakeout job ends with the assault of a mysterious wraith in her eighties without a life thread (which is normally impossible) and a murder case. Her path crosses with infamous Mob Queen Bianca's right-hand man, Edei Rhuna, who also shares a fate-thread with her, meaning he's her soulmate.

Bianca summons Io to inform her that there are more wraiths around the town hunting people, and she forces her to team up with Edei to uncover the mystery. Io reluctantly starts working with Edei, barely restraining her attraction, but their investigation leads them to underground fight dungeons, the manipulate Nines House, a congregation of very powerful politicians who are about to take over the entire city with their dangerous scheme.

Io slowly realizes that the things she learned about her past and her destiny couldn't be so wrong. As harsh truths keep hitting her face like a slap, she needs to confront her guilt, secret feelings, and biggest fears not only to save her city but also her loved ones and survive.
Overall, when I reached the final chapter, I just screamed when I read the big twist and cliffhanger. Pros: I'm absolutely ready for more books to spend more time with Io and Edei. Cons: I cannot wait to read the next installment; waiting for it is like torture!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Penguin Young Readers Group/Razorbill for sharing this amazing book's digital review copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.


643 reviews15.6k followers

January 28, 2024

Bardzo dobrze się bawiłam. Nic nowego i odkrywczego, ale byłam zarówno zaangażowana jak i wyluzowana 🤭



1,558 reviews224 followers

May 16, 2023

I love this streak of really unique young adult fantasy novels I’m finding this year. I love a book with magic in a way I haven’t seen and this book definitely had that. The characters were great and complex. My biggest frustration as I put this book down was how long I will probably have to wait for the next part. Io and her sisters is a descendant of the Greek Fates and she has the ability to cut the threads of anyone. When she is on a routine private detective job she witnesses a murder that shouldn’t have been possible as the murderer’s life threat was severed but she wasn’t dead. The world building in this story was really good. It did make the story move a little slowly at times, but I appreciate the time to really make a realistic post-apocalyptic world where magic and the gods are woven into a world with gangs, prejudice, and now murder. I gave this one 4.5 stars rounded up for the creative magic system.


442 reviews3,602 followers

August 10, 2023


Oooo this was REAL GOOD

J (Midnight Book Blog)

192 reviews717 followers

June 4, 2023

okay I need you all to read this when it comes out because WOW do I need someone to talk to about it!

Plot: the mystery took a bit to draw me in, but once it did, I was hooked! There were lots of twists and turns in the story, punctuated by meaningful commentary on society. I loved the way we got aspects of Greek mythology as well as inclusions of mythology in other cultures, such a Egyptian deities.
Characters: Io was a particularly interesting character to follow as we got to see a lot of her inner struggles with guilt and self-confidence. The casual inclusion of several side characters that were queer was also really well done.
Pacing: medium
Overall: I highly recommend this book if you like Greek mythology, supernatural mysteries, and interesting characters!
Content warnings: murder, death of a parent, abusive family dynamics

And now, for my most anticipated book of the year! ARC courtesy of Penguin teen (they have been TOO GOOD to me lately 😭❤️)

aimee (aimeecanread)

568 reviews2,540 followers

July 18, 2023

The braincells are FRIED. This thing was info overload, and I can honestly say that I didn't digest half of what I read. It's a bit shocking how such a brilliant concept was wasted like this.

Let me give a very forward disclaimer before going on: I don't like thinking. I know that sounds stupid, but I have a pretty short attention span, and it's difficult for me to be invested in something when there's just so much going on. This book was just that.

I don't know how to put this nicely, but it was trying so hard to be a YA fantasy novel, you know? It was so formulaic -- from the "unique" names to the insane number of magic categories to the "forbidden" romance, plus the unnecessary descriptions of people and places that contributed nothing to the actual story.

With this level of complexity background-wise, you kind of expect that the characters would be more mature and likeable... well, they were NOT. They pretty shallow, and so were their relationships. Don't even get me started on the romance... if you can even call it that. I've just completely blocked this off from my mind and am currently pretending that it's not part of the book.

Does this book have potential? Sure, yeah. I really liked the concept behind everything. Though personally, this one really felt more like a huge brain dump rather than a fully refined novel.

Would I recommend? Questionable.

    arc cliffhangers cringey-romance


117 reviews86 followers

Want to read

May 4, 2024

🌀🪡 pre-read!

arc!!! (kind of???? not really?)
I have little to no clue what this book is about because I requested it so long ago, but yay it finally got approved!!
praying it’s good🍀


2,459 reviews957 followers

June 24, 2023

How do you fumble such an interesting concept, but we move.

397 reviews967 followers

October 9, 2023

3 ⭐️

This was a pretty enjoyable ya fantasy- but i think i would've liked it a lot more if I had actually connected to the story 🫤🫤 Still, definitely read this if you want a new Greek mythology-inspired fantasy series 💜💜🫶🫶

“She chose to risk her heart; if her heart ended up broken, then so be it. She was free now. To love. To get hurt. To stitch herself back together. To love again, without guilt, and, one day, be loved in return.”

Threads that Bind is set in the city of Alante, where the descendants of the Greek gods live among mortals. Our mc Io is a descendant of the Fates, meaning she can see threads- the shimmering lines that connect people. Threads appear when a relationship is formed and a person's life thread is cut when it is their time to die. One night, Io is witness to a violent murder and must work with Edei Rhuna in order to solve the case and uncover Alante's secrets. But what is even more complicated is that Io can see a fate-thread connecting her to Edei- meaning Edei is her destiny.

I mainly picked this up bc the cover is so gorgeous and i loved that Greek mythology was involved- and i don't want to say I'm disappointed... but i think that great concept was let down a little by the execution, unfortunately 🫤🫤

There honestly were lots of things i enjoyed about this ✨️ I think the magic system and world was the best part- I loved how Greek mythology was incorporated, but it was still so unique from any other fantasy I've read 🤩🤩 There also wasn't much info-dumping, and the information was introduced gradually, which I really appreciated 🫶🫶 Plus this book was very fast-paced and easy to read, especially as it's not super long, so i think it would be great if you don't want to commit to a 500pg+ fantasy 🥰

There was also a little romance subplot in here and while it was a little instalovey at first, it actually turned out pretty cute. I really liked Edei as the love interest and they were just very wholesome 💜💜

However, i did also have some problems. For some reason, the writing style didn't quite work for me 😬😬 it just felt like it was written in a way that was very hard to follow. The characters were all pretty surface-level and the ending.... idk why but that cliffhanger really bothered me 🙈🙈

“I think the people we love can be cruel. Our love doesn't absolve them. Nor should it.
"What kind of person are you," Edei whispered, "if you love someone who is cruel?"
It was a question Io had often asked herself. She opened her mouth, closed it. Tried again. "You're someone who loves. That's it. That's the only part that's yours to give and yours to take.”

Overall, it was okay 🫶 I would still recommend giving it a try if you want:

✔ Short and fun
✔ Greek mythology inspired
✔ Interesting story

I just don't think I personally connected to it 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

《 2023 Challenge: Book 124 of 110!! 》


It was a decent read, but I didn't absolutely love it 🫤🫤 still a pretty fun ya fantasy tho 💜💜🫶🫶


    fantasy read-in-2023 ya


662 reviews65 followers

November 8, 2022

I am sitting here vibrating over how much I love this book and trying to find words to encompass just how good it is. It’s perfect combination of fate, romance, gods, murder, mystery, sleuthing, humor, and magic.

It pairs the sharp sting of complicated familial dynamics with the pure exhilaration of falling in love with a boy who tells bad jokes and is loyal till the end. Slick politicians and mob bosses fight it out, yet it's always a toss up who the most sinister enemy is.

And I cannot overstate how freaking cool the murder mystery is. It combines the golden sheen of Greek myth with the neon edge of a modern fantasy story, and when the colors settle, it creates something truly special. There's so many threads (haha) to be pulled and cut and followed. I loved falling into this world and being tugged everywhere that it decided to take me. ITS JUST REALLY REALLY GOOD ALRIGHT.

Ashley (wickedreads)

337 reviews1,251 followers

June 7, 2023


How DARE they end it like that??? I need the next book immediately please.

    2023 fantasy mythology


812 reviews223 followers

January 2, 2024

first book of 2024 and already 5⭐️, starting this year strong

this book was so wholesome and amazing, I couldn't put it down, it had the perfect pacing, the mystery was keeping me on my toes, the world building was so unique and well thought and the romance omggg, the romance - I was swooning so hard with their every interaction, I literally DEVOURED this book, I brought it to school with me and was reading it under my desk, cus I needed to know what is going to happen next and how it's all going to end, this book had me in a chokehold from start to finish, and that ending??? how am I supposed to wait for another book???

I better see yall put this book on your 2024 tbr, cus it served.


Bill Wood

Author3 books1,557 followers


July 10, 2023

hand sold 5 copies of this at work so that should tell you how cool this book is


579 reviews2,408 followers

July 7, 2023

bianca rossi is the love of my life

    debuts dystopian fantasy

Chelsea Humphrey

1,487 reviews82k followers

Shelved as 'dnf-lost-interest'

May 5, 2023

Buddy read with Bee and Lauren!

Threads That Bind (Threads That Bind, #1) (16)

*Many thanks to the publisher for my review copy.

    buddy-reads from-publisher netgalley


252 reviews208 followers

January 27, 2024

W świecie gdzie ludzie zyskują moce od potomków greckich bogów, żyje nastoletnia Io - przecinaczka z rodu Mojr. Dziewczyna ze względu na swoje zdolności zostaje zaangażowana w tajemnicze śledztwo, które może wstrząsnąć całym miastem. Walki gangi, polityka i dziwne przepowiednie towarzyszą jej na każdym kroku, tak samo jak Edei - chłopak, który ma pomóc jej w rozwiązaniu zagadki, będący jednocześnie przeznaczonym jej mężczyzną.

Jestem pod wrażeniem oryginalności świata, który stworzyła autorka i wplecenia w niego elementów z mitologii. Choć przyznaję, że nie każdego boga moce rozumiałam czy były mi wcześniej znane, a przez to, że było ich tu całkiem sporo, czasem się w nich gubiłam.
Cały wątek śledztwa był świetnie poprowadzony, bo trzymał w napięciu i angażował dużo stron i postaci przez co tak łatwo nie było się w stanie odkryć sprawcy. Czasem jednak styl pisania był dość chaotyczny, wiele rzeczy się powtarzało lub zmieniało za szybko patrząc na to, że cała akcja dzieje się w pięć dni. Sceny akcji jest oddawały swoją dynamiką i trzymały w napięciu.
Wątek więzi między siostrami ogromnie mi się spodobał bo w końcu nie była to przesłodzona relacja, jak to często bywa w książkach dla młodzieży. Autorka postawiła na realizm i super odniosła się do często powtarzanej frazy, że "rodzina jest najważniejsza". Byłam podekscytowana jak z biegiem wydarzeń dowiadywaliśmy się nowych faktów o siostrach z rodziny Mojr, ich wewnętrznych konfliktach i sporach. Postać Io bardzo mnie urzekła swoją kompleksowością i przemianą w tej historii i nie powiem, wiążę nadzieję z tym, że młoda przecinaczka stanie się bardziej szara moralnie w drugim tomie szukając zemsty.
Wątek romantyczny dobrze wkomponował się w fabułę, nie było go sporo ale wyszedł naturalnie i odegrał dużą role w całokształcie decyzji głównej bohaterki. Był uroczy i niewinny co idealnie pasowało do charakteru postaci. Jestem ciekawa jak zakończy się ta historia i mam nadzieję, że Io pokaże na co ją stać.


266 reviews91 followers

May 26, 2024

"There are crimes," Bianca said, "that cannot go unpunished."

Threads That Bind follows a story of Io Ora (yes, that's really her name), who's living in a world once ruled by the gods (but they vanished) then ruled by gangs (but only one remained), and now surrounded by the descendants of the gods. Instead of being the ones to dominate in the society, they are overall feared by the non-powerful people and looked down upon. Io is one of these descendants - a descendant of the Fates. She uses her power (she sees threads, silver lines connecting every person) in her work as a private investigator. One day Io becomes a witness of a murder, where the attacker should be already dead. With the help of a boy she's destined to be with, she tries to solve the case before another person gets killed.

As a fan of Greek Mythology, I had to check this book out. It seemed like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the other inspired by Greek Mythology stories and I was really excited to read it. I knew that a romance will be involved (because of the whole thread of destiny thing), but I thought that it will be more of a nice addition to the story, while it will be more focused on the murder mystery and the worldbuilding. Sadly, that was not the case.

Don't get me wrong, the murder mystery is written pretty well. It kept me interested enough to actually finish reading this book. I was genuinely curious about the culprit and the reason behind all the deaths. And I have to admit, I was surprised when I got to the part of the culprit's reveal. I probably should've guessed it, but it still got me by surprise, so good job, book!

But when it comes to the characters, the romance and the worldbuilding, I'm afraid that I cannot say anything positive. For the life of me I couldn't connect with any of the characters, which left me mostly emotionally distanced from the story. Both Io and Edei (her destiny boyfriend) are incredibly uninteresting as individuals and as a romantic pairing. They were like two piles of woods and I genuinely do not know why they had fallen for one another, except for the fact that they were destined to end up together. It really seem to me that, because they knew that they are destined for one another, they didn't consider any other option and ended up together.

I can't say that I don't like stories involving destiny. I do. The problem that I have is that the destiny needs to be well explained. I mean, the pairing need to make sense. They need to pass to one another like missing puzzle pieces. Like soulmates. But Io and Edei didn't have it. For me they worked better as co-workers, maybe friends, than lovers.

Now when it comes to the worldbuilding, I think that the author had an amazing idea, but something went wrong while writing. I don't know, I just couldn't bring myself to care much and that's really sad, because this book had a potential. It really could've been truly something special. Maybe it can be better in book two, but I will not know that, because I will not read it.

    disappointments fantasy mystery-crime

Emilie in the Ether

176 reviews131 followers

July 22, 2023

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.

I asked for the ARC on Netgalley, absolutely not expecting to be accepted. I was therefore delighted when I received an e-mail from Netaglley telling me that my request got approved.

Everybody is raving about this book, so I thought it would also be my case. But here I am, rating it 2 stars.

The cover is beautiful and the blurb very convincing. The plot is very unique. That’s why I started this book expecting a compelling story but ended up feeling bitterly disappointed.
I felt like I was slogging my way through it. I couldn’t care less about the characters and the story.

If found this novel to be confusing.
While English is not my mother tongue, I have now read more than 200 books in this language and thought that I could now read pretty much everything. It turns out I was wrong. This book made me question my ability to understand English. I was struggling to understand what was going on. I would be unable to summarize this book.

I tried so hard not to DNF this book and I failed abysmally.

    2023-releases arcs netgalley


419 reviews302 followers

March 14, 2023

One to weave, one to draw, and one to cut the threads. Io and her sister are other-born, decedents of the fates, and being other-born is rarely a good thing. Living in a city where other-born are looked down upon has its own challenges, being born on the wrong side is another set of challenges.

The novel Threads That Bind, authored by Kika Hatzopoulou, weaves together a captivating story of fated love, family betrayal, and political intrigue. The novel introduces the protagonist, Io, and her sisters, who are descendants of the fates.

Hatzopoulou's novel is notable for its originality, featuring an innovative magic system that derives from the Gods themselves. Io finds herself racing against time as she attempts to unravel the mystery behind a series of murders in the city. The plot thickens when Io's investigation leads her to the one boy she has always tried to avoid: her fated love interest. Forced to work together to save their city, the duo's complex dynamic is just one element of the intricate relationships that unravel throughout the story, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.

For lovers of mythology retellings and fast-paced YA fantasies, Threads That Bind is a must-read. Hatzopoulou expertly blends the genres to create a unique and compelling narrative that will keep readers engrossed from beginning to end. With its intriguing plot, vividly depicted world, and well-developed characters, Threads That Bind is a release that should not be missed.

    arc march-23

Izabela Górska

200 reviews1,073 followers

January 23, 2024

bardzo trudno mi będzie ją jednoznacznie ocenić

Z początku miałam wrażenia, że na wielu płaszczyznach znaczna część tej książki jest mocno postrzępiona, podana nam losowo, zbyt szybko i bez szczegółów, które wydawały się potrzebne. W 1/3 sceny akcyjne zaczęły się kleić, a interakcje między bohaterami w końcu miały sens. Zaczęłam dostawać to czego oczekiwałam po dość dziurawym początku. I mimo, że po jakiś 30 stronach zgadłam kto okaże się głównym antagonistą to jego motywacje są dla mnie niezrozumiałe.

Ale z drugiej strony przeczytałam to praktycznie na raz i się zaangażowałam… i don’t know 😫


382 reviews230 followers

December 21, 2023



☀︎El In Oz☀︎

615 reviews349 followers

July 9, 2024


I think I just have grown out of the YA fantasy genre at this point to be honest. The world is really, really interesting and I loved the concept of other born, but the characters were just so annoying. The lack of brain cells was so frustrating to read about. It was so annoying. The romance was really lack lustre (I mean - we’re made to think the guy has a girlfriend for 80% of the book. And you can fall in love with people who are dating other people, of course, but this was just here for unnecessary drama) and had no actual chemistry.
The plot …. Well I could have told you how it’d turn out right away. YA books unfortunately tend to make characters fall into archetypes that make the villains super easy to detect. And I hoped they wouldn’t make my favourite characters the villains, but they did!
All in all, it’s a meh book, but isn’t mind blowing.

    2-star 2023-anticipated-releases annoying-main-characters


171 reviews11 followers

January 22, 2024

to be a YA, baddie, female protagonist is now top of my bucket list because OH MY GOD!!!

threads that bind was everything and MORE. the lore, “magic” system, the plot, the world-building, all of it was perfection. from the beginning i was immersed. i loved that this was a mystery. i never knew what was happening until right at the end. perfect amount of foreshadowing, etc. I COULD LITERALLY TALK ABOUT THIS BOOK FOR DAYS.

the fact it took me this long to read it is a crime. genuinely on the edge of my seat for june when the second book comes out. io is about to “destroy” the world and i cannot wait. shoutout to EDEI too!!!! BEST BOY OF THE YEAR!!! 😋

    2024-reads physical-books


322 reviews233 followers

January 2, 2024

Fantastycznie rozpoczęty rok rereadem patronatu 💓


1,347 reviews1,008 followers

February 24, 2024

3,5 ⭐️
J'ai passé un bon moment de lecture, mais j'ai été un peu freinée par des choses qui sont aussi des aspects positifs de ma lecture. Je sais, dis comme ça, ça n'a aucun sens, mais je m'explique :
- j'ai beaucoup aimé l'univers que j'ai trouvé TRÈS original et assez immersif. Le côté inspiré de la mythologie m'a beaucoup plus, sans grande surprise hehe et je me suis aussi pas mal attachée aux personnages principaux. MAIS c'est aussi un univers dense et si au début j'ai trouvé qu'on nous expliquait tout bien j'ai finalement eu l'impression qu'on avait fini le premier tome et qu'on avait ENCORE des choses à nous expliquer. C'est bien d'avoir un monde construit, évidemment, mais là ça me faisait juste trop et j'avais l'impression de pas tout saisir quand il le fallait, vous voyez ?
- Pareil en ce qui concerne l'intrigue : c'est hyper intelligent et bien menée, avec un côté enquête qui m'a bien happée jusqu'à la fin. MAIS, c'est justement trèèèèès intelligent, avec beaucoup de rebondissem*nts et de révélations et au final, j'étais un peu perdue au milieu de tout ça. Bon je suis clairement pas la truite la plus oxygénée du ruisseau et avec la fatigue, j'ai peut-être juste pas tout saisi hein, je ne sais pas. Mais j'ai trouvé que c'était parfois un peu trop complexe et alambiqué, à force de vouloir brouiller les pistes et surprendre le lecteur.

BREF, une belle découverte et un univers que j'ai adoré malgré tout. Je pense que mon ressenti sur ces quelques aspects qui m'ont freinée sont surtout dû à ma fatigue en ce moment et c'est bien dommage. En tout cas, c'est un roman qui mêle avec brio enquête et fantastique, le tout avec de très belles histoires d'amour et (je l'ai suffisamment répété) un univers de ouf.


347 reviews221 followers

May 13, 2024

Yes, I picked this at random from my maybe list because of the cover. But that 1st chapter? was sooo good - I need to know more.
I'm so conflicted about this one.
I think 3.5?

I was so into the world and the mythology but I feel like I didn't understand like a 1/3 of the stuff.
The mystery aspect was good and even though I guessed the reveal I had fun.
There is infodumping but honestly not sure how else she could have put so much world-building in one book...

There is death, murder, and a lot of manipulation.
I do want to read the 2nd - which is also maybe the last? I think it's a duology.

    2023-publication young-adult


590 reviews396 followers

Shelved as 'dnf'

May 22, 2023

I thought this book was a little too odd in ways I struggle to describe. The plot is perfectly normal and actually quite interesting, but the writing feels extremely distant like you are experiencing the story from a window of an apartment building across the street. I never quite felt like I understood Io or got in her head.

That said, the ideas are cool and the adventure was a fun one. I read this but wish I was more engaged when I did.

Mella aka Maron

763 reviews1 follower

April 27, 2023

I feel lied to.
This is not a stand-alone and I thought it was.
And unfortunately I don’t have enough interest to continue with the series. 🥲

Overall I thought the plot was interesting but it’s very complicated and the immense amount of world-building could probably fill a whole notebook on all the gods and types of people etc. I still don’t have any sort of grasp on any of it.

The romance was kind of meh - and was based around this concept of a fate-thread that kind of gives the impression of insta-love…. Honestly I don’t feel too much for any characters in this book.

There was a lot of talk about violence and kindness and the use of violence to meet goals. It was all very interesting and upper level but also a little tedious at times. Sometimes I couldn’t understand a character’s motivations for their actions and many changed sides a lot?

All in all, I don’t think this book is bad - I also don’t think it is my type of read either. So it could easily appeal to a lot of other readers.


164 reviews46 followers

January 28, 2024

Ένα βιβλίο που καταβρόχθισα μέσα σε μια μέρα βασικά.

Η Χατζοπούλου έχει τρομερή φαντασία και δημιούργησε έναν κόσμο που όμοιο του δεν έχεις συναντήσει. Για να πω την αλήθεια, ο κόσμος της ήταν τόσο μαγικός και συνάμα ρεαλιστικός που στο μυαλό μου φανταζόμουν τον κόσμο στο Howl's Moving Castle έτσι όπως τον εμφάνισε οπτικά ο Miyazaki. Δεν ξέρω γιατί έκανα αυτόν τον συνδυασμό, αλλά θα λάτρευα να έβλεπα ταινία "Νήματα που ενώνουν" σε παραγωγή Studio Ghibli, θεωρώ θα ταίριαζε πάρα πολύ.

Όσον αφορά το βιβλίο.

Η Χατζοπούλου έχει κτίσει έναν φανταστικό κόσμο, ο οποίος διαθέτει κοινά προβλήματα με τον δικό μας κόσμο, και του έχει βάλει την ύπαρξη των αλλογενών, ατόμων που προέρχονται από θεϊκή γραμμή αίματος και διαθέτουν τις δυνάμεις των θεών προγόνων τους. Τέτοια είναι και η Ιώ, η οποία είναι μοιραΐδα δηλαδή προέρχεται από την γραμμή αίματος των Μοιρών, και μαζί με τις αδερφές τις ελέγχουν τις κλωστές της ζωής των ανθρώπων. Η Ιω χρησιμοποιεί το ξεχωριστό της χάρισμα ως ιδιωτική ντετέκτιβ και μπλέκεται σε μια ιστορία που είναι μεγαλύτερη από ότι φανταζόταν. Εκεί γνωρίζει και τον Έντει, τον οποίο αγαπάω και λατρεύω.

Θέλετε να μιλήσουμε για την γραφή; Απλά μαγική! Διάβασα κάποια κεφάλαια στα αγγλικά όπου τα βρήκα λίγο πιο πυκνογραμμένα αλλά εξίσου καλά, όμως η ελληνική μετάφραση ήταν καταπληκτική. Το κείμενο έρεε σαν νεράκι που απλά έπινες για να ξεδιψάσεις. Δημιουργούσε εικόνες που ένιωθες ότι ήσουν μέσα στο βιβλίο. Είχα πραγματικά έντονες εικόνες στο μυαλό μου για το οτιδήποτε γινόταν στο βιβλίο.

Οι χαρακτήρες; Ένας και ένας. Η Χατζοπούλου έχει καταφέρει να κάνει κάθε χαρακτήρα μονάδα, να ξεχωρίζει από τους άλλους ακόμα και εάν δεν έχει πολύ "screen time". Η Ιώ ειδικά ήταν τόσο καλογραμένη και καλοστεκούμενη χαρακτήρας. Δεν ήταν η παντοδύναμη κόπτρια που δεν φοβόταν τίποτα και απλά ήταν καταπληκτική. Όχι, είχε φόβους, ανασφάλειες, είχε στόχους και ελπίδες. Ήταν ένας ρεαλιστικός χαρακτήρας, εάν εξαιρέσεις το γεγονός ότι έκοβε κλωστές που συνέδεαν του ανθρώπους με άτομα ή πράγμα που αγαπούν. Ακόμα και ο Έντει, εμφανίστηκε και απλά σου έκλεψε την καρδιά. Τα μισά χαμόγελα του, το κρύο χιούμορ του, ο κουλ τύπος του, σαν γκάνγκστερ άλλης εποχής με ευαίσθητη καρδιά και, όπως λέει η Ιώ, έντονα ζυγωματικά που μπορούσαν να σου κόψουν την παλάμη στα δύο. Αχ... Έντει....

Γενικά θα μπορούσα να γράφω ώρες για αυτό το βιβλίο. Για την πλοκή που απλά σε κρατούσε σε εγρήγορση. Για το plot twist που φανταζόμουν ότι θα μπορούσε να γίνει αλλά δεν περίμενα όντως να γίνει. Για το τέλος... το καταραμένο τέλος. Θα μπορούσα ακόμα και να αναφερθώ και στην ανυπομονησία μου να πιάσω άμεσα το επόμενο και πόσο χαρούμενη ήμουν στις 5 το πρωί, όπου το τέλειωσα, που είχα ήδη προπαραγγείλει το επόμενο. Ξέρω να μαντεύω ποια βιβλία θα μου αρέσουν.

Αλλά θα πιαστώ από την προηγούμενη πρόταση. Με πώρωσε τόσο πολύ το βιβλίο που για πρώτη φορά μετά από πολύ πολύ πολύ καιρό έκατσα ξύπνια μέχρι τις 5 η ώρα το πρωί και διάβαζα. Δεν ξενύχτησα απλά για να το διαβάσω, γιατί συνήθως όταν κοιμάμαι στις 2 λέω ότι ξενύχτησα, είμαι τόσο γριά, αλλά το κατάπια μονορούφι. Το ξεκίνησα και δεν άλλαξα θέση επί αρκετές ώρες. Σηκωνόμουν μόνο για να πάω τουαλέτα και έπαιρνα μαζί μου το βιβλίο (όποιος πει "ιου" λέει ψέματα ότι δεν το έχει κάνει ή απλά δεν έχει διαβάσει ακόμα καλό βιβλίο). Ήταν φαντασμαγορικό το γεγονός ότι μετά από χρόνια η όρεξη μου για διάβασμα ήταν αχόρταγη. Ξεκίνησε με την Τέταρτη Πτέρυγα, επικό βιβλίο, συνέχισε με το Bride, πολύ καλό βιβλίο, και κατέληξε στο Νήματα που ενώνουν, ότι καλύτερο έχω διαβάσει στο YA fantasy εδώ και πολύ πολύ καιρό.

Απλά περιμένω το επόμενο με ανυπομονησία και θέλω να ευχαριστήσω την Χατζοπούλου που μου έδωσε την ευκαιρία να ξαναγίνω παιδί και να ξενυχτήσω αγκαλιά με ένα βιβλίο. Πραγματικά ευχαριστώ.
Το μόνο κακό είναι ότι τώρα όλα τα άλλα βιβλία είναι πικρά σε σχέση με αυτήν την πανδαισία!

    2024-reading-challenge από-εκδότες-συγγραφείς η-βιβλιοθήκη-μου


88 reviews5 followers

May 21, 2023

i received a free arc from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

the premise of this book sounded really interesting, so i’m sad to say that the execution was a huge letdown.

my first issue is the world building. it seemed intriguing at first but i found myself confused by the notion that any coastal cities or areas would have survived if rising sea levels submerged whole nations, and beyond that i don’t get how climate change created creepy hybrid monster things that crawl out of the sea. these chimerini barely came up in the story, so it just felt like some poor attempt at making the world more fantasy-ish and interesting. the magic system also seemed like it could be cool, but it was impossible to keep track of all the assorted other-born and their powers. i was quickly overwhelmed by the amount of magic system info dumps.

i think Nico was literally the only remotely likable character in the whole thing. everyone else was either dull as the eyes of a person waiting in line at the DMV, or pretty repugnant.

the romance was probably my least favorite part of the book. i am not a fan of the “fated mates” trope, and it comes as no surprise that it paved the way for obnoxious, eye roll-inducing instalove. Io and Edei had zero chemistry, and barely any time to get to know each other. their entire relationship was predicated on the fate-thread and i hated it. their interactions felt clunky and often cringy; especially their attempts at what i guess was supposed to be cute banter. the whole “we’re bad at joking” thing just made me grimace. the extreme repetition of Io always saying “gods, this” and “gods, that” also began to wear on me. i swear half the sentences in the book start with “gods.”

the pacing was completely off. i think the whole thing takes place in about three days, so everything felt incredibly rushed. combined with the regular info dumping and Io either lamenting her guilt or mooning over Edei, i just didn’t feel invested in any part of the story. by the time we got to the end for the Reveal of the Big Bad, i didn’t give a single flying sh*tzu. i just wanted the book to be over. the ending felt anti-climactic and had a whiff of deux ex machina that was just the final nail in the coffin for me.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.